You have to make your move dude!

I have a friend named Greg who we’ve known a long time. He and I have talked openly about the fact that he desperately wants to fuck Lisa, and I’ve told him I don’t mind IF he’s able to seduce her. He’s seen her naked several times, but only once did he work up the nerve to try...she turned him down. Later, she told me he had tried to put the make on her and wondered if that made me mad. I laughed and said no, but she said she just doesn’t find him attractive.

A few weeks ago he called and asked me to go drinking with him on Saturday night. There’s a band he really likes playing at a club downtown. Pretty much ONLY black people go there, but I’ve been with him before and had a great time, so I agreed. I told Lisa what we were doing and asked if she could go out with her sister, she said yes so we were set. Saturday evening we got ready at the same time. I was meeting Greg at 9:30, she was meeting her sister at 10:00. Just as I was ready to leave, her phone rang. She was still getting ready so I picked it up and saw it was her sister. I answered the phone and took it to Lisa who was just finishing up her makeup. As she talked to her, I knew something was wrong. I asked her what was up and she said her sister’s dog had died. She was too upset to go out.

I felt bad because she had gotten all dressed up in a short black dress with thigh high stockings on...she was looking incredible! I told her I’d call Greg and cancel so she and I could go out. She wouldn’t hear of that and insisted she’d be fine. She lit a joint to smoke as we were talking and eventually asked if I cared if she came with us. I told her not at all but told her where we were going. The club isn’t in the best part of town, but it’s a nice place with a large dance floor by a stage where the band plays. It also has a patio with tables outside. It was a warm night despite being December so I figured the patio would be packed since that’s the only place you can smoke. Lisa jokes that if she was going to put up with Greg groping her all night she needed to put on some panties. She laughed as she said it, but I knew she was serious about not having any on. I kept her talking and handed her another joint then lit it for her, then walked her to the door. Once we were a few miles down the road, I acted like I forgot she needed underwear and asked if she wanted me to turn around. She thought about it then said “No, I guess he’ll just get an extra thrill the first time he grabs my ass!” and she laughed. I asked if he’d really been doing that and she said he had started doing it recently. When I told her I’d tell him to stop she said “I can handle Greg. Don’t say anything, it’ll just make everything uncomfortable.”

She finished smoking the joint as I drove. When we got near the club she asked me to stop at a convenience store for some cigarettes. She isn’t a smoker, but occasionally smokes when she’s drinking, or buzzed on weed. I pulled in but before I could park and get out she opened her door and said she’d be right back. I was once again surprised because of the way she was dressed. She was going into a store in a fairly rough area looking like a high class ******! She went straight to the cashier and asked for cigarettes. There were 2 other guys in there staring at her like she was butt naked. She seemed to notice it and said something to them as she paid for her cigarettes. I don’t know what was said, but she appeared to be flirting and the guys were chatting her up. She talked for a few minutes then smiled at them and came out to the truck and got in. I drove us the several blocks to the club and turned in. It was about 9:20 and the parking lot was full so I decided to valet park. There were 4 valets working, all black, and they were all there to help Lisa out of the truck, grinning from ear to ear as they did.

We paid the cover charge but the doorman said ladies were free so only I had to pay. It was dark and crowded inside so it took several minutes to find Greg. As we walked around looking, Lisa was getting catcalled and several guys complimented her on how “fine” she was looking. I finally found Greg sitting at a table with another guy, they were at a high table near a rail. You could see the dance floor easily from there and, if you sat in the right spot, you could see the patio as well. Both were very crowded, especially the dance floor. Greg and his friend stood when we walked up, Greg telling Lisa he didn’t know she was coming but he was glad she did. His friend introduced himself, to her mostly. His name was Rob and he was best friends with the lead singer in the band. He talked for a few minutes then said he had to get back to his table and walked off.

Greg waved the waitress over and we all ordered a *******. After just a couple of minutes, Lisa left to go to the ladies room. Greg asked me how I’d convinced her to come and I told him about her sister. I told him “This could be your lucky night Greg, if you play your cards right. Lisa has smoked at least 2 joints already. They always make her horny and lowers her inhibitions!” He laughed and said “Dude, I done tried! She ain’t interested but we’ll see.” I shook my head and said “Ok, if you’re sure.” I looked around the room and saw Lisa had stopped at a table talking to 3 black dudes, a black lady and a white chick. She and Lisa were the only white chicks in the far as I could see anyway. There were a handful of white guys scattered here and there, but probably not more than 5 or 6. Lisa talked to them for several minutes before coming back to the table. I could tell immediately that she’d smoked some more weed in the bathroom and warned her not to get caught. She laughed at me and said she wouldn’t and that she had shared it with 2 ladies in with her.

