Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I had extra money bought bitcoins hopefully their near bottom
Changing the subject now, huh? With cryptocurrency being so volatile, I had to change the way that I trade using Binance! It's even difficult trading on Forex though I may just invest some money into a different cryptocurrency coin before the institutions spot it! Getting 8% on my money DAILY is some good ******* even with this pandemic going on!
Changing the subject now, huh? With cryptocurrency being so volatile, I had to change the way that I trade using Binance! It's even difficult trading on Forex though I may just invest some money into a different cryptocurrency coin before the institutions spot it! Getting 8% on my money DAILY is some good ******* even with this pandemic going on!

I'm not taking the bait let's move on
That's very nice of you Trump though you WON'T change your ways AT ALL! I cannot wait when KARMA gets his ass as well as his LYING ASS CHILDREN!

Republicans and their identity politics are destroying America

Instead of acknowledging facts, Republicans continue to perpetuate the racially-tinged myths that have gridlocked our government. Instead of acknowledging facts, Republicans choose to pontificate about the illegality of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), while simultaneously defending the unconstitutional racial profiling by Sheriff Joseph Arpaio and the unconstitutional muslim ban by President Trump.

What happened to any semblance of political consistency? Republicans shouldn’t have to add falsities into their arguments, but they choose to.
Republicans shouldn’t have to play to insecurities and fears to drive their party’s agenda, but they choose to. Republicans shouldn’t be willing to trick and misinform voters to win a political battle, but they choose to. Republicans are making a choice.

Rewriting our political and racial history using identity politics isn’t just immoral and dangerous, it’s a desperate choice. Identity politics are destroying our ability to have honest conversations. Identity politics are destroying our ability to govern. Identity politics are a tool for distracting away from actual policy debates.

Republicans know that it’s easier to distract than it is to discuss our obligations
. Republicans know that nothing works more effectively to rile up the Republican base than identity politics. It’s no accident that Republican voters increasingly believe that the “takers” are lazy minorities who depend on the government and that immigrants here illegally are ******* the system dry.

What Republican politicians don’t publicly acknowledge is that statistics show that approximately 40 percent of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients are white Americans, and specifically, white southern Americans, many of whom are Republicans. If Republicans have the better argument, if Republicans have the better policies and if Republicans have the better ideas, shouldn’t they be able to rise above the identity politics that they purport to hate and argue facts?

Look no further than the health care debate for proof. Republican voters have been told repeatedly that a single-payer system would mean the end of the private markets. Republican voters have been told repeatedly that a single payer system means government-controlled health care. Republican voters have been lied to repeatedly. A single-payer system doesn’t mean the private market disappears, it just means that you don’t die if you can’t afford health insurance. It’s that simple. Isn’t that what being the greatest country in the world is all about? There’s nothing great about letting your citizens die from preventable and curable diseases, right?

As the most powerful nation in the history of the world, we can afford to improve the lives of all Americans. The question we must ask is whether that’s a priority. How we spend our money is directly tied to what kind of future we want to have and what kind of country we want to be. The notion that we can’t afford better schools, better roads, better health care and a better shot at the American dream isn’t outdated, it’s flat out wrong. We have choices.

We can afford what we want to afford. At the end of the day, our budget is a moral document. Our budget reflects our priorities and our preferences. Our budget reflects our fiscal and moral obligations. Republican politicians have made their choice, and now it’s our turn. If we want to pay for a public school system that isn’t funded in a way that keeps poor children in inadequately-funded schools, then that’s a choice that we can make. We can choose to give every baby a real shot at climbing the economic ladder. We can choose to ensure that every American has access to medicine when they’re sick, food if they’re hungry and an education that not only informs them but prepares them to compete in an evolving marketplace. We have that choice.

We understand that we won’t meet the needs of everyone or be the answer to everyone’s prayers, but we can certainly try to be. We have that choice. Not everyone will maximize their full potential, but that’s not a reason to give up trying. Whether we like it or not, we are in this together. We sink or we swim together. In order to succeed, we must have a real conversation about everyone paying their fair share. If you can afford to fly on a private plane, you can afford to kick in a little more to the communal pot to ensure that we are meeting our obligations. That’s not redistributing wealth, that’s being part of something bigger than yourself.

