Where’s my wife’s at?! I have a serious Q

Hi all!
So I am fairly new to the site.
I got into this lifestyle per my husband. It’s one of his biggest fantasies to watch me get railed by a BBC. I am a bbc virgin. We’ve never gone all the way through with meeting up with a bull, but making it a goal hence why we registered for this site. Anyway, now that we have been active and posting content. I have been getting plenty of messages. My husband had an adverse reaction and got really insecure, to the point where he hacked the account and posted a lot of disgusting things trying to bash me and basically make everyone think I’m gross and not message me. It’s completely embarrassing (and not true). EXTREMELY IMMATURE as well. My point being, did any of you ladies get into this lifestyle BECAUSE of your husband and then he flaked out and got insecure? What did you do? I just feel like you got me into this lifestyle, now you’re trying to make a fool of me??? My mind is blown! Any advice would be appreciated!
oh and if you received a message from me about rubbing ******* 💩🚽 all in your face, it WASNT ME !!!! 😭😭😭 I had to delete almost my entire profile!
It sounds like you could be signing up for destruction. If you are doing this solely for your husband and not for your own desire as well don't do it. If hubby is having issues with just speaking with black men online then it is only going to get worse from then on so clearly this is not something to bring from fantasy to reality for you IMO.

Sex is a world where a lot of things get us going and get us wound up think about them or even playing them out with a trusted partner in the bedroom. Sometimes that is where those things need to stop because the reality can fall far from the fantasy or as it seems in your case may be destructive to your marriage.

Second is anything couple based in the sex world needs to be just that couple based. If it's being done for simply one person then it has a very high chance of failing. It is going to bring about resentment and awkwardness to an outstanding level.

IMO sit down with your husband and keep this a fantasy game between you two.
Hi all!
So I am fairly new to the site.
I got into this lifestyle per my husband. It’s one of his biggest fantasies to watch me get railed by a BBC. I am a bbc virgin. We’ve never gone all the way through with meeting up with a bull, but making it a goal hence why we registered for this site. Anyway, now that we have been active and posting content. I have been getting plenty of messages. My husband had an adverse reaction and got really insecure, to the point where he hacked the account and posted a lot of disgusting things trying to bash me and basically make everyone think I’m gross and not message me. It’s completely embarrassing (and not true). EXTREMELY IMMATURE as well. My point being, did any of you ladies get into this lifestyle BECAUSE of your husband and then he flaked out and got insecure? What did you do? I just feel like you got me into this lifestyle, now you’re trying to make a fool of me??? My mind is blown! Any advice would be appreciated!
oh and if you received a message from me about rubbing ******* 💩🚽 all in your face, it WASNT ME !!!! 😭😭😭 I had to delete almost my entire profile!
I'd completely put a stop to it before it ends your marriage. Your not in a strong enough relationship to take it to that next level!
It sounds like you could be signing up for destruction. If you are doing this solely for your husband and not for your own desire as well don't do it. If hubby is having issues with just speaking with black men online then it is only going to get worse from then on so clearly this is not something to bring from fantasy to reality for you IMO.

Sex is a world where a lot of things get us going and get us wound up think about them or even playing them out with a trusted partner in the bedroom. Sometimes that is where those things need to stop because the reality can fall far from the fantasy or as it seems in your case may be destructive to your marriage.

Second is anything couple based in the sex world needs to be just that couple based. If it's being done for simply one person then it has a very high chance of failing. It is going to bring about resentment and awkwardness to an outstanding level.

IMO sit down with your husband and keep this a fantasy game between you two.
Thank you 🙏🏼 I appreciate your comment
We've been in the swing lifestyle for many years. This reaction from men is not all that uncommon. From my observations it's usually the male that brings up an alternative lifestyle. The problem comes because fantasy is nothing like reality. His fantasy features him as a stud with 2 women. His reality is his wife moaning and having very intense orgasms on a huge cock and/or a beautiful woman's tongue! He is listening and watching her have intense orgasms that she has never had with him. Worse yet he has stage fright. He can't get an erection.

Most men work through it with minimal problem. Some can't handle the blow to their ego. This situation is revenge porn, which is revolting as well as illegal. Personally, I would not want to be married to anyone who would do something like this to someone they supposedly love!
We've been in the swing lifestyle for many years. This reaction from men is not all that uncommon. From my observations it's usually the male that brings up an alternative lifestyle. The problem comes because fantasy is nothing like reality. His fantasy features him as a stud with 2 women. His reality is his wife moaning and having very intense orgasms on a huge cock and/or a beautiful woman's tongue! He is listening and watching her have intense orgasms that she has never had with him. Worse yet he has stage fright. He can't get an erection.

Most men work through it with minimal problem. Some can't handle the blow to their ego. This situation is revenge porn, which is revolting as well as illegal. Personally, I would not want to be married to anyone who would do something like this to someone they supposedly love!
I'd just let it be if it was to be a reality! If it's something we both want one day ! I wouldn't care about my ego it's sex it's fun ! Strong couples I think it would make stronger too
Hi all!
So I am fairly new to the site.
I got into this lifestyle per my husband. It’s one of his biggest fantasies to watch me get railed by a BBC. I am a bbc virgin. We’ve never gone all the way through with meeting up with a bull, but making it a goal hence why we registered for this site. Anyway, now that we have been active and posting content. I have been getting plenty of messages. My husband had an adverse reaction and got really insecure, to the point where he hacked the account and posted a lot of disgusting things trying to bash me and basically make everyone think I’m gross and not message me. It’s completely embarrassing (and not true). EXTREMELY IMMATURE as well. My point being, did any of you ladies get into this lifestyle BECAUSE of your husband and then he flaked out and got insecure? What did you do? I just feel like you got me into this lifestyle, now you’re trying to make a fool of me??? My mind is blown! Any advice would be appreciated!
oh and if you received a message from me about rubbing ******* 💩🚽 all in your face, it WASNT ME !!!! 😭😭😭 I had to delete almost my entire profile!
That's very unfortunate
It sounds like you could be signing up for destruction. If you are doing this solely for your husband and not for your own desire as well don't do it. If hubby is having issues with just speaking with black men online then it is only going to get worse from then on so clearly this is not something to bring from fantasy to reality for you IMO.