I guess it was probably a little after 10:00, maybe 10:30 now. Lisa was sitting between Greg and me, with her back against the rail. She was talking up a storm, pot has that effect on her, but mainly to Greg. She was turned in her chair toward him with her back more or less to me. As they talked, she frequently touched his arm or hand. She was clearly flirting with him and I couldn’t believe he wasn’t dancing with her, he knows she likes to dance. The band was great and when Rob came over and asked her to dance she eagerly accepted. While they were gone I asked Greg “What’s wrong with you?” He asked what I meant and I said “Lisa is flirting her ass off with you and you haven’t asked her to dance! Greg, I’m telling you she’s ready!” He shook his head and said “Come on man, she’s just talking being friendly.” I laughed and shook my head and said “Whatever you say Greg. But did you know she’s not wearing panties?” He smiled and said “Yeah, I know! Her skirt is so short I could see her pussy while we were talking!”

Lisa came back to the table and had another *******. The band started playing a slow song and Greg stood up, grabbed her hand, and said “Let’s dance!” Lisa started to say no, but he pulled her up and out to the floor. The dance floor was so crowded that they had to dance on the carpet beside the dance floor. They had there arms around each other, Greg’s hands resting on her ass. He leaned in and said something to her. She looked surprised and then looked at me with a scowl before smiling back at him and nodding. Greg said something else and Lisa looked at him for a minute and the nodded again. As they danced Greg slid his hands under her dress feeling her ass. The dress is so short it barely covers her ass to begin with, with Greg’s hands underneath her ass was fully exposed. They continued to sway back and forth like that for several seconds before Lisa pulled her dress back down. They danced 2 more slow songs and then came back to the table when they picked up the pace again.

Lisa drank another ******* and went to the ladies room again. The band played a few more songs then announced they were taking a short break and would be back in 20 minutes. Greg and I were talking about their dance now that I could hear better. I asked him what he said to her out there. He said “I just asked her if she was really butt azz naked under that dress. She told me she was, but you shouldn’t have told me. I said you didn’t, I thought I saw her pussy while we were talking. I then asked if I could check for myself. That’s when she laughed and told me she was surprised that I even asked! So I got a good feel of her naked ass and even touched her pussy before she stopped me!” He was smiling as he talked and seemed excited as well. It had been several minutes since Lisa had gone to the restroom. Greg said it was probably crowded but I noticed ladies going in and coming out but no Lisa. I went to the restroom myself before looking for her. While I was at the urinal, a guy asked me “Are you looking for that fine lady in the black dress?” Surprised, I said I was. He then told me “Last time I saw her she was partying on the patio, seemed to be havin a good time too! You might want to get her away from them brothers out there, if you get my meaning.”

I left the men’s room and told Greg I was going to find Lisa. He was talking to our waitress and said he’d order more drinks. I walked toward the patio and looked out the window. Sure enough, Lisa was out there smoking a cigarette standing by the railing that separates the patio from a sidewalk. She had 3 guys talking to her by the railing, and 2 more stopped on the side walk. She was talking nearly nonstop and the men were laughing, one of them with his hand around her waist. I walked out and stood by the wall, close enough to see and hear but standing where Lisa’s back was to me. I noticed her ass cheeks were peeking out the bottom of her dress, something that hadn’t escaped the guys either. Lisa was leaning forward talking to the guys on the sidewalk when the one with his hand on her back leaned back to check her ass. She continued to talk to the 2 on the sidewalk, one of the guys beside her grabbed a chair and sat down right behind her looking up her dress.

