What's everyone's view on the Covid Vaccine?

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Pfizer vaccine was fine ... wife & I got both shots, with no hesitations, no questions. 'Course we're not Republicans, so it was a no brainer.
The way the conservatives are dying off in the hospitals with covid, the 2024 could be a "no contest" by party elimination. That'd be nice, national IQs would increase 65%.
I have never used "ignore" on this site until I read your post.
I have never used "ignore" on this site until I read your post.

Pfizer vaccine was fine ... wife & I got both shots, with no hesitations, no questions. 'Course we're not Republicans, so it was a no brainer.
The way the conservatives are dying off in the hospitals with covid, the 2024 could be a "no contest" by party elimination. That'd be nice, national IQs would increase 65%.


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As a person with lung issues from asthma I did take a vaccine and a booster. I think it was worth the risk of having COVID hit me heavily. Some of the stories around the vaccines were laughable and interesting to say the least. I believe everyone had their own reasons to or not to take the vaccine and none were wrong as long as they made sense to the person. I do think there was a bit of exercise in control by the governemnt with them and I disagreed with companies terminating people for not taking them.
Okay we're coming out of the closet...😆. Neither I nor my girlfriend @Lolamaze are vaccinated or boosted. Not because we're anti-vaccinators. On the advice of my primary care physician who happens to be a virologist. It's safe to say I trust him implicitly. He said from the very beginning wait. At least until Novavax came out with traditional vaccine methodology. Now he's telling us to wait on that too. Since we've had covid at least three times with no major ill effects. Neither one of us are "Sheeple." Not saying all those who jumped on board to get vaccinated are...However if the wool fits... Say Baaaaah.😂

Okay we're coming out of the closet...😆. Neither I nor my girlfriend @Lolamaze are vaccinated or boosted. Not because we're anti-vaccinators. On the advice of my primary care physician who happens to be a virologist. It's safe to say I trust him implicitly. He said from the very beginning wait. At least until Novavax came out with traditional vaccine methodology. Now he's telling us to wait on that too. Since we've had covid at least three times with no major ill effects. Neither one of us are "Sheeple." Not saying all those who jumped on board to get vaccinated are...However if the wool fits... Say Baaaaah.😂
Well said, I fully believe that any sort of decisions regarding vaccinations of any kind should be between people and their doctors... No one else, and no one really has the right to be offended by your personal health decisions. It doesn't make you "sheeple" to get it, or not get it, it simply makes you capable of doing what's best for you, and your family.
Well said, I fully believe that any sort of decisions regarding vaccinations of any kind should be between people and their doctors... No one else, and no one really has the right to be offended by your personal health decisions. It doesn't make you "sheeple" to get it, or not get it, it simply makes you capable of doing what's best for you, and your family.
I'm a questioner by nature. I find the term "Sheeple" to be appropriate for many. It was clear to me from the very beginning there were other agendas at play. Other than the so-called "Good of Everyone". So much of the official data is coming under scrutiny now. The foundation seems to be showing cracks...Rightfully so.
Never been one for "Lock Step Group Think". For Better or worse I'd rather be right alone than wrong with the crowd.
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I'm a questioner by nature. I find the term "Sheeple" to be appropriate for many. It was clear to me from the very beginning there were other agendas at play. Other than the so-called "Good of Everyone". So much of the official data is coming under scrutiny now. The foundation seems to be showing cracks...Rightfully so.
Never been one for "Lock Step Group Think". For Better or worse I'd rather be right alone that wrong with the crowd.
I agree with you completely! I feel that questioning is the only way to to truly learn about what's really going on. If you look at employment, when faced with a stressful situation, the best supervisors always stop, and take a long, hard, calm look at things before deciding on the best course of action... I feel that we should apply the same practice in our individual lives.
I agree with you completely! I feel that questioning is the only way to to truly learn about what's really going on. If you look at employment, when faced with a stressful situation, the best supervisors always stop, and take a long, hard, calm look at things before deciding on the best course of action... I feel that we should apply the same practice in our individual lives.
Was just thinking about everything that went down in 2020. As I mentioned in a previous post my primary care physician happens to be a virologist. I have history with him going back 25 years. He happens to be one of the most learned, multidisciplined, human beings I've ever had the pleasure to interact with. Great doctor, compassionate, thorough, and real. He would talk to me about the online debates that he would have with other scientists. He always stood his ground against those who just followed the party line. As a layman I cannot explain as thoroughly as I'd like to what he did say to me. Suffice is to say he is 100% convinced that the virus was manipulated. It was not a naturally occurring dynamic. He told me of markers in genetic sequences that would give away whether or not a virus was tampered with. His position was if done right it wouldn't leave a trace. He caught a lot of flack from his counterparts. A few weeks later he told me of a university level problem that a professor gave to his students. Lo and behold they were able to manipulate a virus and not leave a trace. Additionally he told me that he of course was not vaccinated. Neither were the members of his family. He would treat his covid patients for symptoms. As we all know antibiotics is ineffective against a viral infection. However, apparently by taking certain antibiotics it causes a response in your body that helps mitigate the effects of the virus. According to him he had no fatalities. Of those who became very sick all eventually recovered...Without having the vaccine. Also he told me that Spike protein technology to create vaccines for lack of a better word... Is Reckless for the potential known and unknown short and long-term consequences. He has absolutely no issue with traditional vaccine technology nor do I.
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Of those who became very sick all eventually recovered...Without having the vaccine. Also he told me that Spike protein technology to create vaccines for lack of a better word... Is Reckless for the potential known and unknown short and long-term consequences.

