Would you rather?

I agree 100% , that poverty would be a b+Γ—/^ though... it would DEFINITELY be alot harder if the Billy was right in front of you!
Thanks for your responce πŸ‘πŸΎ
Glad To Participate Bro... I Couldn't Imagine Losing Contact With Those Closest To Me... I Believe Excessive Wealth Can Corrupt One's Being. The Universe Is Clever... Maybe Picking The Non Materialistic Option And Making Your Family And Friends The Priority Will Enrich Your " Soul" Which Is Eternal. And Hey Maybe Those Friends And Family Might Be Loaded And Share Their Non Impoverished Life With You πŸ˜….

Glad To Participate Bro... I Couldn't Imagine Losing Contact With Those Closest To Me... I Believe Excessive Wealth Can Corrupt One's Being. The Universe Is Clever... Maybe Picking The Non Materialistic Option And Making Your Family And Friends The Priority Will Enrich Your " Soul" Which Is Eternal. And Hey Maybe Those Friends And Family Might Be Loaded And Share Their Non Impoverished Life With You πŸ˜….

With 10B I could make new relationships- right?
Of course you could Triple S. However no contact with those who are most important to you? The first thing that came to my mind was my wonderful c.hildren and my life partner... For me they are irreplaceable. So there's thatπŸ˜‰.
Other than my immediate family, I could take the $10 billlion and walk knowing I could walk from my job as well and help a lot more people in need as a new philanthropist.
Absolutely - except I dn’ t think keeping immediate family is an option if this scenario.
Yeah I figured that which means "no" UNLESS I discussed it with my wife and we set up a plan to allow her to retire and concentrate on our teens.
I'm not into extreme personal wealth ... so the desire of having an unlimited income to spend on ME doesn't do anything for me.
Yeah I figured that which means "no" UNLESS I discussed it with my wife and we set up a plan to allow her to retire and concentrate on our teens.
I'm not into extreme personal wealth ... so the desire of having an unlimited income to spend on ME doesn't do anything for me.
If you take the 10, your wife will be gone from your life that's the catch
If you take the 10, your wife will be gone from your life that's the catch
Something tells me, Silver, that you've never experienced "true love" before, just shallow relationships. And that's sad, as having a soul mate is probably the most important & wonderful experience in one's life. We were lucky to have experienced the temptations while very young, then form a partnership which slowly molded into our becoming soul mates. Both my wife & I are lucky in the sense that both of our parents have been married well over 50+ years and we suspect when one dies sometime in the future, the other will be fairly close behind. Turtle doves, whooping cranes, wolves, swans are examples of "mates for life". Often when one use to hear that unique sound of a loon on a lake, it was said the loon was calling for its mate. Such a beautiful but sad sound when you're on a lake at night, fishing. By the way, its a lot more than just "sex" and romance.

Think of a football or basketball team that becomes so familiar with each of their teammates that each knows what the other is doing and can trust them to fully do their jobs. So much so they often never lose games, they praise each other, and never fight amongst themselves. These teams didn't have the " best, talented players", just players who knew each other well and played together as a coordinated team.

Ask any billionaire and I'm sure they'd say they would prefer love & true friendships over most the money they have.

My wife & I have been together over 24 years now, 2 beautiful yung'ns, and all of us work together as a "team". I'll take that over money & material wealth any day, and I'm sure she would as well.

Web capture_11-2-2023_02552_www.bing.com.jpeg Soul mates "instantly" find each other when they first meet and then, never part.
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