I was debating whether or not to say something when the band started playing again. Lisa told the guys on the side walk “Oops...I better get back inside!” They tried to talk her out of it, then she leaned over and hugged them saying goodbye. When she did, a guy sitting behind her told his buddy “ I just got a peek at ol girls shaved pussy!” They both laughed as Lisa turned to the door and went inside, walking away from me as she did so she didn’t see me. I waited there for a few minutes listening to the guys talk about her. One of them said she must be a “Queen of Spades” and wondered if she was strictly in to black men. I decided to go back inside and when I got to the table I saw her sitting beside Greg, but both their chairs were now behind the table and they were sitting close together. Across from her was Rob and beside her on the other side was another guy, i later found out his name is Jerome, but not sitting close to her. There were only 4 chairs at the table so I stood by the rail behind them. Greg looked at me and smiled, then told Jerome to get out of her husband’s seat. Jerome said “She married? I thought she belonged to you!” Lisa looked at him funny and he said “Sorry, didn’t mean that in a bad way.” Lisa then laughed and said “That’s Ok, I know what you meant. No, I don’t belong to Greg, although he does look good tonight!” I walked over and Jerome got up so I could sit. Rob also stood up and said he’d be back at the next break. I didn’t think anything of that but Lisa volunteered that he had promised to introduce her to the band. Lisa loves guitar players and this band has a good one! It was around 12:30 when they took their next break. Rob came over and told Lisa to follow him. She got up and he took her hand leading her through the crowd. Lots of guys eyeballing her as they went.

Greg told me “I never saw Liz so flirty before. She practically sitting in my lap, and let me put my hand on her thigh. I was rubbing her leg near her pussy and I could swear she slid closer, pushing her pussy against my hand!” I told him that I felt she was finally ready for him to make a move, a SERIOUS move to fuck her. He said “I don’t know dude. She may be, but she’s my only female friend and I don’t want to ruin it by making her feel awkward around me.” I was surprised by this because Lisa never really cared that much for Greg. She likes him ok, but they weren’t buddies or anything. I just shrugged and said ok. We talked for a few minutes and then decided to go find her again. The guitarist was sitting at a table by the stage along with the lead singer. Rob had left and Lisa was standing there talking to the guitarist. I didn’t want to intrude so I told greg I needed a *******. He hit the men’s room while I ordered each of us a *******. Several people had left by then and there was a table open near the dance floor. It had 2 chairs on one side. The other side was a long bench, like a booth in a restaurant. There were several other tables spaced down the bench. I sat our drinks down on the table and told our waitress we were moving. Greg walked over about that time and sat down on the bench. I sat in a chair across from him but turned the chair sideways. From where we were, you could see Lisa still talking to the guitarist. About that time the lead singer announced they would play a final set and asked for requests. Lisa came over and said “Oh good, you got us better seats.” Then, she walked past me and sqeezed between the tables and sat down on the bench by Greg. There was more light here because of the stage and a string of LEDs over our head. I was still sitting sideways so I could see the band or Lisa and Greg.

We talked as they played, Lisa swaying in her seat. I saw Greg’s hand on Lisa’s thigh. It wasn’t high up, but he was gently rubbing her and she clearly didn’t mind. A black lady came over to our table and asked Greg “You mind if I talk to your lady?” Greg said he didn’t mind, but she should probably ask me. Lisa said “you don’t have to ask anyone, sit down and talk to me!” She looked at all of us for a second then smiled and moved the table out of the way and sat down on the bench, but a couple of feet away from Lisa. Lisa leaned over to talk to her so Greg lifted her dress up. She turned and gave him a dirty look, then scooted over near the lady and started talking. I heard her tell Lisa she was looking good, Lisa said that she was too. The lady then said “My man wants to meet you, will you come to our table for a bit?” Lisa asked where he was and she pointed to a table just beside the stage where a huge black man was sitting. Lisa said ok and told us she’d be right back.

They got up and walked over, the black lady sat down by her man while Lisa stood up talking. The black lady was facing us, he was facing the stage so he was sideways to us. We could see them clearly but they were too far away to hear what was being said. They talked for a minute when he scooted his chair back and stood. He said something to her, then took her hand while she slowly turned around in front of him. When he sat back down, he pulled her into his lap. She was facing us and, though we were too far away to see, I’m sure anyone near had a perfect view of her pussy! His wife watched them smiling. When someone asked her to dance she accepted. Lisa was still sitting on his lap, an arm around his neck and a hand on his chest. Her legs were spread apart several inches. He had a hand on her hip and one on her thigh as they talked. They must have enjoyed each other’s company because they talked and laughed for several minutes. He must have asked her something because she shook her head and pointed to us and smiled. They talked a bit more, she shook her head again before nodding. He then pulled her head down and she kissed him. Not a long kiss, but definitely more than a quick peck on the lips. She then stood up, said goodbye, and came back to the table. She sat back down by Greg and told us they invited her back to their place to party. She said they were both into women but didn’t want other men. Of course she refused and said goodbye.

