Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 according to The Economist...
As admirable and assuring as these graphs are, BBCSceptre, Democrats need to keep strongly in mind the way Trump plays ... he plays a "win at all cost" type of game. He'll do what he has to do to WIN ... no limits. So, what you post may be true in a fair game, but Trump's someone who shows up at a knife fight with a gun, then ridicules you for showing up unprepared.
As much as I'd prefer seeing Republicans beat to submission, Trump is one you beat to death, then put "one" between the eyes" to be sure. Its the only way he understands. Thing is, IF he ends up going to a State Prison for a while, he'll cry like a baby when he's led out in handcuffs. He's about as tough as a marshmallow.
As admirable and assuring as these graphs are, BBCSceptre, Democrats need to keep strongly in mind the way Trump plays ... he plays a "win at all cost" type of game. He'll do what he has to do to WIN ... no limits. So, what you post may be true in a fair game, but Trump's someone who shows up at a knife fight with a gun, then ridicules you for showing up unprepared.
As much as I'd prefer seeing Republicans beat to submission, Trump is one you beat to death, then put "one" between the eyes to be sure. Its the only way he understands. Thing is, IF he ends up going to a State Prison for a while, he'll cry like a baby when he's led out in handcuffs. He's about as tough as a marshmallow.
I agree 100%.

2016, ten days before the election FBI Director informed the Congress of the private email server Clinton used as secretary of state. This ran the media outlets the final week running up to election day. It halved Clinton's lead, and shifted the race 3 to 4 percentage points towards Trump.

Trump was able to flip MI, WI, PA, FL.. and perhaps AZ & NC. Trump beat Clinton in MI, WI & PA by 1 percentage point.

There is still a chance & still time for Trump to win the election two weeks out. I agree with you 100%. But ⏳..⌛, & desparation is settling in...

Let's hope Trump's debate performance this week is as good as his first. Biden won the 1st Debate & Town Hall Battle. If Biden wins the debate Thursday that might be the nail in the coffin.
hard up for facts.....paid for by trump?...ok lets talk about lies....

Trump Is Lying More Than Ever: Just Look At The Data

As of early April, Trump has told 23.3 lies per day in 2020, a 0.5-lie increase since 2019. What’s more, Trump has averaged 23.8 lies per day since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in the US...

Fact Checker: President Trump made 19,127 false or ...

As of May 29, his 1,226th day in office, Trump had made 19,127 false or misleading claims, according to the Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement he...

"[...] Biden is being buoyed by prodigious fundraising and is outspending Trump on the airwaves.

Republican voices of dissent, including those of Sens. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), are being raised against the president - a sign of deepening concern about the party's fate in Senate and House elections."

hope all of this is right...and the people stick with the turnouts...look at I would never underestimate this fucker...nor Russian influence....these trumptards are …..not the sharpest knives in the drawer...but I hope their deformanty doesn't spread...….although I can not believe it is anywhere as close as it is....and they say what all he has done for them...yet can't think of one....don't believe in the virus....guess we don't have cain to speak up....surprised Christy isn't saying more
"[...] Biden is being buoyed by prodigious fundraising and is outspending Trump on the airwaves.

Republican voices of dissent, including those of Sens. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), are being raised against the president - a sign of deepening concern about the party's fate in Senate and House elections."

they just now see the handwriting on the wall?...most of the country has seen it for a few years now...…...and NOW they worry about re-election....had people like Sasse spoke up quite a while ago maybe trump would not be doing anything right now but packing to go to Russia
