Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The Covid-19 has been deadly all around the world, since there is no cure that is the reason so many have died. Donald Trump did not tell anyone to inject bleach into their bodies, that is twisting what he said. President Trump is not responsible for one single death, typical Democratic Socialist way of thinking, blame the president because the government is expected to do everything for Americans. Trump is not a doctor and even if he was, there is no cure yet. Over 2,500,000 people die in this country every year. We pass a flu around every year and many die, I guess that makes us all killers because living normal everyday life cause many of us to infect others and some die. Yes it is terrible that 150,000 people have died because of this pandemic, this is America and Americans are very independent and don't like being told that they must wear masks, avoid crowds, and close businesses and churches. That is why America has so many deaths, nursing home deaths account for around 40% as well.
Israel and UAE agree to 'historical peace agreement', says Donald Trump – video
I know you Trump folks are practically starving for something "positive" to say about Trump ... any little accomplishment, even his ability to bend down and clip his own toenails would be an accomplishment for Trump right now.
I wouldn't start counting your chickens, however, on the raving success of this Israel & UAE peace agreement. The UAE citizens are NOT buying into the agreement, and to them "nothing has changed" per interviews this afternoon on the news. Agreeing to anything over there is like moving a chess piece on a board ... it often, by itself, has little significance. Everyone is looking 5-10 moves ahead ... I very much expect this agreement to go no further than the US-Iran agreement on weapons grade plutonium. And when it fails, you won't hear a peep out of the Trump administration.
But, go ahead and celebrate the accomplishment ... sort of like my producers writing a $million life insurance policy ... its easy to take the application, but the success is counted on the board when the premium is credited ... as about 70% of the time the customers change their mind. This peace agreement is very likely to go the same course.

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If the ultra-rich want Trump as POTUS why do the Clintons, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg want Trump out? I'd think having their kind of cash qualifies each of them as "ultra-rich"? :unsure:
You've honestly got to start learning a little more about US politics if you're going to insist on exerting your opinion as a non-citizen.
• You don't really know, for sure, what those people will do ... they all play a really GOOD hand of poker.​
• Trump is a serious problem in areas other than just "soaking the wealthy with tax increases" ... besides, if there ARE tax increases, expect them to come from the areas who have benefited from the "trickle down" of the Republicans the past 40 year, and that's not just the ultra-rich. They could take a quarter trillion from the military & pentagon and the military would squawk but wouldn't miss it.​
• Lastly, Trump is "talker", not a "doer" .... he boosts all the time over any tiny accomplishment, but most everything Trump has done as the "great negotiator" has failed, and you know that. His only grace is not being embarrassed to extend his "general orders" privileges. Otherwise, WHAT has he accomplished while in office other than run up the national debt and deficit spending AGAIN as REPUBLICANS are now famous of doing with their control of the POTUS?​
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It shows a massive increase in total deaths. You can be hell-bent to insist that the deaths didn't happen, or they don't matter, but that just makes you a garbage person, perfect for the Republican Death Cult.
Seeing that Trump is such a moron how did he get so brilliant in virology to weaponize viruses in China? Which also illustrates his mastery of Chinese too which is where the virus originated, correct? And should you say of course Trump is too stupid to do either as it was his response that was fatal resulting in the deaths of over a hundred thousand Americans should you not also credit Trump for saving the lives of at least 2.8 million Americans too @ridgelyfan ?


You've honestly got to start learning a little more about US politics if you're going to insist on exerting your opinion as a non-citizens.
• You don't really know, for sure, what those people will do ... they all play a really GOOD hand of poker.​
• Trump is a serious problem in areas other than just "soaking the wealthy with tax increases" ... besides, if there ARE tax increases, expect them to come from the areas who have benefited from the "trickle down" of the Republicans the past 40 year, and that's not just the ultra-rich. They could take a quarter trillion from the military & pentegon and the military would squawk but wouldn't miss it.​
True, there is a nature of bluffing which exhibits more trickery and doubt as to how people will play their hand so this is more poker than chess and our long ongoing debate will be settled within 3 months now, so those power brokers, as well as others I did not mention, will be ****** to play their poker hands where we will all see how this all collectively irons out on or possibly just after November 3rd, 2020 @MacNfries