If you look at the graph of excess deaths vs. time, you'll notice more people have died AFTER THE SAFE &EFFECTIVE ******* were introduced. Instead of the number of excess deaths decreasing, they have increased AFTER THE VAXXXXINES WERE ****** on the gullible public.

EXCESS DEATHS: Excess deaths are typically defined as the difference between the observed numbers of deaths in specific time periods and expected numbers of deaths in the same time periods.

Obviously the LIFE INSURANCE companies are interested in the expected number of deaths. The expected deaths are carefully calculated because for these companies, having an excellent mathematical view of the future is the difference between profits and losses, and what is going on now is the talk of the insurance companies.

Of interest in the second figure is the insurance companies' report showing the age breakout of excess deaths. Notice the excess deaths peaked Q3 of 2021. What happened then? The MANDATES!

The next figure shows the deaths shifted from the elderly before the vaxxxxines to the younger with the mandates. The deaths total about 1.1 million. With approx 250 million vaxxxxxxed people, in the US you have about a 1 in 250 chance of being killed by the vaxxxxine (this assumes this massive increase in deaths is caused by the vaxxxxines which has not yet been PROVEN). The insurance companies tell us that the excess deaths we are seeing now ARE NOT DUE TO COVID. But the data does show the deaths have shifted from the elderly to the younger vaxxxxxed.

Just a word about what the pathologists are showing. On the left for the last figure is healthy heart tissue. On the right is tissue from a dead subject's vaxxxxed heart. The spike proteins spread throughout the body and as they get into healthy tissue, the white ******* cells attack killing the cells. Many might remember that there are two places in the body that do NOT repair damage: The heart and the brain. The spike proteins are infecting both places per the pathologists who say: The slides don't lie. But the CDC said the spike protein stopped after a few hours. They either lied OR they are incompetent. Studies have shown the spike proteins are produced long after the shots were given.

YOU may not be convinced by this information that the vaxxxxxines are deadly but at least the information here should be sufficient to convince any reasonable person that if you've taken any of the shots, DO NOT TAKE ANY MORE SHOTS!

Your doctor by telling you to wait has probably saved you life. GIve a big THANK YOU next time you interact with the Doctor. There are many nitwits with medical degrees that lied to their patients about the dangers of a new, untested *******.


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no thanks
I assume NO THANKS means no more shots for you. If so, you have probably significantly increased your life expectancy.
If you have any friends or relatives that are thinking about getting another dangerous, UNTESTED "vaccine" shot, tell them to watch this video

I know many who blew off the warnings about BIG PHARMA and the gubermint hacks pushing a bunch of "vaccines" that are no more vaccines than the moon is a black hole. The "vaccines" were NOT tested to see if they prevented transmission, the "vaccines" were NOT tested to see if there were dangerous side effects and more importantly, they did NOT wait to see about long term adverse events as is normally done. Researchers say EXCESS DEATHS are looked at to see if anything is slipping through the cracks. A whole lot of $hit has killed a lot of people.

Don't believe that the vaccines are causing all of these deaths? It only makes sense to get no more shots until it is PROVEN these new ******* are safe AND effective. Don't listen to an old senile fool who says SAFE and EFFECTIVE. The numbers say they aren't safe. The numbers instead show the ******* being called vaccines have killed hundred of thousands of Americans.
I assume NO THANKS means no more shots for you. If so, you have probably significantly increased your life expectancy.
If you have any friends or relatives that are thinking about getting another dangerous, UNTESTED "vaccine" shot, tell them to watch this video

I know many who blew off the warnings about BIG PHARMA and the gubermint hacks pushing a bunch of "vaccines" that are no more vaccines than the moon is a black hole. The "vaccines" were NOT tested to see if they prevented transmission, the "vaccines" were NOT tested to see if there were dangerous side effects and more importantly, they did NOT wait to see about long term adverse events as is normally done. Researchers say EXCESS DEATHS are looked at to see if anything is slipping through the cracks. A whole lot of $hit has killed a lot of people.

Don't believe that the vaccines are causing all of these deaths? It only makes sense to get no more shots until it is PROVEN these new ******* are safe AND effective. Don't listen to an old senile fool who says SAFE and EFFECTIVE. The numbers say they aren't safe. The numbers instead show the ******* being called vaccines have killed hundred of thousands of Americans.
Great posts. No responsible adult will put an experimental ******* in their bodies with no liability for the manufacturers. Period. I see people saying they trust vaccines. I trust tested and proven things. As for the crowd that says that it lessens symptoms, there is no proof of that. Most that are not vaxxed have minor symptoms already. If any. The data we are seeing about people dying after being vaxxed is alarming, not to mention the number of lost pregnancies due to clotting. We know so many people that thought they were doing the right thing and got the shots and now they are dead. Over a virus that is completely treatable with inexpensive ******* like ivermectin.
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