Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

MY house, MY hotel room, MY wife. I made the rules not some dude we had just met off of CL. If any of the dudes didn't want to play by MY rules then they were gone!
I suppose this makes you feel more like a "man" huh Cuck Cuck? Lol.

You already made it clear the cuckold 🐓 lifestyle was YOUR desire, YOUR idea. That doesn't make you any less of a cuckold.

You chose to sit in a chair and watch a better man handle your short-comings.
MY house, MY hotel room, MY wife. I made the rules not some dude we had just met off of CL. If any of the dudes didn't want to play by MY rules then they were gone!
Lol, "my rules" my ass. Cucky, your rule was to book the room, pay, sit down, shut the hell up, keep quiet, record & clean up.

At least accept who you are, what you've been reduced to. Denial isn't going to help you.
netflix lol GIF by SkinnyPop
It especially entertaining reading posts from some libtard men who are so pissed at the world they want to blame everyone else but themselves for their short comings. After all it is the liberal way!

lmao, i never hear anything from the cons except for blaming other people for everything

immigrants, "libs", twitter, the "mainstream media", george soros, the clintons

it's a never ending parade of why cons are the victims and these evil people are just the cause of every one of their problems real and imagined
The worst traits of any race, is the worst traits of all races because no one race has negative traits you can't observe in other races.
There are 'musty asses' in every race. You never heard the white people smell like wet dogs, or hot dogs when it rain?
Or the things I've heard people say about Mexicans or Africans,or Asian or Pakistanis? It's weak.
But, saying 'nappy head' is trying to portray something 'you personally' view as negative that's not even an insult to most of us.
People trying to get hair close to ours and imitating the styles, more so than others. Nappy is Happy. Not insulting.

Why? Is this an NAACP Lifetime Achievement Award Forum?
Why are you expecting our best to be among a group of perv and twisted masturbators?
Is your best here? Is Hillary Clinton and Tom Brady around?

Busy time? I thought you were like a Game-to-table type restaurant/caterer? What season? Wild Turkey or Grosse? 🤮
Like I said, he got you triggered even worse than @blkdlaur, or more than I use to do that loudmouth @submission52 until he blocked all of the black men speaking in the forum.
Just go hug your wife, make sure she doesn't smell like Creed's Aventus, tell her you want her to stick with the BBC dildo, pop open a Leinenkugel, turn on Tucker, and you'll be fine.
See this is a reasonable, well thought out, sarcastic response ! Using some personal facts in a very ribbing way, it's got an Aire of class and dignity to it. And for the most part, except for the triggered and the Squaw Piss its spot on ! That's why I have grown to regret in comments I have made to Ed that were not truly a debate and just name calling, even though he still probably consider me a Dumbass. That's fine. He has something to say of value not just "Trump lost" Blah Blah
See this is a reasonable, well thought out, sarcastic response ! Using some personal facts in a very ribbing way, it's got an Aire of class and dignity to it. And for the most part, except for the triggered and the Squaw Piss its spot on ! That's why I have grown to regret in comments I have made to Ed that were not truly a debate and just name calling, even though he still probably consider me a Dumbass. That's fine. He has something to say of value not just "Trump lost" Blah Blah
Much better you whining cuckold loser.

My attention will be turning to Europe, as Poroshenko is gathering troops along the boarder to the Ukraine, my sources are telling me , The Russians are moving motors, that can deliver a low yield nuclear load into the Ukraine. Trump had set in motion the admittance of the Ukraine into NATO . Which the Biden Administration halted, If the Ukraine had been placed in NATO Poroshenko would not be this brazen. I fully believe he will take the country of the Ukraine over just like he was allowed to take the Criniere from the Ukraine under Obama. Biden like Obama will bow and kiss the ring and shine the shoes of Poroshenko, China, and Iran and be a weak little coward just like Obama. It is mud season over there but in another two weeks or so I fully expect Russian Troops to overtake the Ukraine . As the Russian and Chinese have joined together to move against America . The strong man Trump is gone and the return of the feckless, and weak Obama team takes over.
My attention will be turning to Europe, as Poroshenko is gathering troops along the boarder to the Ukraine, my sources are telling me , The Russians are moving motors, that can deliver a low yield nuclear load into the Ukraine. Trump had set in motion the admittance of the Ukraine into NATO . Which the Biden Administration halted, If the Ukraine had been placed in NATO Poroshenko would not be this brazen. I fully believe he will take the country of the Ukraine over just like he was allowed to take the Criniere from the Ukraine under Obama. Biden like Obama will bow and kiss the ring and shine the shoes of Poroshenko, China, and Iran and be a weak little coward just like Obama. It is mud season over there but in another two weeks or so I fully expect Russian Troops to overtake the Ukraine . As the Russian and Chinese have joined together to move against America . The strong man Trump is gone and the return of the feckless, and weak Obama team takes over.
Trump Lost Fool. Get Over It.
ah yes, Trump, known for strengthening NATO and for improving relations with Ukraine