We are the greatest country in the world, but with greatness comes an obligation. We are obligated to continue to strive to be greater. We are obligated to live up to our highest morals and the standard of greatness that we constantly espouse. Every other country in the world is trying to catch up to us. We cannot take our foot off the pedal. We cannot let up. Luckily, we have choices about how we move forward.

At some point, Republicans will run out of distractions. At some point, our problems will become so severe and debilitating that coy responses and allegations of fake news won’t be enough. At some point, the American people will demand answers. When that day comes, it won’t be enough to attack Colin Kaepernick for silently kneeling to show his disapproval of our country’s moral failures. When that day comes, it won’t be enough to throw around terms like “welfare queens” or “leeches,” as if we don’t understand dog-whistle politics.

When that day comes, it won’t be enough to mock and malign the dreamers, who are examples of what makes America truly great. When that day comes, Republicans will have to tell Americans what they stand for, not merely what they stand in opposition to. When that day comes, Republicans will have to answer for the decades of distractions, divisiveness and identity politics that have hurt countless Americans. When that day comes, it will be a truly great day. But until then, we have choices.

wrong….Never my president...a Russian plant/…….allowed to stay in office through the generosity of fools!

and that is just not me speaking as a democrat....I have been through a lot of Republican presidents....and all of them have been voted in by some "strange" power...but I lived with it....I think out of the last 5 republican presidents...only one has been in by the popular vote......but I didn't raise that much hell...…...

with this one right from the start...just about everyone on his campaign had Russian ties...his coordination with wiki leaks....the lies and cover-ups ...the obstruction of justice in trying to uncover the truth....anyone with ties to the investigation before or during the election has been fired and shunned from public life.....the mueller report...which did not clear him....just said a sitting pres could not be charged.....Barr's attempted cover-ups......secret meeting with much me this guy is guilty of Treason!

Changing the subject now, huh? With cryptocurrency being so volatile, I had to change the way that I trade using Binance! It's even difficult trading on Forex though I may just invest some money into a different cryptocurrency coin before the institutions spot it! Getting 8% on my money DAILY is some good ******* even with this pandemic going on!
Yeah even if they stay flat I can buy seeds for my PTSD meds
A New Report Proves Republican Governed Red States Are Economic Parasites

By now only comatose Americans or fools dependent on Fox News for their information
, are aware that states that consistently vote Republican and against their own best interest suck more money from the federal government than Democratic states. It leads one to marvel at the relevance of George Carlin’s saying “never underestimate the power, or danger, of stupid people in large groups.” Residents in red states across the nation are already suffering from Republican policies that are ******* the economic life out of the people, and in most cases the only thing keeping the people, particularly the poor people, from starvation and ill-health is the federal government; the entity they hate with religious fervor and elect Republicans to eviscerate.

Now, yet another report reveals that those same red state Republican voters who want the federal government cut to shreds are leeching substantially more assets from the federal government they want destroyed at the expense of blue states that are supporting them. This time the report is not from a liberal-leaning think tank, or any government agency; it is from a commercial organization with no political or economic stake in the study’s results. If this were the first report of its kind showing red state economies would wither and die, and the people would starve, without leaching federal funding from blue states, one may be inclined to dismiss it as an aberration.

However, study after study has consistently exposed anti-federal government Republican states as being incredibly dependent on the federal government they hate with religious passion and just voted for Republicans to fulfill their wishes and decimate it.

Never, never ever, underestimate the power of stupid Republican voters in red states who are a Presidential veto away from seeing their evil dream reach fruition.

The new report is courtesy of WalletHub; a commercial personal financial web site that rated all 50 states on the basis of their dependence on the federal government to support their economies and keep poor people alive. The report was compiled from data and condensed into “four metrics” not unlike other studies, but without a political motivation for conducting the research. The categories were; the return in federal dollars on taxpayer investment, or how many federal dollars a state receives as opposed to what the residents pay in. The percentage of state revenue from federal funding that keeps the state from declaring bankruptcy and its residents from starving or dying from lack of medical care. The number of non-defense (civilian) federal employees in a state, as opposed to states supported by large military installations. And last, the per capita federal employee rate in the state such as federal marshals, park rangers, federal highway workers, and federal regulators keeping air, water, and food safe.

