Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The LESS the government does for me - the BETTER !!!! of big why do you support big gov

Stop Calling the GOP the Party of Small Government ...
Stop Calling the GOP the Party of Small Government. There was a time when GOP lawmakers called for the elimination of entire federal agencies. Today, milquetoast promises to pursue smaller government are followed by votes for ever bigger government. As Milton Friedman noted, the true size of the state is measured by how much money it spends.

Republicans and Big Government | Mises Institute
Contrary to popular myth, every Republican president since and including Herbert Hoover has increased the federal government's size, scope, or power--and usually all three. Over the last one hundred years, of the five presidents who presided over the largest domestic spending increases, four were Republicans.
It seems to me - that Dems think if they drown you in horseshite - that you’ll inevitably believe their horseshite - too bad - for them - it doesn’t work that way for the independent minded ;}

Cause for us horseshite is just horseshite !!!
It seems to me - that Dems think if they drown you in horseshite - that you’ll inevitably believe their horseshite - too bad - for them - it doesn’t work that way for the independent minded ;}

Cause for us horseshite is just horseshite !!!

nice to admit you are absentminded...…..must have been when you voted for for you being drowned in horseshit....quit trying to sneak up behind a democrat with unpure thoughts on your mind
Why Don’t Republicans Understand That Trump Is Destroying Their Brand?

With his plummeting approval rating, the nonstop investigations, and his Twitter tirades, Donald Trump is causing a massive amount of harm to the Republican Party. So why aren’t more Republicans speaking out against him? Are they too spineless, or do they actually like what he’s doing? Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

There are a lot of things that I don’t understand about the Republican Party in the United States. I don’t understand how they’re able to continuously fleece voters into voting against their own self-interests. I don’t understand how they’re able to convince people that they’re going to do something about abortion, even though every time they’ve had majorities at every level of government, they’ve just said, “Nah, we’re not going to do it, but we’re going to talk about it in the campaigns and get you religious people to come vote for us.”

But the thing that I don’t understand the most is how Republicans in Washington, DC, today can sit silently by when they see Donald Trump doing so much damage to their party. You know, before the Republican Party was hijacked by the extremists, by the Religious Right, it wasn’t all that bad. They’ve got some good things on their historical résumé. But for the last 80, 90, maybe a hundred years, the party has been complete garbage, and getting worse year by year. So, say I’m Paul Ryan right now, and I’m looking around, and I’m seeing what’s going on in DC, and seeing how much damage Donald Trump is doing to my party, seeing his poll numbers plummet, seeing the angry people show up at town halls because of what I, Paul Ryan, am doing, and I’m just going to let it go?

The Republicans had a real opportunity here to take the lead and say that what Donald Trump is doing is wrong and he doesn’t represent mainstream conservatives or Republicanism. Instead, they didn’t do that, he hijacked the message, and he became the face and the voice of the Republican Party today. If you are Republican, you stand for what Donald Trump stands for, because nobody else in a leadership position was willing to stand up and say, “He doesn’t speak for us.” He is in charge, and the Republicans in Washington are too timid, too weak, or too paid off to fight back against him, even though they know, they see what’s coming in 18 months, those 2018 midterms, where they will likely lose the House of Representatives. They see it. They’re just either too stupid or too scared to do anything about it.

Now, I fully 100% acknowledge that they deserve this, and I want them to lose big time in the midterms. I want them to lose the Senate, and I want them to lose the White House forever. I’m not trying to defend the Republican Party or give them tips on how to get better. I’m simply questioning why these people are so spineless that they won’t speak out against a man who is destroying everything they allegedly love. It doesn’t make any sense unless they also believe what he believes, unless they’re also as corrupt as he is. That is the only logical explanation why these Republicans would sit silently by while this man destroys their party for a generation, because that’s what’s going to happen at the polls.

And I know we have John McCain out there saying that firing Comey was bad, and more shoes are about to drop on Russia. We have Lindsey Graham out there saying, “We want Donald Trump’s tax returns, because we need to know about his business dealings to see if there’s conflicts of interest there.” But you’re also talking about … That’s two people, and McCain and Graham are just as bad. They’re even more hawkish when it comes to foreign policy than Donald Trump has been, so that’s not a relief. Yeah, they’re talking about the need to go around him and find out what kind of crappy things he’s doing, but they’re not going to be any better, and they only want to do it because they want the power for themselves. Both men have run for president a couple times and lost.

That’s what’s happening today. The Republican Party is falling apart, they’re absolutely imploding, and it’s because there isn’t a single one who is willing to stand up and tell Donald Trump, “No.” “No, you cannot speak for my party.” “No, you cannot do this, you cannot do that.” “You cannot get on Twitter. I’m taking your phone away.” Nobody had the guts to say any of that, and because of this, they’re going to find their rightful place on the ash heap of history as a monument to their spineless, cowardly bowing down to Donald Trump, and they absolutely deserve that.
Responding to The Arranger's posted cartoon of Mitt Romney:

The perverse thing is that, yes, Mitt Romney is really a poor guy considering the circles he moves in. $250m is pennies for the top 0.1%. Can't even buy half a Saudi ruler's yacht.

And why should the likes of Romney have so much and I so little? Am I not hardworking, intelligent and educated? How come my net worth is 0.1% of Ronney's. If Romney took my job, would he actually perform any better? Are you kidding me? Romney can't even teach a monkey how to eat peanuts!

I am so mad about the current system that I don't mind Donald Trump as much as I should. If Trump disrupts the elites and drives them nuts, it's a good thing. If he crashes the economy, it's not me who is going to be out of a job. I won't lose my job because the elites are never going to homeschool their insufferable young brats. Instead it is the elites who will be out of their jobs as bankers, speculators, financial consultants, etc, and ****** to bitch and moan to each other in their country clubs.