except for that part where he tried to de-fund NATO

and that part where he accused the Ukraine of holding Hillary's secret e-mail servers (lol)

and that part where he tried to blackmail the leader of the Ukraine into smearing Biden in exchange for congressionally-approved aid money
ah yes, Trump, known for strengthening NATO and for improving relations with Ukraine

except for that part where he tried to de-fund NATO

and that part where he accused the Ukraine of holding Hillary's secret e-mail servers (lol)

and that part where he tried to blackmail the leader of the Ukraine into smearing Biden in exchange for congressionally-approved aid money

Yeah man . . . the incredible idiocy of some people . . . simply no credibility whatsoever . . . .
My attention will be turning to Europe, as Poroshenko is gathering troops along the boarder to the Ukraine, my sources are telling me , The Russians are moving motors, that can deliver a low yield nuclear load into the Ukraine.
Listen you old piss soaked fool, don't come here talking about 'your' sources when its all over the news. It's everybody sources. You spent 4 years sucking Russia's dick and supporting a leader that sold out our leadership, our troops and our intelligence. NOW you want to say, your attention will be turning to Europe. That will be an uninformed span of attention, both seconds of it.

Trump had set in motion the admittance of the Ukraine into NATO . Which the Biden Administration halted, If the Ukraine had been placed in NATO Poroshenko would not be this brazen.
He did NOT! That was set in motion at the NATO Conference in Bucharest back in 2008. Ukraine AND Georgia were assured membership one day. There are a lot of standards nations much reach to be a part of that western alliance and, there are existing pacts and agreements that come into play- it called foreign policy. Someone like you, have no cucking clue about. Start with the Warsaw Pact then come back.
Trump antagonized Ukraine, fired every single pro-Ukriane/anti-Russia diplomat that was in place- because he felt they weren't loyal to his lies, not our security as a nation, but his lies. What a petty baby.

I fully believe he will take the country of the Ukraine over just like he was allowed to take the Criniere from the Ukraine under Obama.
It's Crimea, a very easy word to spell. What the fuck you were writing about no one knows. You clearly never knew the place existed until Biden became President. Your beloved MrPutin is smart, he knew Crimea would be easy because for the most part, it's in Russia, the people are Russian culturally, and few civilians feel a connection to Ukraine. That's why it was easy. It was also actually Russia just 20 years earlier. Obama was smart not to create another Afghanistan situation in Eastern Europe.
And, you don't say 'the' America or 'the' France, don't say 'the' Ukraine. It's an insult to Ukrainians, like they are only a region, not a country.

Biden like Obama will bow and kiss the ring and shine the shoes of Poroshenko, China, and Iran and be a weak little coward just like Obama.
You have to be a professional idiot to write that. No regular idiot who supported Trump could come close.
Trump believed MrPutin over his own 17 intelligence agencies, allowed the Russians to put bounty on the heads of our troops (that you are so excited to send to Ukraine), fired his hand picked Homeland Security guy over seeing the elections when he said Russia was once again interfering.
Ask Osama Bin Laden if Obama was weak. Ask the leaders of ISIS if Obama is weak.
You can't, because they dead. Just like your argument.

It is mud season over there but in another two weeks or so I fully expect Russian Troops to overtake the Ukraine .
Take over all of Ukraine? Never gonna happen or even attempted, He may stretch out to take more land around the Sea of Azov but, he's got a real NATO problem if he fucks around in the Black Sea any further or advance beyond Crimea toward Odesa. Never going to happen. Stop saying 'the' Ukraine.

As the Russian and Chinese have joined together to move against America .
What kind of move? You got proof of this?

The strong man-baby Trump is gone and the return of the successful feckless, and respected weak Obama team takes over.
Hell Yes! (Fixed that sentence for you)