Obviously, the two most important metrics in the study were the return on taxpayer investment, and the percentage of federal dollars a state depends on to prop up its economy and provide for the people’s general welfare from federal programs. Republican states have benefitted greatly from federal healthcare such as Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act, and it is relatively common knowledge that the largest percentage of SNAP (food stamp) recipients are poor white Republicans in red states; likely because red state legislators enacted Draconian ‘right to work’ laws keeping wages at or below poverty levels. What informs the epic stupidity of red state Republican voters is that they are the morons who consistently send Republicans to Washington to rein in the federal budget and cut the federal government down to size.

True to their word, and according to their base’s wishes, the Republican congressional representatives their mindless supporters just handed control of Congress to just passed a seriously Draconian budget that does precisely what red state voters yearned for; ended “federal interference” in their lives. If the Republican budget stands, red state voters will get their wish and can finally stop bemoaning the horrid ‘federal interference’ in their lives; the interference that kept food on their tables, their families in relatively decent health, and their state economies from going bankrupt. It is likely that the same morons and racists are too stupid to comprehend that the damage their state legislatures have been wreaking on them is about to be magnified a hundred fold due to less federal interference (funding) in their poverty-stricken lives. In fact, it may seem inhumane, but one almost wishes President Obama was not inclined to veto the Republican budget proposals just to let the real Americans, those patriotic “rugged individuals” comprehend just how much worse their pathetic existence would be without the federal government, blue states’ largesse, and humanitarian Democrats unwilling to allow their fellow citizens, no matter how stupid, suffer so the rich get richer.

One also wonders exactly how red state legislatures will fund their wealthy residents’ tax cuts when their already fragile economies’ revenue streams completely dry up due to budget cuts congressional Republicans voted for to ‘balance the budget and rein in the federal government. It is no secret that, for instance, every dollar spent on SNAP (food stamps) returns $1.70 back in red states’ floundering economies that in turn creates jobs. Obviously, Republicans in Congress could not care less that crucial federal dollars keeping their home state economies from disaster is being transferred directly to the wealthy and the military industrial complex instead of sustaining their idiotic constituency. Some of the poorest states, all red states, are dependent on federal funding for 30 to 45% of their total revenue and the GOP’s budget will slash that revenue and make dire revenue shortfalls already decimating red states seem like an economic bonanza.

There is no accounting for stupid people who, as equally stupid Sarah Palin claims, are the real Americans sitting on their porches holding their guns, their god, and their Constitution while supporting Republicans who promised to ravage the federal government they are convinced is stealing their liberty.

It has always been a mystery where those dunces who receive federal assistance in food and healthcare think their government assistance originates. Maybe if they would lose that assistance for a while they would get a clue that the federal
government they sent Republicans to Washington to demolish is all that prevents them from starving, working for a dollar an hour seven days a week, or going without lifesaving medical care, but even that eventuality is debatable.

What is noteworthy is that the blue states that receive 20, 30, or 40 cents in return for every dollar they invest in the federal government are not revolting and threatening to secede. But that is the difference between blue state residents and hateful red state Republicans; they accept that Americans assist their fellow citizens no matter how stupid they are for voting against their own best interests and the federal government that is likely all that stands between their demise and survival. Unfortunately their stupidity is a threat to the rest of the population and it is beginning to appear that they comprehend exactly what they are doing; if that is the case they are not just stupid, they are evil.

A New Report Proves Republican Governed Red States Are Economic Parasites
A new report reveals that those same red state Republican voters who want the federal government cut to shreds are leeching substantially more assets from the federal government they want destroyed at the expense of blue states that are supporting them.
This has nothing to do with answering to what I posted, calling republicans comatose Americans or fools, stupid Republican voters in red states, What informs the epic stupidity of red state Republican voters is that they are the morons who consistently send Republicans to Washington to rein in the federal budget and cut the federal government down to size.

