Where to start with my wife?

Y'all still responding to these unverified, no pic having people
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I'm 33 years old. My wife slightly older at 38. We're together now for 8 years and we have a ******* (6).
I've been fantasizing about hotwifing/cuckolding for a long time now, but nobody knows this. And I'm struggling to find a way to take the first step; I'm in need of help, suggestions and advise.

Basically my wife, 5"4 tall, slim (size 4), blonde, C-cup, and very hot (although I'm biased), before we got a relationship was not shy of being a single woman with (several) FWB situations going on. She's into the bad-boy kind of thing and has shared that in the past with a boyfriend she has done a MFM threesome.

I'm not of the bad-boy breed. A regular guy, well educated, entrepreneur, good job, very good income and in all aspects of what I do not considered "sub" or anything of the sort, but in general by all as very "reliable, trustworthy, etc.". Now after years of fooling around with not-marriage-material-guys, she settled down with me. Our relationship is generally good and strong.

Now, over the years her sex drive has gone down. Whereas at the beginning of our relationship we knew our way around the bedroom, we now have sex on average every other week or so. Not that often. The sex is good though, but more in the "making love" category, than "pounding, hardcore porno sex"... let's say the kind of sex she used to have with all her past FWB-types.

To cut to the chase, I'm a safe haven for her. We have a ******* and a family and she will not want to jeopardise that. When referring to her past threesome, she claims not really to be into that, because "it's a lot of work" for her. ;)

Now, I know I'm a very decent lover, but I'm not champions league. I think that for her that is absolutely fine and we have a good thing going, but given her past I think there is more beneath the surface that can come out if given the chance.

But, after the pregnancy of our ******* she gained weight and stopped finding herself attractive. Now, she's lost the extra weight (she's a size 4), but her stomach/belly is not as tight as it used to be and she's (unnecessarily) insecure about her body and still thinks she's not that good-looking when in reality she really is.
That is a blocking factor too... she will need to overcome showing her body to somebody else too.

So I see a route to market here... but have absolutely no idea how to initiate this.
How do I tell her about this?
What is a good context?
What is a good approach? For example, before taking steps to hotwifing/cuckolding, is a MFM threesome a lower threshold?

BTW: what I don't think will work, is stuff like a role-play. That's not our thing and I think it would be weirder to bring up that than the actual threesome :ROFLMAO:
And going out (bar's, cafe's) is difficult with our family situation and not generally part of our lifestyle.

So, I need help, suggestions and advise on how to iniate this. Are there any guys out there that have a similar experience? How did you do that? What was the response? etc.

All your stories and help is very much welcome.
I hear you
@mywayintermsofsex Thanks for asking. No real update yet, but it's been quite the year. My last update was after the Christmas update, but early this year I've gotten really ill and was diagnosed with cancer, which shook our lives up quite a bit. Luckily I'm doing all right now and the treatments have worked so far, but I took a big hit from it physically as well and am still somewhat recovering from it.

For my wife it's been a real intense period too. So she's been pretty exhausted by all the extra stress and emotions and is just on her track back to normalcy again, although still not there.

So, I'm sure it'll come up sometime in the future again, but for the last couple of months it really has not been something that's been a topic.
I hope it will be though... I still very much want to see her get fucked by a good and large cock.
@anthonytimmerm: Thank you for your reply. I feel sorry for all that you have been going through this past year. I wish you all the strength needed to successfully fight cancer completely and for you and your wife to find back to less stressing life routines.
Your wish to see your wife get fucked by a "good and large cock" is a good sign of your recovery, actually. All the best!