Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Don’t come, don’t come
I can always count on stupid ******* coming from a dumb sumbitch.
Stanley posted to pics, both named Kamala-Guatemala
1) banner "Kamala, Trump Won"
Seven months after the election....unlike Clinton/Trump 2016, unlike Bush/Gore 2000, unlike Trump/Dewey 1948. The ONLY simile in US history is 1860-Lincol n won, even though the states that became the Confederacy refused to put Lincoln on the ballot and seceded the Union before Inauguration Day.
2) banners "Kamala, mind your own business" and "Kamala, go home"
VP Harris' trip was an official US government trip, sanctioned by the Guatemalan government. It was her business. Biden said to Central and South America "Don't come" before she left. That position is actually NO different than the previous Trump administration. So your rants and diatribes on VP Harris saying the same thing strongly suggests to me you don't care about the policy, you only want to hate the messenger.

I called the post and the poster dumb. Still do.

You implied that I left out the word 'white', and I told you that I speak for myself and had no desire to include 'white'. Still don't. If you choose to delude yourself that me responding to a recent post is "regurgitated narrative", have at it, I couldn't give less of a fuck. But there is no presumption in my responses-you identify yourself as a redneck hillbilly peckerwood hater on your own. That's on YOU, Jethro.
so fucking typical any did we put in office?...….The Dems keep talking about how the republicans are afraid of trump and will do nothing to step out of line

and yet the dems have control right now...…..look at all the ******* they are finding on trump- and more everyday......cover-ups ...bribes.....using doj to wire tap phones...and emails......been a year now......anyone see ANY charges brought against the asshole....fuck no...and we are even going to represent him in court.....just who all is afraid of him
so fucking typical any did we put in office?...….The Dems keep talking about how the republicans are afraid of trump and will do nothing to step out of line

and yet the dems have control right now...…..look at all the ******* they are finding on trump- and more everyday......cover-ups ...bribes.....using doj to wire tap phones...and emails......been a year now......anyone see ANY charges brought against the asshole....fuck no...and we are even going to represent him in court.....just who all is afraid of him

There’s a grand jury in New York studying his ******* right now. Let’s see what happens.
There’s a grand jury in New York studying his ******* right now. Let’s see what happens.
well that has been going on 3 years and nothing......the rudy G. phone call pressuring another country...nothing...tapping into several press peoples emails...nothing.....wire taping adam Schiff and others phones...nothing....and a lot more....and yet NO CHARGES filed

I would like to think that the people who knowingly broke the law to help trump should see some kind of punishment

and look at how many in court have said they followed the directions of trump when they had this insurrection....he should be in jail until his dead rotting carcass made to much of a stink!

then take a shovel load him up in some hefty trash bags and give to Ivanka

and speaking of her what happened to all the investigations against her and cuckner

well that has been going on 3 years and nothing......the rudy G. phone call pressuring another country...nothing...tapping into several press peoples emails...nothing.....wire taping adam Schiff and others phones...nothing....and a lot more....and yet NO CHARGES filed

I would like to think that the people who knowingly broke the law to help trump should see some kind of punishment

and look at how many in court have said they followed the directions of trump when they had this insurrection....he should be in jail until his dead rotting carcass made to much of a stink!

then take a shovel load him up in some hefty trash bags and give to Ivanka

and speaking of her what happened to all the investigations against her and cuckner

Here's some good news:

AND...………………….it looks like we now have a new precedent….you can now lie to congress with no repercussion
Which is why its so IMPORTANT that Trump & some of his administration be properly tried & convicted in a court of law IF we don't want this kind of administration happening again. AND, it has to begin BEFORE the 2022 mid-term elections. Trump's tested the waters with his first term proving he's untouchable as a sitting President, we don't dare give him an opportunity for a second. And I'm not talking "house arrests" bs ... Trump & Rudy & Barr and several others need to go to real Federal and/orState for at least a short term.
so fucking typical any did we put in office?...….The Dems keep talking about how the republicans are afraid of trump and will do nothing to step out of line

and yet the dems have control right now...…..look at all the ******* they are finding on trump- and more everyday......cover-ups ...bribes.....using doj to wire tap phones...and emails......been a year now......anyone see ANY charges brought against the asshole....fuck no...and we are even going to represent him in court.....just who all is afraid of him
Almost like his name is Clinton..............
I really think the Democrats (some of which I like to call Democunts) are afraid if they put Trump in jail there'll be a large surge of Trumptard terrorism. We don't really know how many of our military personnel are sympathetic to Trump & the Republican ideas. But just like the US refuses to pay ransom for captive Americans, they can't bend on trying Trump either, or we WILL see another Trump in office. Republicans have gone way, way past my toleration of insubordination to this country. If we want to "KEEP" our government, we're gonna have to fight for it.
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I really think the Democrats (some of which I like to call Democunts) are afraid if they put Trump in jail there'll be a large surge of Trumptard terrorism. Maybe so, but just like the US refuses to pay ransom for captive Americans, they can't bend on trying Trump either, or we WILL see another Trump in office. Republicans have gone way, way past my toleration of insubordination to this country. If we want to "KEEP" our government, we're gonna have to fight for it.

Don’t necessarily agree exactly with everything you’ve said here, but we do need to understand that freedom does not come free. Never has and never will. Thus, we do need to be prepared to fight for it.
Don’t necessarily agree exactly with everything you’ve said here, but we do need to understand that freedom does not come free. Never has and never will. Thus, we do need to be prepared to fight for it.
What don't DO you disagree with, BlkCandy ... sympathetic military? You figure at least 30% of the country is still pushing Trump to be reinstated. I can't see the percentages being any different, if not higher, in the military. Look at how Afghanistan has worked out with traitors in the ranks. Why would it be any different in the US? Remember, Robert E Lee joined the ranks of the Southern sympathizers and some of these dumb southerners still talk about it today yet they lead the nation in low education, low income, low technologies, low food production, road construction, as well as higher welfare & malnourishment.

If another civil war was to break out, you can count on many of the southern states (particularly Texas & Louisiana, S Carolina & Alabama) AGAIN rallying to Trump. Hell, they haven't quit belly aching over the Civil War yet, and I should know, I was born & raised here. Texas theatens secession from the union practically every year. Citizens in the south will rally to their individual state, whichever way they go, just as they did in the South in the 1860s. My family had 3 direct relatives taken in the southern draft. It wasn't about "slavery" to them. The states & Trump will feed them a bunch of political BS and they'll believe every word of it just as they are doing NOW.
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