In fact, it may seem inhumane, but one almost wishes President Obama ( Outdated just a bit as well ) was not inclined to veto the Republican budget proposals just to let the real Americans, those patriotic “rugged individuals” comprehend just how much worse their pathetic existence would be without the federal government, blue states’ largesse, and humanitarian Democrats unwilling to allow their fellow citizens, no matter how stupid, suffer so the rich get richer.

What is noteworthy is that the blue states that receive 20, 30, or 40 cents in return for every dollar they invest in the federal government are not revolting and threatening to secede
. But that is the difference between blue state residents and hateful red state Republicans; they accept that Americans assist their fellow citizens no matter how stupid they are for voting against their own best interests and the federal government that is likely all that stands between their demise and survival. Unfortunately their stupidity is a threat to the rest of the population and it is beginning to appear that they comprehend exactly what they are doing; if that is the case they are not just stupid, they are evil.
This is nothing but Bias foolishness, It answers none of the points addressed in the article I asked factual rebuttal for.
Republicans and their identity politics are destroying America

Instead of acknowledging facts, Republicans continue to perpetuate the racially-tinged myths that have gridlocked our government. Instead of acknowledging facts, Republicans choose to pontificate about the illegality of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), while simultaneously defending the unconstitutional racial profiling by Sheriff Joseph Arpaio and the unconstitutional muslim ban by President Trump.

What happened to any semblance of political consistency? Republicans shouldn’t have to add falsities into their arguments, but they choose to.
Republicans shouldn’t have to play to insecurities and fears to drive their party’s agenda, but they choose to. Republicans shouldn’t be willing to trick and misinform voters to win a political battle, but they choose to. Republicans are making a choice.

Rewriting our political and racial history using identity politics isn’t just immoral and dangerous, it’s a desperate choice. Identity politics are destroying our ability to have honest conversations. Identity politics are destroying our ability to govern. Identity politics are a tool for distracting away from actual policy debates.

Republicans know that it’s easier to distract than it is to discuss our obligations
. Republicans know that nothing works more effectively to rile up the Republican base than identity politics. It’s no accident that Republican voters increasingly believe that the “takers” are lazy minorities who depend on the government and that immigrants here illegally are ******* the system dry.

What Republican politicians don’t publicly acknowledge is that statistics show that approximately 40 percent of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients are white Americans, and specifically, white southern Americans, many of whom are Republicans. If Republicans have the better argument, if Republicans have the better policies and if Republicans have the better ideas, shouldn’t they be able to rise above the identity politics that they purport to hate and argue facts?

Look no further than the health care debate for proof. Republican voters have been told repeatedly that a single-payer system would mean the end of the private markets. Republican voters have been told repeatedly that a single payer system means government-controlled health care. Republican voters have been lied to repeatedly. A single-payer system doesn’t mean the private market disappears, it just means that you don’t die if you can’t afford health insurance. It’s that simple. Isn’t that what being the greatest country in the world is all about? There’s nothing great about letting your citizens die from preventable and curable diseases, right?

As the most powerful nation in the history of the world, we can afford to improve the lives of all Americans. The question we must ask is whether that’s a priority. How we spend our money is directly tied to what kind of future we want to have and what kind of country we want to be. The notion that we can’t afford better schools, better roads, better health care and a better shot at the American dream isn’t outdated, it’s flat out wrong. We have choices.

We can afford what we want to afford. At the end of the day, our budget is a moral document. Our budget reflects our priorities and our preferences. Our budget reflects our fiscal and moral obligations. Republican politicians have made their choice, and now it’s our turn. If we want to pay for a public school system that isn’t funded in a way that keeps poor children in inadequately-funded schools, then that’s a choice that we can make. We can choose to give every baby a real shot at climbing the economic ladder. We can choose to ensure that every American has access to medicine when they’re sick, food if they’re hungry and an education that not only informs them but prepares them to compete in an evolving marketplace. We have that choice.

