What do you like ?


So this website is about relationships about people of differents ethnicity. It is rather common that people will like things that look like them but in this case it is the differences that bring them together. So, what exctly do you find attractive or what do you like the most about it ?

I'll start by telling that I am attracted to black men.
What I like about it is of course the difference of the tone of skin.
I have a pale tone of skin and I find it very beautiful when intertwined with darker ones.
It may be just me but I found the darkest tones to be warmer to touch. It is the reason why I like to have as much skin contact as possible during sex.
I have been with a few african and I also appreciate their accents, they also often make small mistakes when speaking (french) and I also find this attractive.

Please do not talk about things common or related to anyone : any kind of men can be small or tall, have a big dick or bigs muscles and a six pack.
I also like tall guys and some muscles are always great but it does not have anything to do with the "interracial" part of it.
I’d say that’s similar to how I feel and yes I think it’s great you’re addressing it in a kind way I think that the tone is very intriguing, I also am extremely pale and just think that it’s a very sexy feeling I think. I know hubs says that he also feels that contrast is a factor and just watching me be out of my norm he finds attractive in general so it’s fun all around 😌