Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Gallup’s latest 60% approval rating in handling of pandemic - Dems looking like hoping for country to crash and burn to bring down President Trump - your own are abandoning the terminal TDS contingent looks like :}

that is trumps's 41%....and more people are dying....which in another two weeks will be down about 20%......especially since he said 2 fdays ago they pretty much have it under control....and then today highest number yet...…..and you want to say people buys what trump is selling….I have a bridge for you
What I see - is a man elected by the people of this country trying to do his best in a crisis situation no president in our living history has had to deal with - all the while the sniveling media and Dems like you dog his every move.

see there you go again....who won the popular vote?......who had Russia's help getting into office....and appointed by P.utin himself....nothing more can be done.....except maybe to offer you some cheese with that wine....but then when he loses in 2020 you will be cutting your own cheese
see there you go again....who won the popular vote?......who had Russia's help getting into office....and appointed by P.utin himself....nothing more can be done.....except maybe to offer you some cheese with that wine....but then when he loses in 2020 you will be cutting your own cheese

You’re like a freakin broken record spewing Dem talking points and straight out horseshite - you whine constantly and say I do - give ya credit for being determined - too bad as before you’re on the LOSERS side :}
You’re like a freakin broken record spewing Dem talking points and straight out horseshite - you whine constantly and say I do - give ya credit for being determined - too bad as before you’re on the LOSERS side :}

well first I am just trying to educate and offer the don't get that from the right...…..stand along side of the donkey and learn......when you sneak up behind trying something...that's where the ******* comes from.....I never whine...just state the guys just don't want to hear them

the loser is the USofA….and you are helping destroy it by not opening your eyes
My eyes are wide open - I have NO respect for the biased media in this country that you buy into - they lied for over 2 years about “collusion” to delegitimize this president - for me the media has ZERO credibility - they are the whores of the left.
My eyes are wide open - I have NO respect for the biased media in this country that you buy into - they lied for over 2 years about “collusion” to delegitimize this president - for me the media has ZERO credibility - they are the whores of the left.

your eyes may be wide open.....but you have your head in your rectal is not lack of respect you supper have just been sold a bad batch of snakeoil from don the conn.....they lied about nothing....just trump has the right so intimidated they are willing to let him destroy the party.....whores?......just trying to educate...
blkdlaur you have the patience of a saint having to read and answer all of the left wing monotonous · tedious · boring · uninteresting · humdrum · mundane · tiresome · wearisome · dreary · lies over and over again. One of these democratic puppets keeps saying he is trying to educate when he has no ability to teach anyone anything, another lefty thinks he is intelligent but he has a huge self induced ego that actually has him convinced that he has all the answers, Not If He Is An Evil Democrat follower he don't, the third makes no sense at all believes all trump supporters are Racists, doesn't speak proper English, instead tries to communicate through thuggish slang from thought up sayings to make someone stand out. In other words he has the mentality that needs attention, screaming out LOOK AT ME !!
We continue to ask over and over for that Great List of President Trump accomplishments for the American people. Maybe if you, blkdlaur, cpl2010 and TwoBi put your brains together, there will be enough live brain cells to provide us that awesome list of Trump's accomplishments.... come on, now, lets suppose Trump is in front of his GOP Convention to accept the nomination for GOP candidate again and he's listing ALL HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS he's done since becoming President. What do you guys think he will say ..... did he accomplish ANY of his campaign promises from 2016? What were they?
Starting Point: (have a conference call and maybe you can come up with something)
Accomplishment #1: __________________________________________________________​
Accomplishment #2: __________________________________________________________​
Accomplishment #3: __________________________________________________________​
and so on and so forth ....​
gif_cat.gif .............................................. gif_mouse-jumpingUp&Down.gif