We understand that we won’t meet the needs of everyone or be the answer to everyone’s prayers, but we can certainly try to be. We have that choice. Not everyone will maximize their full potential, but that’s not a reason to give up trying. Whether we like it or not, we are in this together. We sink or we swim together. In order to succeed, we must have a real conversation about everyone paying their fair share. If you can afford to fly on a private plane, you can afford to kick in a little more to the communal pot to ensure that we are meeting our obligations. That’s not redistributing wealth, that’s being part of something bigger than yourself. These are not facts, this is nuts. All this is saying is that if someone has worked themselves into a life of wealth, they are now responsible for the livelihood of others that for different reasons can't get ahead or maybe even survive unless our government extorts a huge portion of those that have arrived at the real American Dream. Well Guess what if I have 100,000.00 dollars and you only have 10,000.00 dollars, what makes you think it is morally right for you to demand any of my money, that is stealing!

We are the greatest country in the world, but with greatness comes an obligation. We are obligated to continue to strive to be greater. We are obligated to live up to our highest morals and the standard of greatness that we constantly espouse. Every other country in the world is trying to catch up to us. We cannot take our foot off the pedal. We cannot let up. Luckily, we have choices about how we move forward.

At some point, Republicans will run out of distractions. At some point, our problems will become so severe and debilitating that coy responses and allegations of fake news won’t be enough. At some point, the American people will demand answers. When that day comes, it won’t be enough to attack Colin Kaepernick for silently kneeling to show his disapproval of our country’s moral failures. When that day comes, it won’t be enough to throw around terms like “welfare queens” or “leeches,” as if we don’t understand dog-whistle politics.

When that day comes, it won’t be enough to mock and malign the dreamers, who are examples of what makes America truly great. When that day comes, Republicans will have to tell Americans what they stand for, not merely what they stand in opposition to. When that day comes, Republicans will have to answer for the decades of distractions, divisiveness and identity politics that have hurt countless Americans. When that day comes, it will be a truly great day. But until then, we have choices.

This has nothing to do with answering to what I posted, calling republicans comatose Americans or fools, stupid Republican voters in red states, What informs the epic stupidity of red state Republican voters is that they are the morons who consistently send Republicans to Washington to rein in the federal budget and cut the federal government down to size.

In fact, it may seem inhumane, but one almost wishes President Obama ( Outdated just a bit as well ) was not inclined to veto the Republican budget proposals just to let the real Americans, those patriotic “rugged individuals” comprehend just how much worse their pathetic existence would be without the federal government, blue states’ largesse, and humanitarian Democrats unwilling to allow their fellow citizens, no matter how stupid, suffer so the rich get richer.

What is noteworthy is that the blue states that receive 20, 30, or 40 cents in return for every dollar they invest in the federal government are not revolting and threatening to secede
. But that is the difference between blue state residents and hateful red state Republicans; they accept that Americans assist their fellow citizens no matter how stupid they are for voting against their own best interests and the federal government that is likely all that stands between their demise and survival. Unfortunately their stupidity is a threat to the rest of the population and it is beginning to appear that they comprehend exactly what they are doing; if that is the case they are not just stupid, they are evil.
This is nothing but Bias foolishness, It answers none of the points addressed in the article I asked factual rebuttal for.

as I posted earlier...….Obama had a 75% approval rating on his handling of swine flu and etc...…..unlike what trump claims....and I posted that also...trump lies...but the facts don't....when the swine flu hit....Obama gave the ******* companies 6 billion to come up with a ******* right away......trump just ignored the problem for at least 2 month....until his stupidity took over and kept trying to deny....all the facts are there and I have posted...but you choose to ignore...….as for Dems destroying country...also posted things on that several times...but you are not about the right has not passed one law in 40 years that helps the people of this push your right wing crazy *******,,,,,nothing true and facts and number show other wise
If you're the one being called "shawty," you might take it as a compliment or as an insult — depending on your relationship to the person who used it, how it was used and your personal feelings or beliefs about its use.
Do you even know what the term "shawty" means, @Hottobe cucked, or are you AGAIN dipping your OLD ASS in my posts? Interesting though how out of my post you spotted the word, "shawty"! Hmmm, how come you didn't say anything about Racism? Oh, I know EXACTLY why! You're AFRAID to talk about Racism, @Hottobe cucked just like ALL of your other Republican CULT members! Doesn't matter though because of Trump, it is discussed ALOT, hence him calling the coronavirus a "Chinese virus"! How come YOU won't talk about that, @Hottobe cucked?