Yeah, as a non-democrat, I don't care if Trump is really as bad as you say he is and he crashes the economy. Even if our GDP per capita were to shrink to Reagan standards, most Americans won't feel a thing because real wages haven't risen since then. It's the elites who stand to lose if the economy cratered!

So let the recession begin! All of us working class folks will keep our jobs because the elites will never clean their own homes and walk their own dogs.
Responding to The Arranger's posted cartoon of Mitt Romney:

The perverse thing is that, yes, Mitt Romney is really a poor guy considering the circles he moves in. $250m is pennies for the top 0.1%. Can't even buy half a Saudi ruler's yacht.

And why should the likes of Romney have so much and I so little? Am I not hardworking, intelligent and educated? How come my net worth is 0.1% of Ronney's. If Romney took my job, would he actually perform any better? Are you kidding me? Romney can't even teach a monkey how to eat peanuts!

I am so mad about the current system that I don't mind Donald Trump as much as I should. If Trump disrupts the elites and drives them nuts, it's a good thing. If he crashes the economy, it's not me who is going to be out of a job. I won't lose my job because the elites are never going to homeschool their insufferable young brats. Instead it is the elites who will be out of their jobs as bankers, speculators, financial consultants, etc, and ****** to bitch and moan to each other in their country clubs.

Yeah, as a non-democrat, I don't care if Trump is really as bad as you say he is and he crashes the economy. Even if our GDP per capita were to shrink to Reagan standards, most Americans won't feel a thing because real wages haven't risen since then. It's the elites who stand to lose if the economy cratered!

So let the recession begin! All of us working class folks will keep our jobs because the elites will never clean their own homes and walk their own dogs.

not quite sure how to respond to that...…..will agree with Romney and his money...but he is no where near as flagrant as trump.....I actually thought Romney showed a touch of class compared to trump.....Romney is what USED to be....your basic republican.....

I will agre with the comment on the current system.....this country now has the largest income gap of any of the big countries.....and it just keeps getting worse.....and it is especially true and climbing under trump....he has done nothing but take care of himself and that top 1% since being in office...….at the expense of the people in America.....I read somewhere a while back that some in these big corps were pissed at trump ….wanting more tax breaks!

Like you...if he crashes the economy....doubt it will effect me one way or the other...……...but his crashing the economy is pretty much a sure thing....and on a good pace to do so soon...…….problem is it will effect generations to come...…………………….he is used to spending and spending with no regard for money.....went bankrupt how many times?.....Banks in America won't lend him money...…….broke and goes to Germany.....same thing...owes millions....can't pay it back.....goes to China......same thing....owes million...….goes back to Germany and creates a money laundering scam for Russia.....endless supply of cash......anything he has done on his own...….has gone belly up!.....where does this country go once he takes it belly up????we have allowed most of the money in this country to go overseas.....and gave them tax breaks to do so...…..we have nothing to fall back on except the American worker.....but he will have to dig out of a big hole

and yes wages have been stagnet……..every since the right destroyed any chance of trying to earn....they did away with health time....busted unions.....all of which drains on what little the worker has left to live don't agree with your "non-democrat" comment....but then unions and some other high paying working jobs have created a class of republicans that forgot their roots!

sure is….barely 40%....about where he has always been
trump is gone....and he knows it....he fucked this up from the beginning and is still fucking it up.....
first with the cuts and etc he did to the program in 2018....hurt...alot

second he was told in Jan that china was worse than they were saying and this could come here...….he did nothing

this week he made more cuts to the top people in CDC to get more that "were loyal" not that they had any idea what is going on...just adding to the problem

he said this was war and said he was invoking war powers...….and has yet to give any company a directive to make the much needed supplies for this

Chicago just announced for those that get to let them go and try to save those they think they can

trump's only the stock market and the economy....thinking it will save his job....not going to happen as long as this virus keeps spreading and getting worse......and it is!

Can a pandemic shake the faith of Trump's followers? Don't ...
Mar 16, 2020 · In his appearances and tweets, Trump made the usual false claims about what a great job he's done and slandered the previous administration over its handling of …

AP FACT CHECK: Trump's misguided boast on virus poll ratings
Mar 08, 2020 · Trump claims higher poll ratings than previous administrations got when handling virus outbreaks. But early in the swine flu outbreak in May 2009, when Barack Obama was president, 3 in 4 Americans had confidence in the government’s management of the crisis, according to Gallup.

Coronavirus: US hospitals totally unprepared for ...
Mar 07, 2020 · A nurse in the US has said she was denied a coronavirus test despite being sick, throwing a spotlight on claims the nation’s response is shambolic. A nurse in the United States, who is sick and ...

Trump's Approval Rating Over His Handling Coronavirus Is ...
Mar 07, 2020 · Trump’s Approval Rating Over His Handling Coronavirus Is Crashing Down, Down, Down… BY Chris Walker March 7, 2020 The American public is losing confidence, fast, in President Donald Trump’s ability to lead during the coronavirus global pandemic.

Poll: Trump approval dips to 46 percent amid coronavirus ...
President Trump's approval rating has slipped over the last month, a new Hill/HarrisX poll finds. ... that 44 percent of voters approved of Trump's handling of the coronavirus crisis with 42 …

Fumbling in the Face of Coronavirus Could Lose Trump the ...
Mar 05, 2020 · Someone has to be the bearer of evil tidings. Shoot me if you want, but the Trump administration's handling of the coronavirus threat could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in November. This …

All the Ignorant Things Trump Has Said About Coronavirus ...
What’s worse is that now Trump and his crew are insinuating that legitimate concerns over the handling of the virus are nothing but political attacks, as the administration seeks to escape any ...
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