Why do I respect interracial couples so much?


I'm new here, and this is actually my first post. Have read through the forum a little and am blown away by how active this place is, and how many people are here.

Anyway, on with my post -

For years now every time I see any interracial couple, I cannot help but to respect them. Of course I give all people I meet a certain amount of respect, naturally. But with interracial couples, it's like I go out of my way to be extra respectful/accommodating/courteous to them.

I work behind a bar at a very popular place in a large city, I didn't always live in a large city, I'm actually from a place which was/is almost entirely white.

I'm mentioning that I work at a bar because it adds another layer to this for me. Whenever an interracial couple (Black Man, White Woman) approaches the bar to order drinks, or to hang out at the bar, I get extremely nervous. I used to have major social anxiety when I was younger, though working at a bar has eased this for me to the point where it's non existent. Non existent that is until I'm in the presence of an interracial couple. If anyone here is familiar with social anxiety here, they may know about symptom of social anxiety that happens, I literally start shaking, my hands start shaking, etc. Obviously working at a bar, and having shaking hands is noticeable, I try my best to control it, but I literally cannot. Another symptom of this social anxiety I get is that I stutter on some of my words, and I'm not even a person that stutters, only in these situations. Some people have suggested something called "beta blockers", apparently they calm the nerves, I have not tried them, and I don't know if I want to because of potential side effects.

While I'm serving the interracial couple drinks, and just generally trying to be a good bar tender/trying to be social with them (it's a requirement of my job), I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, I have trouble maintaining eye contact with the black man or the white woman, and I'm just a total mess in their presence.

As people on this forum are very open in regards to this topic, I will be too. If I serve an interracial couple drinks during my shift, after my shift is over, there has been many times we're I've got home, and just NEEDED to masturbate. I'm not exaggerating when I say that after serving an interracial couple drinks it's the only thing I can think about until I masturbate and get it out of my system, and I always cum way more plentiful than I typically would during these times.

I've noticed that ladies that date black men tend to be more confident on average by quite a degree, and that makes sense right? Interracial couples are still not exactly common, and there's still stigma there, so a white lady who enters into a relationship with a black man is likely to be a confident lady and sure of herself. It so happens that I'm attracted to confident women, and there have been occasions while serving that the white woman in the interracial relationship has more or less spoken down to me, and for some reason I find that incredibly arousing. It's not that women in white/white couples have never spoken down to me (which I also find arousing), but when a woman in an interracial relationship speaks down to me, it's multiplied by a factor of like ten, seriously. Which only makes me cum harder and faster when I recall the events when I get home after my shift and masturbate.

Some of this might sound like I'm exaggerating, but I am not. Even these every day type interactions with interracial couples is incredibly erotic for me, I'm sure some people on this site can relate.

I know some may say that I'm objectifying the interracial couple, but I'm simply just being entirely honest about how I feel. I mean if a guy see's his lifelong crush, and he gets overwhelmed, and masturbates to the thought of her, is he objectifying her? Or if a man see's a woman he's attracted to, and masturbates thinking about her, is he objectifying her? You can replace the crush, or attractive women in these scenario's for "interracial couples".

I can't help how I feel, even if I wanted to feel otherwise, I couldn't, I feel like I'm stuck feeling entranced by interracial couples (Black Male, White woman). I don't do any ******* (besides coffee, and alcohol sometimes), but I would imagine it's how people feel when they're addicted to a ******* or something.

And it's not fake respect either, I'm not faking my respect, I have an immense amount of respect for such couples. But why? I don't know for sure, I have some theories, but maybe posters here can comment on why they think I feel this way?

Just to add, it's more than just interracial couples, it's also women that I know date, or have dated a black man in the past. Just knowing that information makes me treat that woman with more respect than I'd treat any over woman. Again, I'd get nervous, and the whole social anxiety thing happens when I'm in such a woman's presence. And of course I treat all women with respect, but I go out of my way to be extra respectful to the specified woman.

Thanks for reading, and if anyone wants to hear in more detail about my interactions with interracial couples, I'd talk about them, as even just talking about this stuff has got my heart beating like crazy, and it's incredibly arousing to me.
We can't be open around here but when we were meeting a black guy in another state, when we went out for drinks he liked putting his hand in my blouse and play with my nipple, or up my skirt and touch my pussy, The release of inhibitions (aka alcohol), feeling slutty (aka sexy black man), plus knowing some guys are watching and loving it, really excited me.
We can't be open around here but when we were meeting a black guy in another state, when we went out for drinks he liked putting his hand in my blouse and play with my nipple, or up my skirt and touch my pussy, The release of inhibitions (aka alcohol), feeling slutty (aka sexy black man), plus knowing some guys are watching and loving it, really excited me.

That's incredible, Beth.

You have no idea how much I'd have loved to been a bartender serving you all drinks in that situation, would have been an honor. It made my heart beat really fast hearing about how you like knowing some guys are watching, and that you get excited by it. I've seen first hand White Women and Black Men fooling around a little in public, and it's just intoxicating for a guy like me.

Thank you for sharing that, Beth, I appreciate that so much. Ladies like you command respect from guys like me, just for being you, and doing what you do. I'm sure you've spoken with guys like me in the past, and know the effect you have on guys like me.
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