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Do you even know what the term "shawty" means, @Hottobe cucked, or are you AGAIN dipping your OLD ASS in my posts? Interesting though how out of my post you spotted the word, "shawty"! Hmmm, how come you didn't say anything about Racism? Oh, I know EXACTLY why! You're AFRAID to talk about Racism, @Hottobe cucked just like ALL of your other Republican CULT members! Doesn't matter though because of Trump, it is discussed ALOT, hence him calling the coronavirus a "Chinese virus"! How come YOU won't talk about that, @Hottobe cucked?

You say it over and over again so what is the reason for that? Does it make me Racist because I view you as worthless human being that talks in Slang and butchers the English Language. Has a hateful attitude toward America and a woe is me mentality, your vulgar, judgmental and a major hypocrite. At least your posts reflect this. I looked up the meaning of the word Shawty because I knew you were using it as an insult because your not talking to fine women. I don't need to defend President Trump because he correctly refers to the coronavirus as the Chinese Virus. Why would I need to talk about Racism ? It is only an issue with those that hate Trump, he may look at some people negatively but not because they are a certain race, there are people individually that I am sure he don't like, don't everyone? Have a good night.
You say it over and over again so what is the reason for that? Does it make me Racist because I view you as worthless human being that talks in Slang and butchers the English Language. Has a hateful attitude toward America and a woe is me mentality, your vulgar, judgmental and a major hypocrite. At least your posts reflect this. I looked up the meaning of the word Shawty because I knew you were using it as an insult because your not talking to fine women. I don't need to defend President Trump because he correctly refers to the coronavirus as the Chinese Virus. Why would I need to talk about Racism ? It is only an issue with those that hate Trump, he may look at some people negatively but not because they are a certain race, there are people individually that I am sure he don't like, don't everyone? Have a good night.
You view me as that because every time I see how much of a REAL hypocrite that you are talking about religion when most that are Religious LIKE you are the WORST on this planet and SHOULD be annihilated! When you vote for a Racist President then that means you condone Racism! Not hard to understand, @Hottobe cucked! Lmao@ at butchers the English language yet you support a CON MAN who just slaughters the English language (WORSE than ANYONE) DAILY, so you CAN'T talk! Hmmmm, hateful towards America because I'm not BLIND to the TRUTH regarding this CORRUPT country? This country ISN'T a SAINT, @Hottobe cucked, or do you FAIL to realize that? Nope, my posts reflect that Trump is a DANGER to this country! Just fucked up that you CANNOT see that or FAIL to realize that! Hmmm, nah, YOU really DON'T care about this country which is reflected in your WORSHIP of Trump as his CULT member! Even our ALLIES know how much of a detriment Trump is to our country unlike the uninformed Republicans that seem to NOT CARE! By the way, do I "HATE" Trump? Nah, I'm not a DEVIL like Trump is though I would agree that I DISLIKE him! Furthermore, the word "Shawty" IS NOT meant as an INSULT though I wouldn't expect you to KNOW that because you're not from the SOUTH like me or know where that word originated from ACCURATELY! Truthfully, it has NUMEROUS meanings besides it being a reference to "FINE WOMEN"! *******, to PROVE my point, I have Black Women calling me Shawty because again THEY understand that the word has MORE THAN ONE meaning! You looked up the word, @Hottobe cucked, though NOT REALIZING that it has MULTIPLE meanings! So, by you doing that, you AGAIN assuming ******* that you know NOTHING about! Why do you KEEP doing that to yourself? Every time, more than once, you PUT your FOOT in YOUR mouth continuously! You would THINK a guy like you would STOP embarrassing yourself LIKE THAT! Smdh!

By the way, you claiming that I am butchering the English language when you said "he don't like, don't everyone?" You used the term "don't" INCORRECTLY! The CORRECT spelling would be "he DOESN'T like, DOESN'T everyone?" I know your English teachers TAUGHT you better English than that, right?
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