What white guys like to watch

new normal

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joe loves watching me especially if a guy i never met before says on swinger site he like meet and i say can you make it tonight? a guy adam who was first guy we met off swinger site isaw him on cam and he saw me i invited him and he said he will be here soon,i was well excited adam came in and joe said when adam turned me on he loved seeing me pleasing him and watching adam fuck me ,
this is why black men are unattractive to me....i'll keep my genes, and I doubt they're "weak" white people were the slave masters...not the slaves. Not to mention white, asian, and indian countries are the most developed, where as blacks are the least. Sounds more like blacks have the weak genes, but to each their own I presume.

I'm sure some ignorant dismissive person will accuse me of racism, but I'm just stating facts. asians, whites, and indians have a higher IQ on average(non race bias tests) and whites have innovated the vast majority inventions.


that's only true if you look at history from the white racial supremecist angle - like all Western countries intrinsically do because you're all raised on a diet of western "history". it's called positive bias. or confirmation bias. you sinply don't even know there's a world outside of the white western world.

there was a time when the islamic arab nation was the centre of all the worlds innovation and invention. before that there were many other non-white nations, including indus-valley people, babylonians, mayans, and several before that. to sit on the shoulders of all of their science and claim you're the best (after having systematically subjugated non-white peoples around the world, looted their lands, taken their people into enslavement, and still to this day, interfere in their local/national politics to ensure compliance with your demands) is a tad, well, stupid.

whites are simply not smarter than non-whites. white genes are no better than black genes. if they are, it depends on the application of those genes. try beating a black person at avoiding skin cancer in a hot country, for example.

more over, it's been proven over and again that "race" is a non-existant characteristic. as in there is nothing to distinguish one race from another because there's no such thing as different races. just variations in genetic makeup.

a more reasonable conclusion from the *******-fest argument you made is to say that there exists some social norms, some predispositions, some cultural mechanism, whether its in the black communty or it's in the architecture of the system of governance in your country, that leads to black people under achieving in comparison to white, asian, indian.

so go fuck of with your dumbass racist views.