Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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h-h ... the discussion on this thread was regarding Trump; how you got to Bill Clinton, or why, unless you're just starving for debate, beats me. You seem to enjoy taking a fragment of a post and making ISSUES out of it. You really should try enjoying the other amenities of this website rather than hanging around this section 24/7 looking for political debates.
Using the slogan "Make America Great Again" is a reflection of the scare and threat tactics that the nation is collapsing and Trump, or if you prefer, Clinton, is the ONLY ONE that can save it. That's "fascist" ... as to whether I should or shouldn't bring it up simply because Bill Clinton used similar jargon, I really don't give a RATS ASS!
Please try to read the entire paragraph instead of LOOKING for something you can call fault to ... or even better, just get a small piece of wood and bite down on it when you get the urge to find fault.

You accused Trump of being/acting fascist or as you said: "He may not realize his actions are fascist in nature ... but if they aren't, they darn well are close."

One of your "evidences" of this was his slogan sounding fascist to you. I merely pointed out how silly or biased that is. I'm sure you can find many politicians who've used the phrase. It isn't like it is all that unusual/original. But you twist it into fascism. I pointed out your hero, who you've trumpeted many many times on here, Bill Clinton used it too.

But never mind, things like facts and hypocrisy don't matter do they?

As to how I spend my time on here, we've been over that before. Since you seem a little obsessed with it, I'm sure you realize I spend plenty of time looking at non-political threads. But lets see....I just reviewed my list. You're currently 3,496th from the top of my don't give a ******* about their opinion list.
Ethnic sterotyping ... creating fear of foreigners ... creating fear of a national decline ... sensing/controlling the mood of his crowds ... use of the media ... even his theme "Make America Great Again" sounds fascist. Corporatist values & beliefs ... and a willingness to commit violence & wage war to keep a nation strong ... militarism.
He may not realize his actions are fascist in nature ... but if they aren't, they darn well are close. Remember, Hitler was a fascist pretending to be a conservative ... hummm ... sound familiar?

PS ... check out this Sept. 1990 Vanity Fair article where Ivana tells the interviewer about Trump's copy of "My New Order" ... a collective of Hitler's speeches which Trump kept at his bed.
(the part about the book is about 2/3 the way down the article)

Trump was marveled by Hitler's talents at propaganda, and Trump was quoted as saying "If you say a lie loud enough, and often enough, it becomes the truth." This is also in that 1990 Vanity Fair article.
Coincidently, Trump's ******* and grandparents are German as well.

Really, Hitler was pretending to be conservative? It was the National Socialist German Workers Party, his program was far from conservative if you would actually do a little more than superficial digging rather than resorting to Reductio Ad Hitlerum.
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is that really a word?
Yes, it is the name of a logical fallacy. If you'd read the link bm_from_southjersey posted in post 101 you'd know that.

Latin for "reduction to Hitler", where Hitlerum serves as the accusative case of Adolf Hitler's surname in Latin

According to its critics and proponents, it is a tactic often used to derail arguments, because such comparisons tend to distract and anger the opponent, as Hitler and Nazism have been condemned in the modern Western world
Sorry I won't be ******* into a mud slinging meme match with anyone here
didn't mean to piss you off.... just... used to dealing with hoping hub and twobi and things get way out of hand talking to those 2 I forget sometimes that there are... normal.. people on here... with a different opinion than mine
didn't mean to piss you off.... just... used to dealing with hoping hub and twobi and things get way out of hand talking to those 2 I forget sometimes that there are... normal.. people on here... with a different opinion than mine
No problem, no hard feelings. I'm an adult. Just finished with this thread and moving on to the "good stuff";)
although I will say this... I don't have a problem with him running the country.... might straiten some things out!... and we all know for sure that needs to happen.... but his foreign policy and his treatment towards minorities is scary

And what exactly is "his treatment of minorities?" As he is not President, King, Dictator, or holder of any position of power, what exactly has he done to any minority?

So I will assume that you are referring to his desire to cut off immigration of Muslims, and his expressed wish to build a wall on the border with Mexico. Ok, similar immigration restrictions against other groups have been passed before,The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, The Immigration Acts of 1903, 1917, and 1918, The Emergency Quota Act of 1921, The Immigration Act of 1924, The McCarran-Walther Act of 1952, etc,etc. As a sovereign nation, the United States has a right to decide who can and cannot enter the country, yet I'm sure you will act like this is unprecedented, and as usual, it only started when Obama became President, as you are prone to do.
And what exactly is "his treatment of minorities?" As he is not President, King, Dictator, or holder of any position of power, what exactly has he done to any minority?

So I will assume that you are referring to his desire to cut off immigration of Muslims, and his expressed wish to build a wall on the border with Mexico. Ok, similar immigration restrictions against other groups have been passed before,The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, The Immigration Acts of 1903, 1917, and 1918, The Emergency Quota Act of 1921, The Immigration Act of 1924, The McCarran-Walther of 1952, etc,etc. As a sovereign nation, the United States has a right to decide who can and cannot enter the country, yet I'm sure you will act like this is unprecedented, and as usual, it only started when Obama became President, as you are prone to do.
This is why I love your posts!:lips: