What turned you into a cuck? / Were any cucks here bullied by blacks in school?


I grew up in the Midwest. As a result of a discrimination lawsuit against the public education system in the area I lived in, I had to attend legally/forcefully desegregated schools. Desegregated basically meant they bussed ******* around from different neighborhoods so all the schools in the area were as close as possible to 50% majority / 50% minority.

I was bullied extensively throughout most of my time in elementary school even up through high school. It was almost exclusively black boys doing the bullying. I wasn't alone as most the white ******* at the schools I went to dealt with this to one degree or another. Interestingly though, black boys generally had first pick with and nearly a monopoly on white girls despite this bullying.

When I got to high school, to try to escape the bullying and in hopes of dating what I viewed as more wholesome white girls, I did everything I could to make sure I only attended honors classes. Honors classes had a higher acedemic standard, were more difficult, harder to get into and usually had one or two black *******, at the most.

It hurt me deeply as I saw, year after year, even these "wholesome" girls pursuing the only black boys in the class, or just hooking up with black boys from other classes at lunch. I seem to remember nearly all girls dating or at least seriously flirting with black boys at some point. This included girls that I had long standing crushes on, girls with bubbly friendly personalties and even the sweeter, quieter girls. So, although the honors classes helped me get into a decent college later, that's about the only way I benefited from it. Black boys still harassed me in the hallways between classes and I routinely saw them kissing white girls right outside the doors of many classrooms, at lunch or on the bus.

This REALLY bothered me on a daily basis, grated on my nerves and wore on my spirit, pride and masculinity. It fucked with my head BIG TIME until it became slowly but surely sexualized. Eventually I started jacking off to the memories of the kissing in the hallways and the thoughts of what they did when they got alone. By the time I found out my ex was fucking a black guy while I was dating her, I was already beyond the point of no return. Ever since then its been ingrained into my sexuality, and only white women fucking black men (or me having sex with an actively cheating girlfriend) could ever turn me on since then.

Now I'm hoping to eventually marry, and have the privilege of being cucked by my biggest and most frequent bully ever, and raising his offspring. I've had a girlfriend very interested in this idea, but it didn't work out with her for unrelated reasons. Although I've always had, and still have this internal struggle between my pride and romantic feelings toward women on the one hand and my strong attraction to interracial cuckoldry on the other, I've kind of come to terms with what my future will be at this point and it's just a "question of when" now.

Please share the story of how YOU became a cuck and whether or not any bullying played into it.
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