Sex is a world where a lot of things get us going and get us wound up think about them or even playing them out with a trusted partner in the bedroom. Sometimes that is where those things need to stop because the reality can fall far from the fantasy or as it seems in your case may be destructive to your marriage.

Second is anything couple based in the sex world needs to be just that couple based. If it's being done for simply one person then it has a very high chance of failing. It is going to bring about resentment and awkwardness to an outstanding level.

IMO sit down with your husband and keep this a fantasy game between you two.
Very sound advice
Hi all!
So I am fairly new to the site.
I got into this lifestyle per my husband. It’s one of his biggest fantasies to watch me get railed by a BBC. I am a bbc virgin. We’ve never gone all the way through with meeting up with a bull, but making it a goal hence why we registered for this site. Anyway, now that we have been active and posting content. I have been getting plenty of messages. My husband had an adverse reaction and got really insecure, to the point where he hacked the account and posted a lot of disgusting things trying to bash me and basically make everyone think I’m gross and not message me. It’s completely embarrassing (and not true). EXTREMELY IMMATURE as well. My point being, did any of you ladies get into this lifestyle BECAUSE of your husband and then he flaked out and got insecure? What did you do? I just feel like you got me into this lifestyle, now you’re trying to make a fool of me??? My mind is blown! Any advice would be appreciated!
oh and if you received a message from me about rubbing ******* 💩🚽 all in your face, it WASNT ME !!!! 😭😭😭 I had to delete almost my entire profile!
Wow! I’d be pissed if I were you. He doesn’t sound too stable.
Wow! I’d be pissed if I were you. He doesn’t sound too stable.
I am really upset! Especially because he was trying to drag my name through the mud. I have pictures posted of my face, and location. Like this was your idea, I opened up to you and I was very vulnerable as this was something completely new to my mind. And then you turned around and just slapped me in the face with it
I am really upset! Especially because he was trying to drag my name through the mud. I have pictures posted of my face, and location. Like this was your idea, I opened up to you and I was very vulnerable as this was something completely new to my mind. And then you turned around and just slapped me in the face with it
I’m sorry he did that to you. I think when a couple gets started down this road, even if the husband was the one who introduced the idea and convinced his wife to do it, it’s not uncommon for there to be a little turbulence and insecurity on the part of said husband, even if he’s spent a lot of time really thinking about all the pitfalls. When things start happening anyway. But not to this degree. I can’t advise you on your marriage, I know next to nothing about you or your husband but I can say pretty certainly that you don’t want to go down this path with him. If he can’t handle a few messages and maybe flirting then imagine how bad he’ll go south after another man, a black man with a big dick, skills and confidence, fucks you better than he ever could? I doubt your relationship would survive. He’s a loose cannon. The kind that might out you to your family or someone else that you don’t share your private sex life with. That ******* is uncalled for. How would you have reacted to him if instead of doing all that crazy stuff, he just came straight at you and said I made a mistake, I’ve changed my mind, I don’t want to do this? I guess what I’m asking is, now that the seed is planted and you started getting messages and considering the possibilities which I’m sure has been exciting, would you just scrap the whole idea and continue on in a monogamous situation with him? Or are you too intrigued with the fantasy now to really abandon the desire? He’s probably in a catch 22 now as well. He’s not emotionally mature enough to handle sharing you yet I bet sexually, it’s the only thing that gets him off on that level, imagining you fucking a black guy. Good luck to you. I hope you post about how it works out. Your situation has me curious now.
I am really upset! Especially because he was trying to drag my name through the mud. I have pictures posted of my face, and location. Like this was your idea, I opened up to you and I was very vulnerable as this was something completely new to my mind. And then you turned around and just slapped me in the face with it
If your husband is so stupid as it's seem take in consideration to leave him independently from this lifestyle
(and than start to looking for a sexy and handsome bull ;))
Hi all!
So I am fairly new to the site.
I got into this lifestyle per my husband. It’s one of his biggest fantasies to watch me get railed by a BBC. I am a bbc virgin. We’ve never gone all the way through with meeting up with a bull, but making it a goal hence why we registered for this site. Anyway, now that we have been active and posting content. I have been getting plenty of messages. My husband had an adverse reaction and got really insecure, to the point where he hacked the account and posted a lot of disgusting things trying to bash me and basically make everyone think I’m gross and not message me. It’s completely embarrassing (and not true). EXTREMELY IMMATURE as well. My point being, did any of you ladies get into this lifestyle BECAUSE of your husband and then he flaked out and got insecure? What did you do? I just feel like you got me into this lifestyle, now you’re trying to make a fool of me??? My mind is blown! Any advice would be appreciated!
oh and if you received a message from me about rubbing ******* 💩🚽 all in your face, it WASNT ME !!!! 😭😭😭 I had to delete almost my entire profile!
sounds like he couldn't handle it. Does that mean you have to go behind his back now or you gave him his papers?
sounds nasty, but most men i would believe do get cold feet and will change opinions when i comes to the actual date and the realistion of what could happen i know i did quite few times until it finally happened
however there does seem more issues in this case and perhaps its not for either of you