UK porn ban

It'll just drive all porn underground to the Dark Web ... same as Net Neutrality is starting to do in the US. Nothing off limits in the Dark Web.
1st April and it’s real we need to buy a pass monthly from newsagents...right bummer just saying
Just wondered if anyone knows it the UK porn ban that will come into affect soon, will impact accessing this site?


Downloading a VPN software packet will negate the ban by allowing people to set their location as say, France, the US.
.... I still haven't ventured very deep into the Dark Web for many reasons.
.... One, everyone wishing to do something shady or illegal is lurking around the dark web. Imagine going into a house of ******* to sample the ladies without condoms or practicing safe sex. Whether you get a STD the first or second time there, its only a matter of time, and it won't be pretty once you get it. Same with the dark net, I think. Its "enter at your own risk".
.... Secondly, what I have seen, thus far on the dark net, there are no restrictions or moderators ... the temptations to get into the really heavy stuff (*******, illegal videos, rip-offs, etc) is there for the asking. For those of us that simple desire our daily ration of sleazy porn and chats, this is jumping into the "big league" of everything unconventional.
.... Thirdly, its only a matter of time (if it hasn't happened already) before law enforcement penetrates the VIP or whatever, then everyone "thinking they are safe" suddenly aren't safe anymore. I recall back when radar detectors saved me from getting many speeding/dwi's at night, then, suddenly law enforcement upgraded their equipment and I found myself going to court to save my driving license. Sorta like where the "holier than thou" religious right are wanting to take porn ... its not their thing, thus, no one else should do it either. If you're looking for fairly unrestricted porn, these days, you have to put an RU at the end of your specific word/topic searches, otherwise, your internet provider has probably already blocked similar UK/USA websites. One thing for sure, every time I go into the RU I'm hit with web page re-directs, virus infested websites ... it pays to have the best virus protection you can get.
.... So, I'm hoping the US will reverse much of their latest rulings on porn sites after Trump is gone ... otherwise, its gonna become porn prohibition and and the courts and lawyers will be very busy as people get their "fix" of adult websites; really stupid decision it was.
.... I still haven't ventured very deep into the Dark Web for many reasons.
.... One, everyone wishing to do something shady or illegal is lurking around the dark web. Imagine going into a house of ******* to sample the ladies without condoms or practicing safe sex. Whether you get a STD the first or second time there, its only a matter of time, and it won't be pretty once you get it. Same with the dark net, I think. Its "enter at your own risk".
.... Secondly, what I have seen, thus far on the dark net, there are no restrictions or moderators ... the temptations to get into the really heavy stuff (*******, illegal videos, rip-offs, etc) is there for the asking. For those of us that simple desire our daily ration of sleazy porn and chats, this is jumping into the "big league" of everything unconventional.
.... Thirdly, its only a matter of time (if it hasn't happened already) before law enforcement penetrates the VIP or whatever, then everyone "thinking they are safe" suddenly aren't safe anymore. I recall back when radar detectors saved me from getting many speeding/dwi's at night, then, suddenly law enforcement upgraded their equipment and I found myself going to court to save my driving license. Sorta like where the "holier than thou" religious right are wanting to take porn ... its not their thing, thus, no one else should do it either. If you're looking for fairly unrestricted porn, these days, you have to put an RU at the end of your specific word/topic searches, otherwise, your internet provider has probably already blocked similar UK/USA websites. One thing for sure, every time I go into the RU I'm hit with web page re-directs, virus infested websites ... it pays to have the best virus protection you can get.
.... So, I'm hoping the US will reverse much of their latest rulings on porn sites after Trump is gone ... otherwise, its gonna become porn prohibition and and the courts and lawyers will be very busy as people get their "fix" of adult websites; really stupid decision it was.
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Thirdly, its only a matter of time (if it hasn't happened already) before law enforcement penetrates the VIP or whatever, then everyone "thinking they are safe" suddenly aren't safe anymore.

They already do. Most of the world Law Enforcement Agencies and intelligence services have dedicated units. And for quite some time .

If you want to have a resemblance of privacy, and security use a VPN. If you want to be a little more secure use a double VPN and have all your data encrypted. A simple 2048 bit encryption package is fairly cheap. Will protect your data from hackers or malcontents from using, accessing your data. . .

1. VeraCrypt

2. AxCrypt h

3. Folder Lock

4. CryptoExpert 8

5. CertainSafe

Combine it with the VPN's and you can surf fairly safe in the knowledge you have pretty decent protection.
As someone else said will be almost impossible to enforce goverment ministers are exempt from this of course .It not about porn though it about control gove want moniter everything your doing using guise of morality if this works social media be next