White bitches time to pay up reparations to the black man wives daughters sisters and mothers

I totally agree with Repararations. I agree that my genetic line should be taken from me to redress harm done to the Superior Race. I agree with financial penalties for whites, *********** for white males, or whatever else. No penalty is too harsh for the white race. We are evil and we should pay a heavy price for what we have done
Lol lol lol you guys make me giggle sometimes....I live alone with 3 bi racial babys..at nearly 7 months with my 4th...my mans mom baby sits while we have a day of fun....I gave up my ******* line...nearly 6 years ago...I know my place...and loving where I am...

It's nice to see another mom with 3 too... although I'm not ready for my next. Wish I had better sitting-arrangements, tho' :confused: xoxx, Dana :lips:
You don't NEVER know the TRUE feelings on how folks feel about you UNTIL they open their mouth! This person who says, "Reparations? WTF. Gtfo," is uninformed! Ignorance is bliss!
Reparations? for something that happened a long time ago?
You don't NEVER know the TRUE feelings on how folks feel about you UNTIL they open their mouth! This person who says, "Reparations? WTF. Gtfo," is uninformed! Ignorance is bliss!
Slavery was/is a bad thing, I think all can agree on this. But please, in history were white, arab and black slaves. Slaves were not choosen by color, but by availability. Todays people should not claim "their" slave history.......they were not even born when slavery (in the US) ended. Fun fact: more white men died in the war to end slavery then there were slaves, so reparations paid. I know it's probably not populare here, but.....we should stop looking at eachother in color. And yes...I know i am a hypocrite......I love BLACK men fucking WHITE women......and yes, I find BLACK men very attractive.
I am in favour of interracial sex and relations......but please guys, claim your white women based on what you are today (dominant/masculine, you name it) and not based on a past you did not life.
I totally agree with Repararations. I agree that my genetic line should be taken from me to redress harm done to the Superior Race. I agree with financial penalties for whites, *********** for white males, or whatever else. No penalty is too harsh for the white race. We are evil and we should pay a heavy price for what we have done
Maybe you should try to seperate your sexual fantasy from the reality.......I think you mean no harm, but I think this like this only keep racism alive.
Reparations? for something that happened a long time ago?

Slavery was/is a bad thing, I think all can agree on this. But please, in history were white, arab and black slaves. Slaves were not choosen by color, but by availability. Todays people should not claim "their" slave history.......they were not even born when slavery (in the US) ended. Fun fact: more white men died in the war to end slavery then there were slaves, so reparations paid. I know it's probably not populare here, but.....we should stop looking at eachother in color. And yes...I know i am a hypocrite......I love BLACK men fucking WHITE women......and yes, I find BLACK men very attractive.
I am in favour of interracial sex and relations......but please guys, claim your white women based on what you are today (dominant/masculine, you name it) and not based on a past you did not life.
I have sent you a message though! Some information that I think you may find interesting!