Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Nobody likes the Trumps.*******-zelda-eric-trump-joe-biden/
@2kindred_spirits Why must you and your sexy wife follow me around giving me the thumbs down? I get it, you don't like my *******. Cool. But this last one is a little too ridiculous. Its the dead man's ******* clapping back at the Trumps.

And it's true about nobody liking them, this guy (DJT) was in his 70s when he ran and had no lifelong friends, only 60% of his children, their spouses, and just his latest wife supporting him. He's got four siblings with children and grandchildren. Absent! Lived in NYC his entire life, and lost his city, his borough, his ward, and his precinct.
@2kindred_spirits Why must you and your sexy wife follow me around giving me the thumbs down? I get it, you don't like my *******. Cool. But this last one is a little too ridiculous. Its the dead man's ******* clapping back at the Trumps.

They seem to always upvote STIFF and downvote anyone he's talking to.

Maybe STIFF called them in as back-up or something. TBH, respect, STIFF. I mean it's a little lame to call in friends or play partners to help fight your silly internet battles defending a photo-fascist, but at least one of them is attractive.
They seem to always upvote STIFF and downvote anyone he's talking to.

Maybe STIFF called them in as back-up or something. TBH, respect, STIFF. I mean it's a little lame to call in friends or play partners to help fight your silly internet battles defending a photo-fascist, but at least one of them is attractive.
I called in nobody @ridgelyfan . I'm no puppet-master. People here do what they want to do.
...provided Biden wins of course.
Dude, all you got are thoughts and prayers. Thoughts of 2016, and prayers that Trump doesn't go crazy racist-sexist over Harris. He will. He cannot help it. It's just to what degree. Everytime he tweets or speaks in the next few days, listen for the collective asshole clinch the Republicans will be doing. I give it 72 hours.
Trump is loosing this race all by himself.
@2kindred_spirits Why must you and your sexy wife follow me around giving me the thumbs down? I get it, you don't like my *******. Cool. But this last one is a little too ridiculous. Its the dead man's ******* clapping back at the Trumps.

And it's true about nobody liking them, this guy (DJT) was in his 70s when he ran and had no lifelong friends, only 60% of his children, their spouses, and just his latest wife supporting him. He's got four siblings with children and grandchildren. Absent! Lived in NYC his entire life, and lost his city, his borough, his ward, and his precinct.
I’m not following anyone. Simply the thread itself.
Also it’s just the wife.
I skim through these threads and typically voice my opinions in private chats, but enjoy utilizing the thumbs feature.
They seem to always upvote STIFF and downvote anyone he's talking to.

Maybe STIFF called them in as back-up or something. TBH, respect, STIFF. I mean it's a little lame to call in friends or play partners to help fight your silly internet battles defending a photo-fascist, but at least one of them is attractive.
Does it hurt that bad?
what is really odd.....waaaay back during the campaign when harris dropped out...…...biden said she would be an excellent running had to wonder then...….

I liked Rice...….but the right was on her bad when she was with Obama and that might have played into it....and I wanted harris as the ag.....

but this could still work out fine...harris vp……..rice sec of st……...and abrams as AG.....sounds good to me!

now they need to take everyone of trumps executive orders and tax overhauls and etc...…..and re-do all of them...….not sure just how to handle the supreme court unless we impeach a couple (the last 2 for lying and deceit)….....and that is possible...not probable though...…….really would like to see Ginsburg turn her seat over to......OBAMA!

just thinking out loud!
Those on here that see a Biden, Harris ticket as a freight train, have extremely vivid imaginations. The democratic party has already spoken by eliminating her early in the primaries, all of a sudden they love her. If the democrats didn't want her what are the chances that the republicans and independents will vote for Biden with Harris one step away from the presidency ? Time will tell.
Those on here that see a Biden, Harris ticket as a freight train, have extremely vivid imaginations. The democratic party has already spoken by eliminating her early in the primaries, all of a sudden they love her. If the democrats didn't want her what are the chances that the republicans and independents will vote for Biden with Harris one step away from the presidency ? Time will tell.

It’s not that we Democrats did not want her period. We did not want her as PRESIDENT at this time. Yes, time will tell . . . won’t it? And to the victor goes the spoils!
Those on here that see a Biden, Harris ticket as a freight train, have extremely vivid imaginations. The democratic party has already spoken by eliminating her early in the primaries, all of a sudden they love her. If the democrats didn't want her what are the chances that the republicans and independents will vote for Biden with Harris one step away from the presidency ? Time will tell.

ever hear the quote......anyone but trump......of course not in your republican sheltered world!

besides for one thing....she brings law and order to the ticket....something the right has tried to cover up the past few years
Those on here that see a Biden, Harris ticket as a freight train, have extremely vivid imaginations. The democratic party has already spoken by eliminating her early in the primaries, all of a sudden they love her. If the democrats didn't want her what are the chances that the republicans and independents will vote for Biden with Harris one step away from the presidency ? Time will tell.

I think at this point few people are all "yay I am so excited for the Biden Harris ticket" (except for major DNC donors who are relieved Warren isn't going to be breaking up their companies).

It's more that the DNC is leaning into that "any responsible adult 2020" thing by putting up someone who looks like a responsible adult.