What's everyone's view on the Covid Vaccine?

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At the time of the Black Plague 5,000 people were dying ever day in Constantinople / Istanbul every day for years and that was just one city. Venice had all the ships anchor out of the harbour for forty days to insure they were not carrying the plague. On a side note that is the root of the phrase Quarrentine . The problem with natural immunity is how long it takes to happen. We all got to watch as New York City dug trench’s on an island to bury the covid bodies would you be saying the same thing if the fifty largest cities in the USA had to do the same thing?

it took 20 years to get natural immunity to happen in Europe and Western Asia. Think about this for a moment.
At the time of the Black Plague 5,000 people were dying ever day in Constantinople / Istanbul every day for years and that was just one city. Venice had all the ships anchor out of the harbour for forty days to insure they were not carrying the plague. On a side note that is the root of the phrase Quarrentine . The problem with natural immunity is how long it takes to happen. We all got to watch as New York City dug trench’s on an island to bury the covid bodies would you be saying the same thing if the fifty largest cities in the USA had to do the same thing?

it took 20 years to get natural immunity to happen in Europe and Western Asia. Think about this for a moment.

No need for natural immunity..it was already a antiviral cure for COVID... ivermectin works and works well..jack

Insurance companies are now also claiming dealth rate of all types are up as hugh as 40%. Go take a peak.

Believe it or not IDC and yeah it is tied to infowars so just ignore my post if you think that is all *******.

I do at least encourage you to look at the data in Scotland showing double jabbed clearly dying more of covid than unvaxed and really interesting data out of India as well as rates in Israel.

Good luck everyone in finding truth (it's hard) and I wish you all good health and happiness regardless of what you decide if right for you. Just don't try and decide what is right for me. :)

Insurance companies are now also claiming dealth rate of all types are up as hugh as 40%. Go take a peak.

Believe it or not IDC and yeah it is tied to infowars so just ignore my post if you think that is all *******.

I do at least encourage you to look at the data in Scotland showing double jabbed clearly dying more of covid than unvaxed and really interesting data out of India as well as rates in Israel.

Good luck everyone in finding truth (it's hard) and I wish you all good health and happiness regardless of what you decide if right for you. Just don't try and decide what is right for me. :)

Can you post that info?
Interesting, you believe all republicans refuse the vaccine huh?
YOU said that, I didn't. When looking at the rejection of the vaccines by political party, its quite apparent that Republicans do what Trump tells them to do therefore the deaths by covid by party ratios tend to lean RIGHT. That was MY desire, anyways.
YOU said that, I didn't. When looking at the rejection of the vaccines by political party, its quite apparent that Republicans do what Trump tells them to do therefore the deaths by covid by party ratios tend to lean RIGHT. That was MY desire, anyways.
Why did you go back and dredge up a post by jweezy from Sept 2021 to reply to? You had already replied to this post back on Oct 9th 2021. Getting desperate for excuses to whine about Trump?

Your previous reply below for proof:
Now where did I say THAT? Not all Republicans, but the ones now going into the hospital are much more Republicans than Democrats; now argue that statement with me. It seems a lot of right-wingers have reading problems; no wonder they love passing along fabricated LIES.
Even good ole Allen West now has covid. Read this article ... you remember West, right?

Many here wrote about how good vaccines are in general and they "believe" in vaccines. I would rather have real facts than just believe in something. But i think they don't understand that the Covid "vaccines" are not vaccines. They call them vaccines, but it isn't one. It is a gene therapy, but not a vaccine.
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