White ladies: Two black cocks at the same time ?

After the Championship game was over last night this is what our friends did to my little blonde wife. I even stuck my cock in her mouth so she would be air tight and the three of us fucked her till daylight this morning. We have just got up and our black friends went on their way to work. I carried the wife a ******* of water and she is back asleep for now with a sore pussy and a sticky body where cum was shot on her body last night. Just had to share our night with all of you guys.
Yummy! I got trained and split roasted in a sex club by 3 BBCs once. Hubby got to go last!!! #needmoreblackdick
Yummy! I got trained and split roasted in a sex club by 3 BBCs once. Hubby got to go last!!! #needmoreblackdick
good for you , my hubby loves to add his cum to the mix of black cock cum when they are done with me, makes a milkshake out of it cums goes everywhere.