Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

so what areas were those polls taken in? Also, it kind of shows you have a weak argument when you have to say there is a "science' to it twice in the first two lines.....great freakin argument.
If you were as smart as you thought you were yesterday, you would have looked it up yourself.
The crosstabs would explain the who, where, when and what was asked.
I used science twice to give you pause before you wrote the stupid ******* you wrote below. Maybe you would look it up.
Of course you didn't. You just went on to expose your ignorance.
Do you think before typing? CNN, one of the outlets you listed for their polling predicted she had a 99% chance of winning. Go with your polls, you know they can be manipulated any way people want.
That is not true.
No one gave her a 99% chance of winning. What would that have been based on?
Did you check the z score?
What's different in the above poll and the magical one you saw four years ago?
Well, for one, CNN, commissions legit pollsters now. Their whole approach changed and was very accurate in the 2018.
As a matter of fact, plenty of the media has been much better at breaking down polls.
Your whole reliance on the 2016 narrative, ignores the tsunami of 2018. The blue wave that turned over the House of Representatives.
You and your ilk, including the President, were trying to dismiss the polls until, you saw the historic ass kicking election night 2018.
What has Trump done to improve his standing in those districts he won in 2016 and lost in 2018?
Nothing. And he will be rewarded accordingly.
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some do know right from wrong!.....and the right is just plain wrong

'Disappointing' and 'disturbing': Republicans sound off on ...
6 hours ago · Four Republicans, including former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, urged the country to unite behind Joe Biden at the Democratic National Convention on Monday ... 2020, 2:25 AM UTC ...

Republicans Cross Party Lines To Back Joe Biden At DNC
5 hours ago · Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich and other longtime GOP voters appeared virtually at the DNC to endorse the Democratic ticket in 2020. By Sarah Ruiz-Grossman A handful of high-profile Republicans , including former Govs.

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9 hours ago · DNC 2020 Live: Republicans come out in support of Biden. ABCNews. By IVAN ... Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wis., Sergeant-at-Arms of the 2020 Democratic National Convention 'We the People Demanding Racial ...
Pretty sure that he had them at "white supremacists are fine people" and "let's make baby prisons for ******* who show up at the border".

That kind of stuff really appeals to a... certain segment of the population

I thought you were a liberal moron but you really are a lefty imbecile - sorry I misread ya. Course you’re in good company - plenty of your ilk in here :|
I thought you were a liberal moron but you really are a lefty imbecile - sorry I misread ya. Course you’re in good company - plenty of your ilk in here :|

Plenty of my ilk in America really. Love it or leave it.

Oh wait, sorry, you actually can't leave it. The entire world has travel restrictions on us because we fucked up so bad on Covid-19.
Yes, let's say fuck masks, open the schools and fuck social distancing.
You were right all along.
It's a fucking Death Cult.
You're part of a death cult. You search far and wide for information that goes against science, life threatening information, just for a momentary win. Take an extra shot of bleach today for your win.
Yes, let's say fuck masks, open the schools and fuck social distancing.
You were right all along.
It's a fucking Death Cult.
You're part of a death cult. You search far and wide for information that goes against science, life threatening information, just for a momentary win. Take an extra shot of bleach today for your win.

You see, it's not about science or logic for them. It's just about whatever makes them feel good. It isn't about right or wrong (yes, there is such a thing). It's just about whatever makes them feel a certain way. Well, effective governance is about more than just a good feeling about things. And hope (it will all just go away) is not a plan!

The "billionaire" who hides his tax returns. The "genius" who hides his university grades. The "successful businessman" who bankrupted 3 casinos, ran an airline into the ground, destroyed the USFL, and lost over $1 billion dollars in 10 years. The "international playboy" who pays porn stars for sex. The "virologist" who knows more than Dr. Fauci. The "Commander-in-Chief" who knows more about war and peace than the top generals. The "leader of the free world" who said he "fell in love" with the dictator Kim Jong-un. The "Christian" who does not go to church and held the Bible upside down on TV for a photo opp (after having peaceful protestors beaten and gassed with pepper spray) . The American president who committed treason by turning a blind eye to Ruskie bounties on American soldiers. The "nation's unifier" who called white supremacists "fine people". The "philanthropist" who was proven to have defrauded charities. The "patriot" who dodged the draft. The "innocent victim" who refuses to testify to anything. The "leader who is the only one who can fix it" who takes no responsibility. The "strong man" who wears orange make-up and hairspray. The "deal maker" who never seems to really be able to close the deal. This is not even all of Trump's failings. Not even close. And yet, this is a man who has made America great again . . . and who deserves another four years in office :unsure:??? HELL TO THE NO :mad:!!!
This is not even all of Trump's failings. Not even close. And yet, this is a man who has made America great again . . . and who deserves another four years in office :unsure:???
Well, that kind of wraps up Trump in a nutshell so to speak. I now will feel worse than ever if that SOB cheats his way back into the White House.