It’s late, and this is too long. I’ll finish it tomorrow.
It was starting to get late, the band finished their final set and people were starting to leave, though it wasn’t quite closing time yet. Lisa saw the guitar player sitting at their table and said she’d be right back, then walked over there. She sat down by him so I told Greg he’d better make his move soon. He was still not sure and told me he was hoping she would make a move on him. I knew that wouldn’t happen but decided to let it go. The guitar player, found out his name is Jackson but they call him Jax, stopped the waitress and got a pen from her. He wrote something down and then stuffed it in Lisa’s top. They talked a few more minutes then both got up. Lisa came back to the table and he walked outside. Lisa sat down by Greg once again and asked for another *******. The waitress brought it over and asked if we were ready to close out. Greg closed his tab, I was paying cash, and we sat there talking for a while longer. Lisa was a bit hyper, still talking and flirting heavily with both of us. She wanted some air so we went outside to the patio and sat down by the rail.

Even as late as it was, people were still walking by. Lisa stood up and leaned or almost sat on the railing. She seemed unable to sit still, and started talking to another couple standing nearby. Three guys walking by stopped to check her out but didn’t speak. I looked at Greg and just shook my head. She still looked perfect, hair was neat, makeup perfect. She must have been touching it up in the ladies room. Greg finally stood up and moved over beside her. He put his hands on her hips and stood her up then put both hands on her ass. She was still talking to the other couple and looked at him, then back at them, and said “Excuse me, I guess he wants to get my attention.” and they all laughed. She had both hands on his chest and Greg said “It’s time to go. I don’t think Mike should be driving all the way across town, so y’all are coming to stay with me. Do you want to ride with me or Mike?” Lisa looked at him and said “ I don’t know, I guess I’ll decide on our way out.

I stood up and she said goodbye to the other couple. Greg said he needed to hit the men’s room before leaving and walked away. When we were back inside the lights came on. I looked at Lisa, her eyes were wide. She didn’t seem ******* at all but she was more than stoned. I asked her “What did you take?” She smiled and said “Nothing...I’m feeling great!” I knew that was a lie, but I let it go. I later found out Rob had given her some MDMA, she’d never tried it before but seemed to really like it! I told her she should probably ride with me considering how “buzzed” she was but she said “No, I’m fine. I can ride with Greg. He’s letting us stay with him so I can at least keep him company.”

He came out a minute later and we left. I had valet parked so while I waited for my truck, Lisa and Greg left. She said she’d see me in a few minutes and they walked away. It took about 10 minutes to get my truck but finally I was on my way. Greg lived about 3 miles away in a 2 bedroom apartment, I’d been there before but it had been a while so it took me longer than it should have to find it. I finally got there and knocked on his door. A young guy opened the door and let me in. Greg was sitting on a love seat, he didn’t have a sofa, Lisa was sitting beside him and Greg’s nephew, Shawn, sat back down in the chair beside them. I walked over to the dinette and grabbed a chair and set it by the coffee table. There was music playing but not loud. Greg introduced me to Shawn, he was staying with him while he attended the nearby community college. We all talked a bit, Lisa still hyper and animated and talked a lot.

As it usually does, conversation turned to sex. Shawn told Greg to put in one of his movies, and explained that he had an extensive collection of adult videos. He asked Lisa if she was ok with that, she said she didn’t care so he put in a dvd and turned it on. Greg selected a movie that had white wives on vacation getting fucked by black men while their husbands played golf. Lisa watched the action, commenting on the size of their cocks. Shawn asked if she could handle one that big and she said “I don’t know, I’ve never seen one that big! I’m sure of one thing, there’s no way I could take it up the ass like that woman!” and she laughed. Greg and Shawn both began trying to convince Lisa that all black men had huge dicks. Lisa said she didn’t believe that and told them to prove it! They looked at each other then Shawn said “ You have to show us something first!” Smiling, Lisa stood up and turned around lifting her dress and showed her ass, but Shawn said that wasn’t good enough so she turned to face them showing her pussy!

