Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Your hateful TDS obviously knows NO bounds!!!!!! :{

ahhh where is your sense of honor...…...just my duty to point out the obvious....since it seems to go right over your head

welllllll now it seems anyone that would support Genghis also supporting *******....wouldn't you think?

I didn't like either of the Bush's......and Reagan even less.....but this cocksucker will NEVER be my president...he got in using corruption and backed by people buying the snakeoil and with the help of our enemy....and now through his lack of intelligence is killing people
wrong….he is a bullshitter and a con artist...…...and now we can add KILLER to that a situation of his that is a real con...******* people and convince the others you are helping...……...of course you don't see the humor there

I didn't like either of the Bush's......and Reagan even less.....but this cocksucker will NEVER be my president...he got in using corruption and backed by people buying the snakeoil and with the help of our enemy....and now through his lack of intelligence is killing people

so now on top of theft...corruption.. consorting with the enemy....we can add killer!
Wrong!!! Just like always, TDS is not good for you, go relax because Trump is still your President.
Wrong!!! Just like always, TDS is not good for you, go relax because Trump is still your President.

wrong….Never my president...a Russian plant/…….allowed to stay in office through the generosity of fools!

and that is just not me speaking as a democrat....I have been through a lot of Republican presidents....and all of them have been voted in by some "strange" power...but I lived with it....I think out of the last 5 republican presidents...only one has been in by the popular vote......but I didn't raise that much hell...…...

with this one right from the start...just about everyone on his campaign had Russian ties...his coordination with wiki leaks....the lies and cover-ups ...the obstruction of justice in trying to uncover the truth....anyone with ties to the investigation before or during the election has been fired and shunned from public life.....the mueller report...which did not clear him....just said a sitting pres could not be charged.....Barr's attempted cover-ups......secret meeting with much me this guy is guilty of Treason!
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Okay Sub, Mac and all your blind puppet supporters. Here is a mission for all of you so put your efforts all together to supply facts to contradict all her highlighted conclusions. Good Luck.

The Democratic Party Is Working To Destroy The American Way Of Life
At this moment in history, the Democratic Party belongs to those who hate our institutions, hate the limits of our system of government, and hate America's way of life.

Rachel Stoltzfoos

By Rachel Stoltzfoos
NOVEMBER 1, 2018

Hillary Clinton is right. We cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what America stands for. She’s right that we must fight against politicians and activists who degrade the rule of law, seek to delegitimize our elections, spread corruption, attack truth and reason, and try to undermine our national unity. A defiant, defensive, and dystopian political party must be met with determined aggression, not niceties. But she’s living in upside-down world if she believes that’s the Republican Party.
Two years into Donald Trump’s presidency, there is no question the Democratic Party is on the side of those working to undermine the American system of government and the American way of life.

When they didn’t get the president they wanted in 2016, Democrats attacked the legitimacy of our election and of the Electoral College. They questioned the integrity of the result and boycotted his inauguration. They encouraged electors to go rogue and overturn the election, and moved to abolish the Electoral College, disregarding its purpose of preventing mob rule. As they undermined faith in the American electoral process in these and other ways, they helped Vladimir Putin achieve one of his primary election-meddling goals.
Democrats weaponized the FBI and the Justice Department in hopes of taking down Trump, or at least of bogging him down in investigations and a cloud of suspicion that would undermine the legitimacy of his presidency. Some who are paid to implement the president’s agenda continue to brag about efforts to sabotage him from within the administration.
When Trump nominated a Supreme Court justice they didn’t like, Democrats disrespected the confirmation process by withholding information, then tried to destroy the nominee’s life by means of an unsubstantiated allegation. Their allies in the press attacked the structure of the Senate and urged them to pack the court. When the nominee was confirmed according to the rules of the Senate, they attacked the legitimacy of the Supreme Court.
This is the party that wants to use the military purposed with defending our way of life as a petri dish for progressive social policies. They demand the military enlist men and women with gender dysphoria, then pay for expensive and time-intensive surgeries, and insist women must be in combat roles, regardless of the complications, cost, or potential effects on combat readiness.

Democrats flout the rule of law on our borders and attack law enforcement agencies. They assert we must allow anyone into the country for any reason, no matter the cost to taxpayers, the terror threat, or the effects on our culture and economy.
They use their platform in Congress to recklessly attack the concept of due process. They support kangaroo courts on college campuses that deprive men and women of due process in cases of sexual assault, and they absurdly insist any woman who makes a sexual assault allegation must be believed without question.
Democrats work with those who seek to undermine the institutions of God and family, and they have a special hatred for the Christian view that undergirds the Constitution and has always marked American life. Legal recognition of gay marriage is not enough for them; they demand everyone embrace and cheer on a lifestyle some are bound by conscience not to celebrate.
They demand business owners participate in their marriage ceremonies by baking cakes and providing flowers, and harass those who fight back. They demand Americans violate their conscience in order to provide women taxpayer-sponsored access to ******* that ******* unborn babies. They insist the president has the right to ******* your baby to share a bathroom with boys in her school.

They wage war on our right to free speech, our right to life, and our right to carry a gun. Their campaign to redefine sex and gender is an affront to reason and truth. They illogically accuse people who oppose ripping fully formed babies out of a mom’s womb of wanting to dominate and control women. They exploit emotions in the wake of school shootings to push for unconstitutional gun grabs.
Democrats are no longer interested in debate. They seek to use whatever power they can get their hands on to intimidate, manipulate, and shame the opposition into silence. They pressure Facebook and Twitter to police speech they don’t like online. They wield the fake news narrative fabricated by the media to explain Hillary’s loss in their ongoing campaign to diminish the voice of the conservative press, and they partner with legacy outlets that damage the public’s faith in the press with a growing mountain of bad reporting.
Democrats lend moral support to campus mobs that shout down and drive off campus anyone whose views make them uncomfortable. They urge their followers to stalk and harass public figures they disagree with, and drive them out of public spaces.
Rather than reexamine their divisive political strategies following the 2016 election, Democrats hit the accelerator on the politics of division. Thus we have Hillary Clinton, who is still blaming everyone but herself and her ideas for her loss, claiming Democrats can’t be “civil” until they have regained control of the government. Then, she asserts, we can go back to “listening to each other” and “working our our differences.” Yeah, right. That is not the Democratic Party that exists today.

The Democratic Party at this moment in history belongs to those who hate our institutions, hate the limits of our system of government, and hate the American way of life. They have become the party of mob rule. There’s a line where civility necessarily starts to break down, and they’re definitely heading straight for it, if they haven’t crossed it already.
Follow Rachel Stoltzfoos on Twitter.
Okay Sub, Mac and all your blind puppet supporters. Here is a mission for all of you so put your efforts all together to supply facts to contradict all her highlighted conclusions. Good Luck.

The Democratic Party Is Working To Destroy The American Way Of Life
At this moment in history, the Democratic Party belongs to those who hate our institutions, hate the limits of our system of government, and hate America's way of life.

Rachel Stoltzfoos

By Rachel Stoltzfoos
NOVEMBER 1, 2018

Hillary Clinton is right. We cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what America stands for. She’s right that we must fight against politicians and activists who degrade the rule of law, seek to delegitimize our elections, spread corruption, attack truth and reason, and try to undermine our national unity. A defiant, defensive, and dystopian political party must be met with determined aggression, not niceties. But she’s living in upside-down world if she believes that’s the Republican Party.
Two years into Donald Trump’s presidency, there is no question the Democratic Party is on the side of those working to undermine the American system of government and the American way of life.

When they didn’t get the president they wanted in 2016, Democrats attacked the legitimacy of our election and of the Electoral College. They questioned the integrity of the result and boycotted his inauguration. They encouraged electors to go rogue and overturn the election, and moved to abolish the Electoral College, disregarding its purpose of preventing mob rule. As they undermined faith in the American electoral process in these and other ways, they helped Vladimir Poroshenko achieve one of his primary election-meddling goals.
Democrats weaponized the FBI and the Justice Department in hopes of taking down Trump, or at least of bogging him down in investigations and a cloud of suspicion that would undermine the legitimacy of his presidency. Some who are paid to implement the president’s agenda continue to brag about efforts to sabotage him from within the administration.
When Trump nominated a Supreme Court justice they didn’t like, Democrats disrespected the confirmation process by withholding information, then tried to destroy the nominee’s life by means of an unsubstantiated allegation. Their allies in the press attacked the structure of the Senate and urged them to pack the court. When the nominee was confirmed according to the rules of the Senate, they attacked the legitimacy of the Supreme Court.
This is the party that wants to use the military purposed with defending our way of life as a petri dish for progressive social policies. They demand the military enlist men and women with gender dysphoria, then pay for expensive and time-intensive surgeries, and insist women must be in combat roles, regardless of the complications, cost, or potential effects on combat readiness.

