Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

to many articles and statements from various people to think other wise....especially from the black workers who were told to make themselves scare when he was around

I read the other day the reason he got the KKK and white national support to begin with was his repeated statements that Obama was not born here
where there is smoke there is fire
Trump did make a statement at the end that Obama was absolutely American and he ended that debate. And as far as black workers or any one that works for Trump that was not absolutely on a friendly first name basis with him, anyone would be scared if the top boss was going to show up, especially one notorious for firing people.
Trump did make a statement at the end that Obama was absolutely American and he ended that debate. And as far as black workers or any one that works for Trump that was not absolutely on a friendly first name basis with him, anyone would be scared if the top boss was going to show up, especially one notorious for firing people.

was told to ….trying to help with re-election

you do know that except for his tv show....the man has not had the courage to fire anyone!....look at those he gets rid of now....some find out about through the news......others some staff or cabinet member will come tell them...all the while in the news he gives this pretext of supporting them

fact is....die hard republicans support him by over 90%...….others who claim to support the right down to about 80%...independants far less and he is losing more everyday...….those are the ones that swing any election

the only thing trump has any other snake charmer....had the ability to pull in those people who felt the dems and the right have left out.....he got into their head...and they support him no matter what he says or does
the thing that trump seems to forget......everything always comes out eventually....more and more coming out everyday....and I think the only thing that will slow that down is when he leaves office....but there are also those little tell all books......people others have met with finding out a lot more......already definitely know now that WikiLeaks worked for the Russians in what they released...all of that and his name will be ******* in a matter of time...and then throw in with him no longer in office and unable to snake charm the weak minded....there will be a real hate for him...far more then now......his ******* still have to live here..his ******* has already said she wants to get into politics.....he is really fucking them...his legacy will not be that good....impeachment votes keep gathering steam all the time...a few more from the right now support it
was told to ….trying to help with re-election

you do know that except for his tv show....the man has not had the courage to fire anyone!....look at those he gets rid of now....some find out about through the news......others some staff or cabinet member will come tell them...all the while in the news he gives this pretext of supporting them

fact is....die hard republicans support him by over 90%...….others who claim to support the right down to about 80%...independants far less and he is losing more everyday...….those are the ones that swing any election

the only thing trump has any other snake charmer....had the ability to pull in those people who felt the dems and the right have left out.....he got into their head...and they support him no matter what he says or does
Any team has people that will follow them without thinking I could say the same about the Democrats too. How did you feel when AOC called you "garbage"? I would be offended if I were an American?

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the thing that trump seems to forget......everything always comes out eventually....more and more coming out everyday....and I think the only thing that will slow that down is when he leaves office....but there are also those little tell all books......people others have met with finding out a lot more......already definitely know now that WikiLeaks worked for the Russians in what they released...all of that and his name will be ******* in a matter of time...and then throw in with him no longer in office and unable to snake charm the weak minded....there will be a real hate for him...far more then now......his ******* still have to live here..his ******* has already said she wants to get into politics.....he is really fucking them...his legacy will not be that good....impeachment votes keep gathering steam all the time...a few more from the right now support it
That would be something if Ivanka wanted to be president in 2024? Or whenever? I suspect she is being groomed to take the reins at some point in the future? But it would be more credible if she got in through her own merit.
Any team has people that will follow them without thinking I could say the same about the Democrats too. How did you feel when AOC called you "garbage"? I would be offended if I were an American?

she is the one giving the presidency to trump on a silver platter...…...she is chasing off those Jewish Democrats!
she is pretty much sinking the party and just to stupid to know it

your post is just more of his divide and worked for him in the past......but has alienated about everyone who isn't that strategy may not work for him this time.....I read a while back that about 49% of blacks didn't vote last time...but most plan on voting this time....voter apathy created the lowest turn out for a pres election in a long time
she is the one giving the presidency to trump on a silver platter...…...she is chasing off those Jewish Democrats!
she is pretty much sinking the party and just to stupid to know it
Not too sure if there are politicians in America that "cross the floor" to join the other party as it is a rare phenomenon here in Canada as well, but you will undoubtedly throw a huge party if anyone can convince AOC and maybe the whole "Squad" to join up with Trump? If AOC and friends are going to sink a ship it may as well be the other side's vessel?
Not too sure if there are politicians in America that "cross the floor" to join the other party as it is a rare phenomenon here in Canada as well, but you will undoubtedly throw a huge party if anyone can convince AOC and maybe the whole "Squad" to join up with Trump? If AOC and friends are going to sink a ship it may as well be the other side's vessel?

they don't see it that way...for one they want trump impeached.....and they were mad last week because 4 dems didn't vote with the rest and she blamed Pelosi for that......they are from "purple" areas that don't go for all the left ideas....

the only one that I know of that was in office that switched was Joe Lieberman....

then throw in Harris and Booker......they are doing all they can to make Biden look like a racist and trying to pull in the black vote by giving all kinds of things......most of the country on both sides not for that...will the rile up the black vote and get them to vote...or will they not vote if neither of them is the nomineee
she is the one giving the presidency to trump on a silver platter...…...she is chasing off those Jewish Democrats!
she is pretty much sinking the party and just to stupid to know it

your post is just more of his divide and worked for him in the past......but has alienated about everyone who isn't that strategy may not work for him this time.....I read a while back that about 49% of blacks didn't vote last time...but most plan on voting this time....voter apathy created the lowest turn out for a pres election in a long time
Plus the thought of Trump being a Klansman is also reaching nowhere. If Trump was a secret grand wizard in the KKK why would he allow his precious ******* to marry Jared Kushner who is a Jew? If Trump's ******* or uncle were still alive he / they might object, but that omission on Trump's part does sabotage the racist narrative I see online.
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they don't see it that way...for one they want trump impeached.....and they were mad last week because 4 dems didn't vote with the rest and she blamed Pelosi for that......they are from "purple" areas that don't go for all the left ideas....

the only one mthat I know of that was in office that switched was Joe Lieberman....

she is the one giving the presidency to trump on a silver platter...…...she is chasing off those Jewish Democrats!
she is pretty much sinking the party and just to stupid to know it

your post is just more of his divide and worked for him in the past......but has alienated about everyone who isn't that strategy may not work for him this time.....I read a while back that about 49% of blacks didn't vote last time...but most plan on voting this time....voter apathy created the lowest turn out for a pres election in a long time
I did not say that it was going to be easy as they loathe anything to do with Trump, but if you are to get rid of "stupid" people as you said @subhub174014 they would serve your side better by weakening the Republicans.
the thing that trump seems to forget......everything always comes out eventually....more and more coming out everyday....and I think the only thing that will slow that down is when he leaves office....but there are also those little tell all books......people others have met with finding out a lot more......already definitely know now that WikiLeaks worked for the Russians in what they released...all of that and his name will be ******* in a matter of time...and then throw in with him no longer in office and unable to snake charm the weak minded....there will be a real hate for him...far more then now......his ******* still have to live here..his ******* has already said she wants to get into politics.....he is really fucking them...his legacy will not be that good....impeachment votes keep gathering steam all the time...a few more from the right now support it
That would be something if Ivanka wanted to be president in 2024? Or whenever? I suspect she is being groomed to take the reins at some point in the future? But it would be more credible if she got in through her own merit.
Furthermore even Kim Kardashian is making a name for herself other than her beauty by getting convicts released from prison and studying to become a lawyer.

Perhaps Ivanka can do the same to become a more credible leader where she can get a presidential pardon from her Daddy to very worthy candidates that somehow was too harshly judged in the courts, or follow after Hillary and become a senator and a Congresswoman before she throws her hat in the ring to follow after her Daddy?
Plus the thought of Trump being a Klansman is also reaching nowhere. If Trump was a secret grand wizard in the KKK why would he allow his precious ******* to marry Jared Kushner who is a Jew? If Trump's ******* or uncle were still alive he / they might object, but that omission on Trump's part does sabotage the racist narrative I see online.

Don't know anything about him being a klans man...his ******* for Ivanka marrying Kushner....that was trumps idea he was bankrupt...… I am sure for money he can over look at lot of things....if you read what Bannon said when he left office....Kushner is a big time cuck...Ivanka probably takes after dad and can't keep her legs closed

although sometime after their marriage it turns out cuckner is in money trouble himself...that is why all of them are so soft on the Saudi's...for one they bought this bldg. in NY that Kushner was going broke on...and a few other things that benefit the family...throw in trumps tower there and if he went against the Saudi's that would become a major loser!
Furthermore even Kim Kardashian is making a name for herself other than her beauty by getting convicts released from prison and studying to become a lawyer.

