Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I have a theory but you will ridicule me or look for any kind of gotchas to try to make me look foolish. If you were to consider and ponder what I say I will share, fair? We used to be good friends @ridgelyfan 🤗 , but I am afraid Trump and possibly our politicals has created an abyss between us at least a few light-years long? 😭

You can be funny but I don't think hundreds of thousand of people dying is a joking matter right now. I have no idea why you can't see that.
No, you have a fantasy world problem. Look at the total number of deaths in the US here. See how it goes up a lot, right when Coronavirus got bad?

View attachment 3541482

This isn't labelling or calling a death Covid when it wasn't. This is just who died. Why don't you explain that huge bump to me.

We're getting played alright, we're getting played by the trash fire leadership in this country.
That doesn't show age or pre existing that bump is probably when they introduced covid patients to elderly homes
It shows a massive increase in total deaths. You can be hell-bent to insist that the deaths didn't happen, or they don't matter, but that just makes you a garbage person, perfect for the Republican Death Cult.

No those most susceptible should have quarantined not shut down country. If your so he'll bent on blaming Trump at least throw so towards these people

Your grammar and spelling is so terrible I have to guess what you're saying here. Are you saying I don't care about the crappy policies Cuomo instituted for nursing homes? I do care, it was a bad policy. I don't particularly like Cuomo.

That doesn't explain why months later, since that article was published, over a hundred thousand Americans all over the country have died and continue to die. It doesn't explain why there was no coordinated response. It doesn't explain why the funding to get supplies to deal with this, or to go to small business to keep them afloat went instead to Trump's friends and cronies. It doesn't explain why Trump (noted anti-vaxxer) said that this would magically go away before summer. It doesn't explain why he started pushing bogus miracle cures like hydroxyquinine and bleach injections (!!!).

A normal president would have dealt with the crisis like a crisis. Not a chance to make a few quick bucks for him and his friends.

Oh I see, this is a pathetic attempt to deflect. "Some democratic politicians did super dumb things, so Trump can do whatever he want and he's not responsible for anything let everyone die Death Cult Forever".

And you wonder why people think Trump supporters are so very low.
Your grammar and spelling is so terrible I have to guess what you're saying here. Are you saying I don't care about the crappy policies Cuomo instituted for nursing homes? I do care, it was a bad policy. I don't particularly like Cuomo.

That doesn't explain why months later over a hundred thousand Americans all over the country have died and continue to die. It doesn't explain why there was no coordinated response. It doesn't explain why the funding to get supplies to deal with this, or to go to small business to keep them afloat went instead to Trump's friends and cronies. It doesn't explain why Trump (noted anti-vaxxer) said that this would magically go away before summer. It doesn't explain why he started pushing bogus miracle cures like hydroxyquinine and bleach injections (!!!).

A normal president would have dealt with the crisis like a crisis. Not a chance to make a few quick bucks for him and his friends.
The effect on the nursing homes is exponential. And spread across country 5 democrats governors I text on phone with big thumbs,
The effect on the nursing homes is exponential. And spread across country 5 democrats governors I text on phone with big thumbs,

You can't look at this map of Covid cases in the last week and tell me this is a Democratic governor problem. You can try to deflect all you want but reality is staring you in the face.



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There's no info

Are you dense? The darker the color the more cases per capita. This is called a "heat map" (actually a choropleth if you want to use fancy terms, but something tells me I should not use fancy terms with you).

This is a map of the "United States of America", a country a few of us live in. Those shapes are called "states", and states are what have governors. Those states at the bottom have dark red colors. That means they have many cases of Covid per capita ("per capita" means in proportion to how many people live there). Those states at the bottom also have Republican governors.

I hope this helps.
No those most susceptible should have quarantined not shut down country. If your so he'll bent on blaming Trump at least throw so towards these people

you mean kind of like trump putting all those people off the cruise ship...those infected and those not all together for the flight home.....or moving all the elderly vets together for better care...those with covid nd those without...….there are more...want a list....this guy is literally destroying the country and killing the other half....and there are those that worship that...go figure...….if I remember right that veteran thing was in your state!
Are you dense? The darker the color the more cases per capita. This is called a "heat map" (actually a choropleth if you want to use fancy terms, but something tells me I should not use fancy terms with you).

This is a map of the "United States of America", a country a few of us live in. Those shapes are called "states", and states are what have governors. Those states at the bottom have dark red colors. That means they have many cases of Covid per capita ("per capita" means in proportion to how many people live there). Those states at the bottom also have Republican governors.

I hope this helps.
There's two maps no dates. Yeah your wicked smart kid
you mean kind of like trump putting all those people off the cruise ship...those infected and those not all together for the flight home.....or moving all the elderly vets together for better care...those with covid nd those without...….there are more...want a list....this guy is literally destroying the country and killing the other half....and there are those that worship that...go figure...….if I remember right that veteran thing was in your state!
The veteran s were in a va facility the person in charge investigated and replaced
There's two maps no dates. Yeah your wicked smart kid

Oh man. Oh man.

1. I told you it was over the last week
2. You are posting on a website which uses "forums" software. That software does things like make "thumbnails" of large images. If you look closely with your eyes and think with your brain, you might see that the small map is just a small version of the big map made into a link.