Democrats flout the rule of law on our borders and attack law enforcement agencies. They assert we must allow anyone into the country for any reason, no matter the cost to taxpayers, the terror threat, or the effects on our culture and economy.
They use their platform in Congress to recklessly attack the concept of due process. They support kangaroo courts on college campuses that deprive men and women of due process in cases of sexual assault, and they absurdly insist any woman who makes a sexual assault allegation must be believed without question.
Democrats work with those who seek to undermine the institutions of God and family, and they have a special hatred for the Christian view that undergirds the Constitution and has always marked American life. Legal recognition of gay marriage is not enough for them; they demand everyone embrace and cheer on a lifestyle some are bound by conscience not to celebrate.
They demand business owners participate in their marriage ceremonies by baking cakes and providing flowers, and harass those who fight back. They demand Americans violate their conscience in order to provide women taxpayer-sponsored access to ******* that ******* unborn babies. They insist the president has the right to ******* your baby to share a bathroom with boys in her school.

They wage war on our right to free speech, our right to life, and our right to carry a gun. Their campaign to redefine sex and gender is an affront to reason and truth. They illogically accuse people who oppose ripping fully formed babies out of a mom’s womb of wanting to dominate and control women. They exploit emotions in the wake of school shootings to push for unconstitutional gun grabs.
Democrats are no longer interested in debate. They seek to use whatever power they can get their hands on to intimidate, manipulate, and shame the opposition into silence. They pressure Facebook and Twitter to police speech they don’t like online. They wield the fake news narrative fabricated by the media to explain Hillary’s loss in their ongoing campaign to diminish the voice of the conservative press, and they partner with legacy outlets that damage the public’s faith in the press with a growing mountain of bad reporting.
Democrats lend moral support to campus mobs that shout down and drive off campus anyone whose views make them uncomfortable. They urge their followers to stalk and harass public figures they disagree with, and drive them out of public spaces.
Rather than reexamine their divisive political strategies following the 2016 election, Democrats hit the accelerator on the politics of division. Thus we have Hillary Clinton, who is still blaming everyone but herself and her ideas for her loss, claiming Democrats can’t be “civil” until they have regained control of the government. Then, she asserts, we can go back to “listening to each other” and “working our our differences.” Yeah, right. That is not the Democratic Party that exists today.

The Democratic Party at this moment in history belongs to those who hate our institutions, hate the limits of our system of government, and hate the American way of life. They have become the party of mob rule. There’s a line where civility necessarily starts to break down, and they’re definitely heading straight for it, if they haven’t crossed it already.
Follow Rachel Stoltzfoos on Twitter.

A New Report Proves Republican Governed Red States Are Economic Parasites

By now only comatose Americans or fools dependent on Fox News for their information
, are aware that states that consistently vote Republican and against their own best interest suck more money from the federal government than Democratic states. It leads one to marvel at the relevance of George Carlin’s saying “never underestimate the power, or danger, of stupid people in large groups.” Residents in red states across the nation are already suffering from Republican policies that are ******* the economic life out of the people, and in most cases the only thing keeping the people, particularly the poor people, from starvation and ill-health is the federal government; the entity they hate with religious fervor and elect Republicans to eviscerate.

Now, yet another report reveals that those same red state Republican voters who want the federal government cut to shreds are leeching substantially more assets from the federal government they want destroyed at the expense of blue states that are supporting them. This time the report is not from a liberal-leaning think tank, or any government agency; it is from a commercial organization with no political or economic stake in the study’s results. If this were the first report of its kind showing red state economies would wither and die, and the people would starve, without leaching federal funding from blue states, one may be inclined to dismiss it as an aberration.

However, study after study has consistently exposed anti-federal government Republican states as being incredibly dependent on the federal government they hate with religious passion and just voted for Republicans to fulfill their wishes and decimate it.

Never, never ever, underestimate the power of stupid Republican voters in red states who are a Presidential veto away from seeing their evil dream reach fruition.