OR, will Trump's 4 years in the Public Sector be another one of his FAILURES?
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blkdlaur you have the patience of a saint having to read and answer all of the left wing monotonous · tedious · boring · uninteresting · humdrum · mundane · tiresome · wearisome · dreary · lies over and over again. One of these democratic puppets keeps saying he is trying to educate when he has no ability to teach anyone anything, another lefty thinks he is intelligent but he has a huge self induced ego that actually has him convinced that he has all the answers, Not If He Is An Evil Democrat follower he don't, the third makes no sense at all believes all trump supporters are Racists, doesn't speak proper English, instead tries to communicate through thuggish slang from thought up sayings to make someone stand out. In other words he has the mentality that needs attention, screaming out LOOK AT ME !!

and speaking of momotonous...tedious.....boring....not going to list it all......but it about sums up your posts on here....nothing knowledgeable….just crying about your ….lack of knowledge really......not sure I told you this......but you are the poster baby for stupidity.....and you just keep coming back for more....because you do nothing but spew your twisted right wing...….alternative really should have a lot more supervision when you are around others and try to speak
We continue to ask over and over for that Great List of President Trump accomplishments for the American people. Maybe if you, blkdlaur, cpl2010 and TwoBi put your brains together, there will be enough live brain cells to provide us that awesome list of Trump's accomplishments.... come on, now, lets suppose Trump is in front of his GOP Convention to accept the nomination for GOP candidate again and he's listing ALL HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS he's done since becoming President. What do you guys think he will say ..... did he accomplish ANY of his campaign promises from 2016? What were they?
Starting Point: (have a conference call and maybe you can come up with something)
Accomplishment #1: __________________________________________________________​
Accomplishment #2: __________________________________________________________​
Accomplishment #3: __________________________________________________________​
and so on and so forth ....​
View attachment 3243306 .............................................. View attachment 3243345

OR, will Trump's 4 years in the Public Sector be another one of his FAILURES?

I can think of one mac...…...he gave us the virus......that would be a republican their them it is probably their version of suppressing the vote or something....and if you look at what some post on can tell the right lacks a lot of …….focus on reality…..wonder if they will cry this much about what trump has given them....once they get the virus

most leaders would have had this under control long before it got here.....but we needed a wall!
We continue to ask over and over for that Great List of President Trump accomplishments for the American people. Maybe if you, blkdlaur, cpl2010 and TwoBi put your brains together, there will be enough live brain cells to provide us that awesome list of Trump's accomplishments.... come on, now, lets suppose Trump is in front of his GOP Convention to accept the nomination for GOP candidate again and he's listing ALL HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS he's done since becoming President. What do you guys think he will say ..... did he accomplish ANY of his campaign promises from 2016? What were they?

What would be the point Mac? You simply dismiss the source as "fake news" or claim the accomplishment was actually Obama's.
You have a lost all credibility in the past few months, lies after lies. You condemn Trump for his lies but excuse Biden's lies. You yourself have been proven to lie and push fake news but refuse to retract or acknowledge. You have become nothing more than a talking head. I don't like the man myself, but ignorant people like you ******* me to defend him. It's no wonder you are Baptist, your blind faith of the left runs thick. You dont' see his accomplishments because you don't want to see them. But to be fair, I can see why you like to lick Obama's asshole so much. After all, he did sell out to insurance companies. (perhaps those are the type of accomplishments you are looking for??)

Just the top 10 from 2018
10. He has secured the release of 19 people, including 16 Americans, from foreign captivity. When Pastor Andrew Brunson was freed by Turkey, he became the 19th captive released thanks to Trump. Others include: four held by North Korea; an aid worker and her husband held by Egypt; three UCLA basketball players and a Texas businesswoman held by China; a couple and their three children held by the Taliban; a former CIA officer held by Portugal; and two citizens held by Venezuela. That’s more Americans freed in two years than President Barack Obama got released in eight. And unlike Obama, Trump did it without releasing terrorist leaders or sending plane-loads of cash to rogue regimes, creating incentive for more hostage taking.

9. He delivered for the “forgotten Americans.” The Trump boom is benefiting those left behind by the Obama economy. Manufacturing jobs grew at the fastest rate in 23 years and the unemployment rate for Americans without a high school diploma reached the lowest point ever recorded. The Wall Street Journal reports that wages rose 3.1 percent – the biggest jump since 2009 – and that “low-skilled workers are among the biggest beneficiaries.”

8. He worked with Democrats and Republicans to pass important legislation. It didn’t get a lot of attention, but Trump got a lot done on a bipartisan basis, including criminal justice reform, opioid and sex trafficking legislation, and a new “Right to Try” law giving dying Americans access to experimental medications. [More than you can say from Obama]

7. He has ushered in a golden age for women in the CIA. Trump not only appointed Gina Haspel as the agency’s first female director but also made Elizabeth Kimber the first women to lead the agency’s clandestine service.

6. His push to expand domestic energy production bore fruit. This year the United States passed both Saudi Arabia and Russia as the world’s top oil producer.

5. In the six months after the Singapore summit with North Korea, he has made no concessions to Pyongyang. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un expected to blow up some useless nuclear facilities in exchange for billions in hard currency. Trump has refused to play Kim’s game. Not only has Trump not lifted sanctions, unfrozen North Korean assets, ended the Korean War or offered Pyongyang diplomatic recognition, but also he imposed new sanctions on members of Kim’s inner circle.

4. He struck Syria again and eliminated the last vestiges of the Islamic State’s physical caliphate. For a second time, he enforced Obama’s red line against the use of chemical weapons. In December, U.S.-backed fighters captured Hajin, the last pocket of territory held by the Islamic State. The militant group is far from defeated, but Trump is right that we have knocked “the hell out of ISIS.”

3. He’s continued his tough line with Moscow. Trump announced America’s withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, shipped Javelin antitank missiles to Ukraine, canceled a meeting with Putin at the Group of 20 summit over Russia’s seizure of Ukrainian navy ships, expelled dozens of Russian diplomats and imposed more sanctions against Moscow.

2. He pulled out of Obama’s disastrous Iran deal and reimposed crippling sanctions on Tehran. The new sanctions have taken millions of barrels of Iranian oil off the market and led to the cancellation of major deals with European investors. And when Iranian protesters rose up to challenge the regime, Trump (unlike his predecessor) stood with them.

1. He stood by Brett Kavanaugh and even in the worst moments never wavered. Trump has confirmed a record 85 judges in his first two years as president. That total includes two Supreme Court justices, 30 appellate court judges and 53 district judges who will preside for decades.
We continue to ask over and over for that Great List of President Trump accomplishments for the American people. Maybe if you, blkdlaur, cpl2010 and TwoBi put your brains together, there will be enough live brain cells to provide us that awesome list of Trump's accomplishments.... come on, now, lets suppose Trump is in front of his GOP Convention to accept the nomination for GOP candidate again and he's listing ALL HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS he's done since becoming President. What do you guys think he will say ..... did he accomplish ANY of his campaign promises from 2016? What were they?
Starting Point: (have a conference call and maybe you can come up with something)
Accomplishment #1: __________________________________________________________​
Accomplishment #2: __________________________________________________________​
Accomplishment #3: __________________________________________________________​
and so on and so forth ....​
View attachment 3243306 .............................................. View attachment 3243345

OR, will Trump's 4 years in the Public Sector be another one of his FAILURES?

I’ve told you over and over and over - this game of yours has gotten toooooo OLD.
Every defender of the President in here has answered this challenge and generally more than once - whereupon you and you’re other thick as ******* Dem cohorts refute everything stated and negate it in your own TDS diseased minds - I for one am done playing your ignorant exercise in FUTILITY :cold:
I can think of one mac...…...he gave us the virus......that would be a republican their them it is probably their version of suppressing the vote or something....and if you look at what some post on can tell the right lacks a lot of …….focus on reality…..wonder if they will cry this much about what trump has given them....once they get the virus

most leaders would have had this under control long before it got here.....but we needed a wall!

You’re just a SICK demented Dem - I guess you know not what you say :{