And should there be another term of Trump we shall all see what he will do as the actions of the POTUS tends to make waves. :unsure: :)
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this is more poker than chess and our long ongoing debate will be settled within 3 months now
Do you recall Trump talking about installing only the BEST PEOPLE into his administration? Do you realize, as of today, he's still YET to staff over 30% of the middle management administrative jobs he needed to fill to keep departments running? Do you realize THAT?
Add those in with a near 100% turnover inside his administration, and the fact that Trump now does his own media/press updates ... no one wants that job because they don't want to look like bozos when lying so blatantly to the press. Turmp ... he just gets irritated, abruptly ends the press conference, and walks out. Plus he spends a huge part of it putting down Democrats, and promoting his 2nd Term .... a big no no ... but, Republicans don't stop him. And let's not even talk about the "Drain The Swamp" ... that's one of the biggest standing jokes of his entire administration. He's had more of his staff indicted, imprisoned, etc than any administration in the past 7 presidencies. And his is very likely to be a ONE TERM ONLY President ... so he's set the bar in just 3 1/2 years while most others except Carter & GH Bush were two term Presidents.
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And should you say of course Trump is too stupid to do either as it was his response that was fatal resulting in the deaths of over a hundred thousand Americans should you not also credit Trump for saving the lives of at least 2.8 million Americans too @ridgelyfan ?
How about explaining that to us, STIFF ... that 2.8 million Americans you wish to credit to Trump? I think I batted my eyes in front of the TV news for an excessively long period of time (took a nap in other words).
Do you recall Trump talking about installing only the BEST PEOPLE into his administration? Do you realize, as of today, he's still YET to staff over 30% of the middle management administrative jobs he needed to fill to keep departments running? Do you realize THAT?
Add those in with a near 100% turnover inside his administration, and the fact that Trump now does his own media/press updates ... no one wants that job because they don't want to look like bozos when lying so blatantly to the press. Turmp ... he just gets irritated, abruptly ends the press conference, and walks out. And let's not even talk about the "Drain The Swamp" ... that's one of the biggest standing jokes of his entire administration. He's had more of his staff indicted, imprisoned, etc than any administration in the past 7 presidencies.
It's easy to be a backseat driver with the coronavirus, the other side forsing Impeachment, facing off China, and all kinds of other things people can not appreciate at this point in time as those in authority can only contend with such issues. The job of a POTUS is a *******-me-dead type of job. Just noticing the hair of people before and after they get that job illustrates the stress, the long hours, the mockery those on either end of the political spectrum get in the news, and the butchery by the late-night comics, it's never-ending. That "woman who had the DNC nomination in 2016 and ran against Trump" should thank Trump for the stress he saved her from, maybe Biden will too, after-the-fact of course? :unsure:
How about explaining that to us, STIFF ... that 2.8 million Americans you wish to credit to Trump? I think I batted my eyes in front of the TV news for an excessively long period of time (took a nap in other words).
Take it up with my source @MacNfries : Have them correct it if you feel they are in err. If that is the case provided that the source is correct, Trump is more hero than he is a zero. ;) Maybe not super-saiyan as @ridgelyfan suggests if Melania were to write a book about Donald maybe she would complain about how thick his hair gets at times in the morning and all of that static-electricity in it? :ROFLMAO:
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Take it up with my source
What source, STIFF? Where on that chart does that chart attribute Trump saving 2.8 million Americans? Could you point that out on the chart? As we keep saying to you, STIFF ... you folks are so starved for a TRUMP SUCCESS that you'll fabricate anything in hopes that the liberal side won't contest it.
Hell, with his obstruction of the Obamacare health plan, he's probably killed a hell of a lot more than 2.8 million Americans by denying them health care ... ANOTHER PROMISE that Trump didn't keep.
What source, STIFF? Where on that chart does that chart attribute Trump saving 2.8 million Americans? Could you point that out on the chart? As we keep saying to you, STIFF ... you folks are so starved for a TRUMP SUCCESS that you'll fabricate anything in hopes that the liberal side won't contest it.
Hell, with his obstruction of the Obamacare health plan, he's probably killed a hell of a lot more than 2.8 million Americans by denying them health care ... ANOTHER PROMISE that Trump didn't keep.
Again contact Worldometers @MacNfries . Haven't you ever heard the expression, "Don't shoot the messenger"? 🤗
The Covid-19 has been deadly all around the world, since there is no cure that is the reason so many have died. Donald Trump did not tell anyone to inject bleach into their bodies, that is twisting what he said. President Trump is not responsible for one single death

Other. Countries. With. Better. Leadership. Had. Fewer. Deaths.

Why in the hell is this so hard to comprehend?