what's this obsession of white men watching ?

No, and I would love to tell you why, but when I do I get an influx of boring white guys like you, telling me to insult them! So I'm guessing you have a tube of lube, just waiting for me to insult you. That's not what I'm here for... 😉
Why do you think he's trying to convince you so desperately that he's not what you perceive white guys to be in general? Is it okay for you to have your own feelings about them? I'm sure the grammatically correct doctor has both men and women beating down his door. 🤣. What's so special about you jenna? Could it be that he's a full of himself bore who can't take no for an answer? Additionally a shockingly sexist individual... I think it went something like this. "There's nothing wrong with you that being pregnant couldn't solve..." Damn. Should you be barefoot in the kitchen as well 🙄? Sexism can be as repugnant as racism at times. Holy s.hit I just had a flashback... You're weak, you're a victim, you're a racist, I demand you get verified, etc. It's puzzling to me when people try so hard to make others think like they do. Pretty fucking pathetic.
No, and I would love to tell you why, but when I do I get an influx of boring white guys like you, telling me to insult them! So I'm guessing you have a tube of lube, just waiting for me to insult you. That's not what I'm here for... 😉
Isn’t it?

And how on earth did you guess I get off on being insulted, oh wonderful With-Holding One?

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Why do you think he's trying to convince you so desperately that he's not what you perceive white guys to be in general? Is it okay for you to have your own feelings about them? I'm sure the grammatically correct doctor has both men and women beating down his door. 🤣. What's so special about you jenna? Could it be that he's a full of himself bore who can't take no for an answer? Additionally a shockingly sexist individual... I think it went something like this. "There's nothing wrong with you that being pregnant couldn't solve..." Damn. Should you be barefoot in the kitchen as well 🙄? Sexism can be as repugnant as racism at times. Holy s.hit I just had a flashback... You're weak, you're a victim, you're a racist, I demand you get verified, etc. It's puzzling to me when people try so hard to make others think like they do. Pretty fucking pathetic.
It's a bit disturbing, honestly 😳 I try and tell myself this is just fun and games until the trolling begins. I forget they stay in character here and I'm not a "character" 🙄I think my best bet is to put them on ignore and hope for the best. Unless I'm truly provoked like someone we both know 🤣and we know how that ended 🤣🤣
It's a bit disturbing, honestly 😳 I try and tell myself this is just fun and games until the trolling begins. I forget they stay in character here and I'm not a "character" 🙄I think my best bet is to put them on ignore and hope for the best. Unless I'm truly provoked like someone we both know 🤣and we know how that ended 🤣🤣
Yeah take the high road put him on Iggy. More people should advocate for a true block button. Where it's as if the other party didn't exist at all. You don't know what they're doing. They don't know what you're doing. When you get that tempting banner about you have this member on ignore. Click here to see ignored posts or something like that. Oft times I just can't resist🤣.
Yeah take the high road put him on Iggy. More people should advocate for a true block button. Where it's as if the other party didn't exist at all. You don't know what they're doing. They don't know what you're doing. When you get that tempting banner about you have this member on ignore. Click here to see ignored posts or something like that. Oft times I just can't resist🤣.
Agreed 👍
And the blacks aren't boring at all....🙄
The blacks that seek out sexually dissatisfied and especially childless white wives of boring white husbands make it their business not to be boring.

Young and sexually confident super-potent black studs are often fucking hilarious. It makes the Feast and works a treat for all three parties.

Everybody wins.
My fairly unpopular opinion on this site. Is that many of these cuckolds/boyfriends/husbands have a propensity for homosexuality. It is also my belief that those who say "No that's not me" are in denial...For a myriad of reasons. I started a thread about it (Just Wonderin'). The majority of respondents thus far are males who said no that's not them. It could be true... However my gut feeling is that it's a way for them to engage in homosexual fantasies/participate actively in homosexuality...Without actually wearing the shoe that fits... I've been in MMF triads. The energy can get confusing. Sometimes you don't know who's getting off on what. Which is cool. However, let's be honest. It wouldn't be a stretch that it's possible the dudes involved aren't solely vibing on the female. So in my opinion any man who's getting off on the fact that an obstensibly "superior" man. Is running through his wife / girlfriend. Probably fancies that man on some level for himself too.
You are correct with your statement that your opinion is not a popular one!
You obviously are bisexual, but yet in your narcissistic mind every husband thinks like you! Not!
I am 100% straight, yet I know there are 100% gay guys and bi guys who are on the fence.
No problem, their choice their rules!
The problem that straight people have with gays is that gays are quick to point a finger at someone else and make themselves feel better about sucking a dick! Meanwhile, that straight guy or woman has never even fathomed homosesexuality in any way shape or form!
Your opinion is wrong, how would you know what a straight man thinks??? You are not straight so quit speaking for us..
Stick to what you know,, YOU
You obviously are bisexual,
I am...😱?
You know this because I remind you of your d.ad who was a big black dick smoker? 🤣🤣🤣

I am 100% straight,
Anybody that has to proclaim this most likely isn't. Especially some white cuck on a site chock full of big black dick... Maybe if you keep saying it somebody other than yourself would believe it 😆😆😆.

Your opinion is wrong, how would you know what a straight man thinks??? You are not straight so quit speaking for us..
Stick to what you know,, YOU
Refer back to my other responses... My "OPINION(S)" obviously perfectly fit your delusional, over-compensatory, clownish self...🤡.
Definitely hit a nerve with you...Huh candy ass 😂😂😂?
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I am...😱?
You know this because I remind you of your d.ad who was a big black dick smoker? 🤣🤣🤣

Anybody that has to proclaim this most likely isn't. Especially some white cuck on a site chock full of big black dick... Maybe if you keep saying it somebody other than yourself would believe it 😆😆😆.

Refer back to my other responses... My "OPINION(S)" obviously perfectly fit your delusional, over-compensatory, clownish self...🤡.
Definitely hit a nerve with you...Huh candy ass 😂😂😂?
Candy ass?.I don't think so cock sucker!
Whatever makes you feel better about it I guess! Lol
You have posted you have done mmf.
So there you go with bi self! 🤡
Your opinion is 100% incorrect.
I stopped watching a long time ago. I’d rather they go out with the bull alone and then come back and tell me as much as they’d like to.
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Whatever makes you feel better about it I guess! Lol
You opened up this dialogue with me. My initial post hit you too close to home...Huh?
I'm beginning to think you want to suck my Big Black Beautiful Dick😱.
Testing the waters I think. Hoping and praying that I am bi.
Never gonna happen though Mary 😂.
I get that "tell all" every now and then on this site... Yup.
From white men just like you😜.
Gotta pass though.
I got a white woman to do it for me.
You have posted you have done mmf.
So there you go with bi self! 🤡
I was even a quad for a while. It's the mindset of the players that determines whether or not it's straight/bi or homo dumbass 👎🏽🤡👎🏽.
Your opinion is 100% incorrect.
So you say. Correct enough for you to be defensive about it... Tell me what the fuck are you on this site for?
Can't sex a woman all by yourself to a satisfactory degree?
Need another man to do what you can't?
You get off on watching another man run through your woman?
Bet you can't even cum unless a big black dick is involved.
Sounds way less than 100% straight to me. You know the number that you keep proclaiming about yourself?
Now run along Fancy pants...
Your "Bull" is waiting... Don't forget the astroglide. 🤣🤣🤣.
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