Perhaps Ivanka can do the same to become a more credible leader where she can get a presidential pardon from her Daddy to very worthy candidates that somehow was too harshly judged in the courts, or follow after Hillary and become a senator and a Congresswoman before she throws her hat in the ring to follow after her Daddy?

read more about Kayne west...he now says he was used and wants no part of it....and since Kim has not got anything from trump
I did not say that it was going to be easy as they loathe anything to do with Trump, but if you are to get rid of "stupid" people as you said @subhub174014 they would serve your side better by weakening the Republicans.

well just like with sanders......they support him and no one else...which hurt last election also...if harris or Booker gets them all wound up to vote for them and they don't make it will they still vote?

so many different ways all of this could go
I did not say that it was going to be easy as they loathe anything to do with Trump, but if you are to get rid of "stupid" people as you said @subhub174014 they would serve your side better by weakening the Republicans.

the stupid ones just never vote...feel it won't matter to them one way or the sit home and ******* beer or do anything but vote...those people trump has managed to convince he can do great wonders.....but if you ask them what can and has he done for them ...they have no answer......but still think he is some kind of god.........some are real republicans all because of the brainwashing by the right on the second amendment...and there is a bunch of them...….....and then you have the red states where it has just been pounded into them since the civil war that the dems are bad...….and if they do is republican
Don't know anything about him being a klans man...his ******* for Ivanka marrying Kushner....that was trumps idea he was bankrupt...… I am sure for money he can over look at lot of things....if you read what Bannon said when he left office....Kushner is a big time cuck...Ivanka probably takes after dad and can't keep her legs closed

although sometime after their marriage it turns out cuckner is in money trouble himself...that is why all of them are so soft on the Saudi's...for one they bought this bldg. in NY that Kushner was going broke on...and a few other things that benefit the family...throw in trumps tower there and if he went against the Saudi's that would become a major loser!
What goes on between Jared and Ivanka is their business so as long as they are both satisfied with whatever they do between them. Kushner did appear affluent to me and for Trump to allow him into the family he would have to bring something that compliments what they lack whether if it is money or investor contacts like the Saudis or even MrPutin?
What goes on between Jared and Ivanka is their business so as long as they are both satisfied with whatever they do between them. Kushner did appear affluent to me and for Trump to allow him into the family he would have to bring something that compliments what they lack whether if it is money or investor contacts like the Saudis or even MrPutin?

true......but just shows she wasn't THAT in love with him...and true just like the people do here...what they do is up to them and no one else...….Kushner at the time brought a lot to the table...had a lot of property...but soon after was losing on some of that property HIGH PRICED PROPERTY....but with the help of trump being the Saudi's to take care of that major loss

Kushner Companies offloads troubled 666 Fifth Avenue flagship
Aug 03, 2018 · The Kushner Companies has finally struck a deal to get the building that was supposed to be the centerpiece of its portfolio, but instead had weighed it down for years, off its hands.

Jared Kushner just got a billion dollar mystery bailout
The identity of Kushner’s white knight is a mystery. In a filing with the SEC on Friday, Vornado revealed the existence of an extraordinary “handshake” agreement that would not only refinance the $1.2 billion but allow the Kushners to buy out Vornado’s portion of the debt.

The heart of the US-Saudi relationship lies in the Kushner ...
Mar 10, 2019 · The Kushner-Prince Mohammed friendship is at the heart of the US-Saudi relationship today, and it’s one reason that Trump has tried to shield the crown prince from blame for …
true......but just shows she wasn't THAT in love with him...and true just like the people do here...what they do is up to them and no one else...….Kushner at the time brought a lot to the table...had a lot of property...but soon after was losing on some of that property HIGH PRICED PROPERTY....but with the help of trump being the Saudi's to take care of that major loss

Kushner Companies offloads troubled 666 Fifth Avenue flagship
Aug 03, 2018 · The Kushner Companies has finally struck a deal to get the building that was supposed to be the centerpiece of its portfolio, but instead had weighed it down for years, off its hands.

Jared Kushner just got a billion dollar mystery bailout
The identity of Kushner’s white knight is a mystery. In a filing with the SEC on Friday, Vornado revealed the existence of an extraordinary “handshake” agreement that would not only refinance the $1.2 billion but allow the Kushners to buy out Vornado’s portion of the debt.

The heart of the US-Saudi relationship lies in the Kushner ...
Mar 10, 2019 · The Kushner-Prince Mohammed friendship is at the heart of the US-Saudi relationship today, and it’s one reason that Trump has tried to shield the crown prince from blame for …
If a Jew and a Muslim be friendly at least making business deals I reiterate why can't Democrats and Republicans be more cordial? :unsure: