White couples getting together to raise black babies

We get negative comments
Wish we had got that adopted assumption
Everyone knows that she pregnant with
Yea, I mean, had I known she'd get pregnant, and had we known for sure that it was his baby and not mine then we, or I would've laid the groundwork for the sperm bank fuck up, but because we weren't sure we had to keep to the script that she was pregnant with my baby until, well, she gave birth then the cover was crushed like that Titan submersible. Then I/we were scrambling to come up with a different cover.
Yea, I mean, had I known she'd get pregnant, and had we known for sure that it was his baby and not mine then we, or I would've laid the groundwork for the sperm bank fuck up, but because we weren't sure we had to keep to the script that she was pregnant with my baby until, well, she gave birth then the cover was crushed like that Titan submersible. Then I/we were scrambling to come up with a different cover.