She had it waxed earlier in the week and it was still smooth as can be. She then lowered it down and then untied the dress from around her neck and showed them her tits! She then told them it was their turn and grabbed them both by the hand pulling them to their feet. They both unbuckled their pants, but Greg said he couldn’t get naked in front of his nephew. Lisa said “Ok, no problem. Let’s do it this way.” she stuck a hand down in Shawn’s pants giving it a nice long feel. She told him “I need to get it hard. Greg, turn around.” Greg turned around and she slid his pants down, as she played with his cock she put his hands on her tits. After about a minute, his cock got hard. Lisa said “Here we go!” She stepped back and looked at it, still stroking as she did and said “Not bad! I’m sure you don’t get any complaints.” His dick was fairly big, but not huge, about the size of mine.

He zipped up and she told Greg it was his turn. Shawn walked into the kitchen and Greg turned to Lisa. She smiled and said “Come over here sexy!” She slid his jeans down, then dropped to her knees. She grabbed the sides of his underwear and slowly slid them down. His cock popped out right in her face and she said “Oh my goodness, it’s not even hard yet! I’ll have to fix that!” She took it in her hands looking up at him and said “I know you’ve been hoping to fuck me Greg. No doubt Steve has been encouraging you to try, but this is as far as I can go.” She was still looking up at him smiling. She licked the tip of his cock, then took it in her mouth and began giving him head! It didn’t take long for him to be fully erect and, once he was, she stopped and said “Now we’re talking! Shawn, you have a nice dick but it appears you still have some growing to do! Greg, this is impressive!” Greg’s dick was a good deal larger than Shawn’s, or mine for that matter. It was fairly long but probably 50% thicker than mine or Shawn’s. Lisa went back to giving him head, Shawn walked around so he could watch. After a few minutes, she stood up and said, “You better buckle up before I go too far!” She then asked if she could take a shower. Greg took her to the master bathroom and showed her where the towels were. I heard the shower running and Greg returned.

I told them “I guess it’s bedtime, where are we sleeping?” Greg said we could sleep in his bed and he’d sleep on the love seat. Lisa came out a few minutes later in a tank top of Greg’s. It mostly covered her pussy, but didn’t quite cover her ass. Shawn said goodnight saying “I can’t take anymore or I’ll get in trouble!” He hugged Lisa goodnight and went to bed. I asked if I could shower and then went into the bathroom and got in. After showering, I found a pair of Greg’s sweatpants and put them on. I was tired and ready for sleep so I walked into the living room to let them know I was going to bed. They were standing on the balcony talking, Lisa’s ass peeking out from under the tank top she was wearing. I walked outside and told them I was going to bed. I asked Greg if he was sure he wanted us to have his bedroom, he assured me he did. His bed is a king size, there were 4 pillows on it along with the top sheet but no blanket or bed spread. I got in bed and crawled under the sheet. Lisa joined me a few minutes later, slipping her shirt off as she did so that she was now naked. I turned toward her and kissed her and reached between her legs. She was soaking wet and jumped as I touched her pussy. I kissed my way down her neck and chest, down her stomach and began to go down on her. She very quickly grabbed my head and began moaning quietly. I would bring her close to orgasm, then stop and listen to her whine. After a few times of that, I kept going until she finally came, arching her back and pressing my face into her crotch.

We lay there for a minute, then I rolled onto my back and slid my clothes off and I slid down to the edge of the bed, bringing a pillow for my head as I did. Lisa was kneeling on a padded bench at the foot of the bed and began to give me head. After a few minutes, I pulled her up and she lowered herself onto my cock. We fucked until we both came, then rolled over and were asleep within minutes. We woke up around 8:00 and got dressed. Greg was asleep on the love seat, legs hanging off the end. Lisa went down to the truck and I woke Greg and told him we were leaving. As we drove home I asked Lisa what she thought of the band and if she had a good time. She said she did and then said the guitarist invited her to his hotel room, that’s what he wrote on a napkin and stuck down her top. She also admitted that she took some MDMA and said she never really felt so horny before. I asked her about Greg and she said “The one time I was willing to fuck him he never tried! It’s a shame too, because I was definitely willing to fuck him or even Shawn...guess it’s for the best and I doubt I’d consider it again.” I laughed thinking how much fun it would be to tell Greg how he fucked up. It was that afternoon when I called and told him. He wanted to come over right then but the chance had past. Who knows, maybe she’ll change her mind and give him another shot.