White boys doing the impossible...

Bruce, I know we’ve talked about this before. I’m not willing to say white men can’t please women sexually like black men. At least not yet. I know you have said that black men just attract white women more and they got their shovels but I do still think white men can sexually please.

White men, if you are laying it down let us know.

I know there isn’t a lot of you because a big reason you are on this website was because you don’t think you can lay that wood.
Bruce, I know we’ve talked about this before. I’m not willing to say white men can’t please women sexually like black men. At least not yet. I know you have said that black men just attract white women more and they got their shovels but I do still think white men can sexually please.

White men, if you are laying it down let us know.

I know there isn’t a lot of you because a big reason you are on this website was because you don’t think you can lay that wood.
You cannot delineate something so easily. Yes there are white men out their that could fuck black women and make their heads spin more than any black man ever has. But there are also people who ride unicycles on a tightrope while juggling flaming chainsaws, they are in the circus. You can try to find such a juggler... and try... and try...
another absolute asinine post. some of us who love IR aren't complete losers & incompetent lovers. if you are, great. but to title a thread "white boys doing the impossible" & it's about white guys being incapable of making women cum with our dick?

the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

Insatiable, that’s why I post this. I want white men to stand up and say....”Yo, I please my wife, I just get into a BBC fucking my wife”

Because if you look at this site, you would think white man can’t fuck and black man can.

That’s why I’m wondering is it because black men can make women cum vaginally and It is harder for white men

Only one way to figure it out....white men speak up

This addiction to black men is not because of the skin contrast or the masculinity or the muscles - all that stuff would wear off after a while; it’s the mind blowing multiple orgasms that are creating the addiction.
Don’t y’all think a lot of people get mad turned on to this lifestyle by how women react to the sex BBC provide. You see IR porn and what is it that gets you hot. Many say it’s how these women react to
BBC sex...and they want their wives to experience it.

So if white men and white women are so fucking hot over the sex BBC can provide - what are they doing they white guys aren’t providing....
I think it’s a fair thread. I’m just repeating what I read in these threads. I’ve heard women say it and men say it. Only people not saying it are the bulls. They don’t give an eff....they just want to fuck.
Women on this website say all the time, “my man can’t satisfy me like a black man can”. That’s why many have gone black only. So there are 600 posts on why white women go “black only” and then I go what is it that is causing that and I get that’s an asinine thread.
I make my girl cum every time we are not a cuck couple we just enjoy playing with BBC actually the last BBC we played with I was bigger than him
I make my girl cum every time we are not a cuck couple we just enjoy playing with BBC actually the last BBC we played with I was bigger than him

Thanks.....maybe I shouldn’t get caught up in the BBC is superior verbiage but mad dudes on here think they can’t make their girl cum.....you can. You want different, that’s cool - you want taboo, that’s cool but all this talk about my wife gets the BBC and now our sex life isn’t as good. Cmon man. You can still satisfy your wife. This should be adding to your sex life, not taking away.
It’s all in the stroke! ;) We have sex quite often! We’re devoted to each other and our love will always come before anybody else. We just happen to have a sexy interracial cuckolding kink! ;)

Good *******, don’t ever let your fantasies take away from your relationship or your sex life. That’s all I’m saying. Your woman should still love you, respect you, and look forward to your stroke and the way you handle her body and make her feel.

This might be the most, “I’m pleasing my wife fully but we just love the fantasy”, I’ve seen on this whole website.

I’m black, but I’m a man also. I want to believe that all men can please their woman and gain their respect, love, and admiration in the bedroom.
Look I feel you, some cats are small and you might need some dudes to come in and give you some help but your other skills should be applauded and appreciated - including all the other ******* you do for your wife.

I’m a man, I teach and coach my ******* and players to be men and I will always believe that you can please your wife and I believe every wife wants their husband to please them too. Some of us gotta be creative but to let someone do the job and take that ******* away from - just sucks.

I’m not badmouthing the lifestyle- different strokes, right but let the lifestyle enhance not take away her desire for you.
Nelson, I feel you. As long as that’s a fantasy and it’s enhancing your relationship. As soon as women start wanting the fantasy over their spouse’s sex, I got a problem. Then it’s not a fantasy, it’s your reality - playing second class citizen in your own home to another dude.

I know me having a problem doesn’t matter to anyone but Damn, that’s tough.