What are the real odds of a WM finding a WF who is interested in this?


Gold Member
I'm a single white male. I came here, when someone I was fooling around with showed real, genuine interest in this lifestyle. She flaked out, have not talked to her in 6 months. So...she is gone.

I would like to meet a single white female, who likes the idea of having a traditional white boyfriend, while getting to have sex with black men whenever she wants, and I have to watch, and help set up these arrangements for her. It seems nearly impossible. Very few females seem into this, and the ones that do, seem to be looking for a sugar daddy rather than a normal boyfriend.

Some have said, pursue a traditional relationship, and let it evolve. The thing is, if you do that, there's a huge chance she won't be into it. I have people in my life, but I admit...I am generally afraid to mention this kink to them. I have a "special friend" who is very submissive, likes to call me Daddy, so I am not sure she would warm up to this lifestyle.

Any single guys manage to get into this lifestyle with a female, where she knows up front?
I am no expert. But here is my take on this Lifestyle. We are talking about just the cuckold/married white wives fucking other men, with their husbands permission, or acknowledgment. Not just white ladies getting some nice BBC action.

Most I believe start as seeds. Small tiny seeds of desire. They are in all of us. A young man and woman get together and they fall in love and get married. The sex is good. A woman generally wants to be everything for his man. But she spends her whole life being pursued. Even the looks, comments, requests. Guys are always hitting on your wife. its nonstop. It has to turn them on, knowing guys want to fuck them. Obviously the hotter the more attention. But most control it and carry on at home. Now bring in hubby, well he wants to fuck everything... he loves his wife, so is good. He loves she is naughty in bed. He ants her to be a slut...they start talking dirty... he wants it real, she says no....a year later they are on CL finding guys to fuck her, another and she is doing GB's? lol not that crazy but you get the point,
A seed deep down inside, which gets watered over years!! Then add the helpful hubby and it happens. So now 10 years later, that women who is divorced still has the ability to be that person. BUT!! her marriage ended, there is guilt, there is weird feelings.
She is not just going to go on a date or two and the guys says hey will you fuck other men for me? And she says yes! Women are wired differently, they have to make slower safer more stable decisions. And once they divorce and become solely responsible for their life and probably *******, they go into safe mode. This lifestyle is not safe mode material.
Lastly, my view is that this whole thing is about loving your wife and finding out what turns her on and pursuing that. I always felt that my ex and I did this out of naughty taboo excitement. ALSO geez some of the black dudes had BIG cocks and all that. They definitely BANGED the hell out of her lil white pussy. But we both did it cuz we both enjoyed it. And it took years to get there. Guys we can be lazy and inpatient. Don't be. go slow. enjoy the hunt. ;-)
It's a lottery. So keep playing. The worst thing you can do is to give up. If you don't aim, you can't miss.
The real odd's are basically zero, when you consider the shear magnitude of what kind of relationship this is and factor in the stark difference in male and female mating evolution.

Females DESPISE weak men, you could be quite literally the Greek god Zues and one day stub your toe and boom, you're now an inferior pussy and not a "real man" to her anymore. Yes, it's actually that insane, one tiny mistake, the slightest sign of weakness in any way and she is done with you as a mate. Now it's the common public perception that cuckolds are "beta bitch boys" which is delusional and retarded and not even close to accurate, so mentioning that you are one means she is out the door because you are now in the "loser" category in her mind.

With women EVERYTHING revolves around how she feels, you could be the richest man on earth, fly her to France for the most romantic vacation ever imagined, and if she wakes up the next day and "feels" like you're not doing enough for her then you are now in the "loser" category in her mind again. Now you not only have lost you godlike power because you stubbed your toe, but you also picked roses that were two shades darker than she likes, and you're a cuck also....

Look at Brad Pitt, seriously that dude has everything and Jolie at her age still thought she could do better than Brad Fucking Pitt!!

It get's even worse because 99% of men on the planet have no chance of EVER becoming a Brad Pitt, we have normal lives and normal jobs, and park our normal cars in the driveway of our normal houses which just isn't enough to even get a passing glance from some homeless 50+ fat feminist cow with a an addictive white substance addiction and 27 personality disorders. That is who you, as a normal guy, get to choose from. The delusional old used up divorced women who threw away their relationships so they could fuck the bartender in an alley because lying about fucking some random jackass was so much better than just being honest with their partner and making it part of the relationship.

The fact is women cuckold every man they date or marry, ALL OF THEM do it, and all of them lie about it and claim it was a "mistake" or that "it just happened" when they get caught and it destroys any credibility they have and obliterates any trust that exists with the man they cheated on.

It's fucked up, but that is the bitter truth, so like all the rest of us who are open to it, and looking, you will not find her anytime soon and most likely never will because even IF you find someone who has the potential, they will always claim they are a "good Christian girl" that isn't into such sick and twisted perversions, while she is lying to you about fucking her dope dealer ex boyfriend who she is planning to move in with next week.
"The delusional old used up divorced women who threw away their relationships so they could fuck the bartender in an alley because lying about fucking some random jackass was so much better than just being honest with their partner and making it part of the relationship.

The fact is women cuckold every man they date or marry, ALL OF THEM do it, and all of them lie about it and claim it was a "mistake" or that "it just happened" when they get caught and it destroys any credibility they have and obliterates any trust that exists with the man they cheated on."

First of all, I am sorry this happened to you. While you are right that it happens most of the time, it does not happen all of the time. Second, since you are aware that most women cheat on their man and lie about it, why not set the expectation early in the relationship that it is ok if they cheat and that you will not cheat on them ever. Tell them that you don't want them to cheat but that you know they may have greater needs at some point and that if they want to do it it is ok because you want them to be fulfilled and happy and that you won't criticize them about it. Also, the only caveat is that they have to be honest about it and let you participate. Assure them that you don't want another woman but your goal is for them to have everything that life has to offer. Watch some interracial videos with them and comment on the superiority of the black male's body, cock, attitude and prowess.

It is not that hard to turn a potentially cheating, distrustful relationship into a fun cuckold experience that is an emotional roller coaster but a serious, mind blowing orgasmic experience for everyone. Cuckoldry is not an exception to the rule or something you have to advertise for. It is a natural progression to a normal relationship that is bound to become commonplace and boring to the female that is geared to seek out strong males to mate with. Women cum harder when cheating because they know they are with a "better male" and this perpetuates the cheating behavior. Women are geared to cuckold their male so all you really have to do is let them. Give them the seal of approval slowly. Advertising for this takes the thrill and excitement out of the experience. If a women knows up front that you want to be weak, what is the point of cuckolding you? Your humiliation is what gives her the thrill, not your willingness. You eventual willingness has to be a conquest for her and a power rush.

That's all I have to say about that. Momma always said life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.