Travel Arrangments...

I personally never paid for the hotel for a couple. The couple usually had the hotel ready. Imo it's thier best interest especially if it's the first time to get the hotel. Its safer from thier POV since they know the room before i do. As for planes, couples have always paid for my ticket. They usually seek me and offer it. I never ******* it and never expect it.

My personal opinion has always been it's a case by case basis. I only paid once for a hotel when i was sharing with a single women, that made more sense to me and was understandable.
It’s hard for couples on the other end of things too, we try to be gracious hosts because we know we’re in the middle of nowhere. We’ve offered to pay for room and board for anyone traveling in our area, we’ve actually paid for two rooms that were never used because they never showed up. We live in the mountains of Colorado and have offered to act as tour guides ( mountains, trails, camping, nude hot springs, etc.) and depending on the details worked after all we’ve offered I’d honestly be a little offended if I was asked to support more on top of that and I know my husband would be too. But alas that is just one view and experience amongst throngs of individuals
Something the hubby just brought to my attention, just as a curiosity of opinions in here. I’ve had a few guys offer to fly me to them, just me, even though I explain I would feel safer if my husband is there in a strange city with a strange man. My question is why, if they can afford to fly me there, do they get offended when I suggest they use that money and fly here? It’s the same cost either way to my knowledge
Something the hubby just brought to my attention, just as a curiosity of opinions in here. I’ve had a few guys offer to fly me to them, just me, even though I explain I would feel safer if my husband is there in a strange city with a strange man. My question is why, if they can afford to fly me there, do they get offended when I suggest they use that money and fly here? It’s the same cost either way to my knowledge
More than likely full of ******* to begin with. Or perhaps they are married and unable to travel away from their unaware wife.
I believe that the activity is the fun and is why I do it. I believe sharing costs is the only way to go. If one believes that their sex contribution is the only contribution that they should make to have a good evening or weekend , then don't be surprised when you are treated like a "paid partner". I like having ongoing relationships with a couple, the approach mentioned by the poster is not conducive to a good lasting sexual relationship with a sane and decent couple.
Being on this site made me realize how much of a "not ******* guy" i really am. Lol. Like i legit thought i was a decent swinger/"bull". But some of yall cats have made me realize I'm jus a regular guy. Lol. No way am i flying out for some pussy when there is plenty around my area. And i damn sure aint flying chicks out to me. All u guys doing these things are better than me cuz shiiiiiiid it really aint that serious to me. Or maybe its a necessity for yall. Idk. And Im also not gonna get a room unless ik the ******* gonna turn into a party with more than 1 couple involved.
Could be a number of factors ranging from the benign to the nefarious. The most common reason is that if a guy can afford to fly and accommodate you, chances are he has a demanding position (not a 9-5) - which usually entails limited time. So while he may have financial means, he may not have the time for the round trip. I have had a few rare instances where I have flown a few women/wives to me in the past, mostly for a combination of this reason and that she may have less financial means (single mom, student, less financial means, etc). Most times one party waits till the other is in their neighborhood.
That makes sense, and honestly has been the hardest part of the lifestyle we can afford to accommodate someone here but it’s because we work all the time
It’s hard for couples on the other end of things too, we try to be gracious hosts because we know we’re in the middle of nowhere. We’ve offered to pay for room and board for anyone traveling in our area, we’ve actually paid for two rooms that were never used because they never showed up. We live in the mountains of Colorado and have offered to act as tour guides ( mountains, trails, camping, nude hot springs, etc.) and depending on the details worked after all we’ve offered I’d honestly be a little offended if I was asked to support more on top of that and I know my husband would be too. But alas that is just one view and experience amongst throngs of individuals
You sound too good to be true :)
So from a guy who has done Both, it's not Too outrageous.
Few years ago I had a couple combine a weekend getaway with meeting me. But this was only after we talked, chatted, phone called, Skype over the course of 6 months. They flew in from Chicago, met up with me over 2 days, while having fun in Austin. It worked out PERFECTLY.
When I traveled, I became very good friends with a sexy cutie on AFF and after a year I flew out to LA to meet her in person. I have friends out in Los Angeles, so again, combined trip. We spent 3 days hanging out all over LB, Redondo, Hollywood, all up and down the coast, even drove up to Malibu (beautiful!). Hell... We even played pickup ball on Venice Beach :)
I flew myself out there, got my own room but she eventually let me stay at her place.
Plus, I hung out with my friends who live there. All around win -win!
Thing is, people need to take time to get to know one another, make a solid connection. It can work if you're SMART.