The new report is courtesy of WalletHub; a commercial personal financial web site that rated all 50 states on the basis of their dependence on the federal government to support their economies and keep poor people alive. The report was compiled from data and condensed into “four metrics” not unlike other studies, but without a political motivation for conducting the research. The categories were; the return in federal dollars on taxpayer investment, or how many federal dollars a state receives as opposed to what the residents pay in. The percentage of state revenue from federal funding that keeps the state from declaring bankruptcy and its residents from starving or dying from lack of medical care. The number of non-defense (civilian) federal employees in a state, as opposed to states supported by large military installations. And last, the per capita federal employee rate in the state such as federal marshals, park rangers, federal highway workers, and federal regulators keeping air, water, and food safe.

Obviously, the two most important metrics in the study were the return on taxpayer investment, and the percentage of federal dollars a state depends on to prop up its economy and provide for the people’s general welfare from federal programs. Republican states have benefitted greatly from federal healthcare such as Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act, and it is relatively common knowledge that the largest percentage of SNAP (food stamp) recipients are poor white Republicans in red states; likely because red state legislators enacted Draconian ‘right to work’ laws keeping wages at or below poverty levels. What informs the epic stupidity of red state Republican voters is that they are the morons who consistently send Republicans to Washington to rein in the federal budget and cut the federal government down to size.

True to their word, and according to their base’s wishes, the Republican congressional representatives their mindless supporters just handed control of Congress to just passed a seriously Draconian budget that does precisely what red state voters yearned for; ended “federal interference” in their lives. If the Republican budget stands, red state voters will get their wish and can finally stop bemoaning the horrid ‘federal interference’ in their lives; the interference that kept food on their tables, their families in relatively decent health, and their state economies from going bankrupt. It is likely that the same morons and racists are too stupid to comprehend that the damage their state legislatures have been wreaking on them is about to be magnified a hundred fold due to less federal interference (funding) in their poverty-stricken lives. In fact, it may seem inhumane, but one almost wishes President Obama was not inclined to veto the Republican budget proposals just to let the real Americans, those patriotic “rugged individuals” comprehend just how much worse their pathetic existence would be without the federal government, blue states’ largesse, and humanitarian Democrats unwilling to allow their fellow citizens, no matter how stupid, suffer so the rich get richer.

One also wonders exactly how red state legislatures will fund their wealthy residents’ tax cuts when their already fragile economies’ revenue streams completely dry up due to budget cuts congressional Republicans voted for to ‘balance the budget and rein in the federal government. It is no secret that, for instance, every dollar spent on SNAP (food stamps) returns $1.70 back in red states’ floundering economies that in turn creates jobs. Obviously, Republicans in Congress could not care less that crucial federal dollars keeping their home state economies from disaster is being transferred directly to the wealthy and the military industrial complex instead of sustaining their idiotic constituency. Some of the poorest states, all red states, are dependent on federal funding for 30 to 45% of their total revenue and the GOP’s budget will slash that revenue and make dire revenue shortfalls already decimating red states seem like an economic bonanza.

There is no accounting for stupid people who, as equally stupid Sarah Palin claims, are the real Americans sitting on their porches holding their guns, their god, and their Constitution while supporting Republicans who promised to ravage the federal government they are convinced is stealing their liberty.

It has always been a mystery where those dunces who receive federal assistance in food and healthcare think their government assistance originates. Maybe if they would lose that assistance for a while they would get a clue that the federal
government they sent Republicans to Washington to demolish is all that prevents them from starving, working for a dollar an hour seven days a week, or going without lifesaving medical care, but even that eventuality is debatable.

What is noteworthy is that the blue states that receive 20, 30, or 40 cents in return for every dollar they invest in the federal government are not revolting and threatening to secede. But that is the difference between blue state residents and hateful red state Republicans; they accept that Americans assist their fellow citizens no matter how stupid they are for voting against their own best interests and the federal government that is likely all that stands between their demise and survival. Unfortunately their stupidity is a threat to the rest of the population and it is beginning to appear that they comprehend exactly what they are doing; if that is the case they are not just stupid, they are evil.

A New Report Proves Republican Governed Red States Are Economic Parasites
A new report reveals that those same red state Republican voters who want the federal government cut to shreds are leeching substantially more assets from the federal government they want destroyed at the expense of blue states that are supporting them.
Whoa, the GOP membership is 90% white, huh? Damn, no wonder "they" think the way that they do! I kept saying that Trump's phrase of, "Make America Great Again" in essence means Make America White Again! Trump just trying to play with WORDS with his PHRASE! Though, you will have those Republicans who will say, "Nah, that's a lie!", which OBVIOUSLY I wouldn't be surprised since Trump has the ENTIRE Party wrapped around his finger as well as the STAUNCH Rednecks!
