White women and girls preferring black men.

"Could you imagine if these sort of absolutely wicked atrocoties had been committed by blacks against another race."
You talk like it hasn't actually happened. It has not only happened in the past, but it is happening right now today in post-apartied South Africa. This one place of which I'm aware. For all I know there may be others.
White women have been having sex with black men from antiquity. King Solomon of ancient Israel had a long term affair with the queen of Sheba, an ancient no longer extant country in the northeast of Africa. There is good evidence that the queen was black, and that she bore one or more offspring by him. The Ethiopians have claimed ancestry from King Solomon for many centuries. It is also pretty well known that the Caucasian wives (and daughters?) of black slave owners world wide had sex with their black slaves.
When I was a kid back in the forties there was a divorced white neighbor woman who apparently had regular sex with her black handyman, and had a baby by him. And I read and heard about white woman married to black men in years earlier, passing themselves off as white couples.
The thing is that, until modern day, miscegenation had been condemned by the majority of both white and black society, but it has become more and more acceptable as the old stigmas wane.
In Ancient times, marriage between races was common. In the Bible, Moses, a Jew, married a black African woman, Zipporah (Exodus 2:21) she was from the land of Cush, present day South Sudan or Ethiopia. So, what we love today is as old as the human race.
I'm sure it happens more than it did 40 years ago but if I go to a mall, concert,game it seems like couples are still sticking to the same race.
Anecdotally, I'd echo this as far as quantity goes. What I've noticed change in the last ~20 years is, if I saw BM/WF couples then, on average she would probably best be described as dumpy. Day to day now, most couples I'll see at a grocery store/Target/walking in the city will be intraracial, but the hottest white woman I see will be with a black guy
Could you imagine if these sort of absolutely wicked atrocoties had been committed by blacks against another race. Their current descedendants would be full of hate and rage towards blacks, and no one would tell them the past is the past. Quite to the contrary, they would be encouraged to harbor these deep-seated resentments.
If you actually read and understood the history, you would know that blacks did commit the same atrocities against other from tribe to tribe. No one race has exclusivity of being worst than any other. Blacks, middle eastern, western... they all enslaved people depending on the century. Our family is of Polish decent.. much of my family that could not get out of Poland were enslaved by the Nazis ... most were worked to death in concentration camps then discarded. Always be careful when comparing history and throwing rocks in your glass house.