We are all the same to black men

I think if there is any feeling of being brought down it may be from the cuck which is all part of the cuckold experience. The fact that any man can take your wife is different depending on the bull which is with your wife. Some cucks get extra from the bull being black some just the difference in the cuck and the bull. Sometime this is the scenario that the cpl want.
I think that perhaps sex with black men is the great equalizer for white women. It doesn't matter whether we are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, married or single, etc. You can erase all of the usual demographic divisions. If anything, I think they enjoy "bringing down" those of us who might have a bit higher status in life.
Wow, bringing you down, how? If that is or you think that is then can you remind us why are you on here?
I think sometimes people tend to read deeper into things that they really are. True there are those moments like the ones mentioned above. A lot of the time though I think it is just two people seeing each other and an instinct wanting to be carnal and lustful. Regardless of color it is an internal instinct that tell us all no matter what title, job, status, clothes, or whatever we have there are natural instincts such as breeding and wanting to mate.
When you are naked at a nude beach, people can not tell your title, job, status, and clothes are off. This is a nice feature of nude beaches,
i guess one of the OP's essentials is that Black men (Bm) and white Women (wW) can conceptually be seen on the same (social) level by some. Of course that concept is not real either, just a construct that some of the Bm and wW may have in mind. i've read an interesting article about the American South that assumed wW and Bm would have a deeper understanding of each other's life situations because they both feel a somewhat lesser social status in a white patriarchal dominated community, perhaps for the institutional and personal racism and sexism each experience at times.

Food for thought: Do you think that concept really is in people's minds, and if so, may it have an impact on the connectedness and (sexual) attraction between Black men and white Women?
I think that perhaps sex with black men is the great equalizer for white women. It doesn't matter whether we are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, married or single, etc. You can erase all of the usual demographic divisions. If anything, I think they enjoy "bringing down" those of us who might have a bit higher status in life. What is meant buy this staement? " I think they enjoy "bringing down" those of us who might have a bit higher status in life".
I know I've been excited to find other women from such diverse backgrounds who are as addicted as I am. I guess I am from the 'higher end' of the chain socio-economically, and I'd been wondering if being into black guys was just a 'posh girl' thing. But having met some of my bulls other GFs I know that it's about more than just class boundaries.
got to laugh......NO.....all white women.....CANT be the same. Just like all us Black men....cant be the same. I fucked some big white women and they fucked good...some small, skinny FINE whites...and they dont fuck for *******. A whitewife Doctor......3 white women married to cops........military wifes........the only thing they had the same.....was all being white. For me....its all good.......because white is what I like. Cant speak for all the Bulls...just myself. When a married whitewoman is under me.......just loving to know I am giving her what her hubby cant......is what I want. Like Baskin Robbins....so many flavors....each one a lil bit......or a lot......different........but they all sweet!!!!