To all the black people in US

You would think the migrants from Africa would be having all the women there though? What is the story about them these days?

In Germany as in all of Western Europe, there are problems with immigrants who come from Islamic countries because they mostly want to stay among themselves and form parallel societies.
There are no problems with blacks from Africa. The majority of them marry white women and have children with them. This fact is statistically proven and is praised by politicians, including critics of immigration.
I don't embrace the left hand path. Or the left right paradigm. That's what has us in this state of confusion as a race and community. Always seeking a hug or validation from someone us. We have to fix us and worry about anything else. As a people have been taught wicked ways.
We live in a Globalist society.
The point of protesting is to show your solidarity and simply showing up as a white women. And white woman by proxy, despite being oppressed as woman, are still huge benefactors of white privilege.

You're cute, so I'm glad you enjoy fucking black guys, but nothing brings a white chick from cute to hot when I see her out there marching for black people. But I can only speak for myself.

The most hilarious thing about this site is that the idea of white women fucking black men is a perpetuated taboo that still goes on today (we have a thread on a doxxing site that targets white women in interracial relationships). Yet you still have people that still deny deeply rooted racist issues.

So we need all the help we can get.
I'm with you. I love you. While I'm a white women I've been around black men since I was a young and have always continued to gravitate to black men. I'm angry. I hate racist white men, some even in my own family. I do see your point on standing side by side as a white women. As long as it doesn't turn violent I'm there. But... I think today's protests are much deeper. It's the divide in this country, it's not going to change. We all knew the day after the 2016 elections that there would be dark days ahead and we are here. There is only one way out and that's to vote. I wish it wasn't our old dumb guy against their racist as fuck orange idiot... but it is. Vote locally, more people like AOC, even down to the school board, vote. It's the only way things will change. I don't follow Taylor Swift often but she said it well...
In Germany as in all of Western Europe, there are problems with immigrants who come from Islamic countries because they mostly want to stay among themselves and form parallel societies.
There are no problems with blacks from Africa. The majority of them marry white women and have children with them. This fact is statistically proven and is praised by politicians, including critics of immigration.
lol what the hell are you talking about, most of the illegal immigration into Europe and German are middle eastern and northern African which are all or mostly Islamic . The issue there is not only racial but also religious and cultural. A lot of people don’t want to assimilate so it’s not just a simple racial issue...
we are talking about topics that are not one or two dimensional ...there are many moving economic , family issues, community issues and the list goes on
I'm with you. I love you. While I'm a white women I've been around black men since I was a young and have always continued to gravitate to black men. I'm angry. I hate racist white men, some even in my own family. I do see your point on standing side by side as a white women. As long as it doesn't turn violent I'm there. But... I think today's protests are much deeper. It's the divide in this country, it's not going to change. We all knew the day after the 2016 elections that there would be dark days ahead and we are here. There is only one way out and that's to vote. I wish it wasn't our old dumb guy against their racist as fuck orange idiot... but it is. Vote locally, more people like AOC, even down to the school board, vote. It's the only way things will change. I don't follow Taylor Swift often but she said it well...
Appreciate you, sweetheart.
My grandmother witnessed the occupation of Germany by US troops in 1945. She told me that the black US soldiers were much more human to the defeated German population than the white soldiers. (This was particularly absurd, since many whites up to the generals themselves were of German descent.)
The black men were much more popular and it is believed that the German women had more children from black men than from white men. The popularity of blacks may also stem from their behavior at the time.
What happened to all those Black German children back then? Shouldn't there be a cluster of 70ish Black men and Black women in Germany now from that baby boom? Or did they migrate back to America with their Black soldier dads @Arya nurgiS ? :unsure:
Maintaining "Power" has a long history of eliminating and oppressing people. As Europeans landed and push Native Americans from their land. Some eastern Native American Indian tribes were enslaved. Some were even sold as slaves in Europe. In the mid 1500s cotton was becoming the new cash crop. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade (started by Portugal) began in the 1500s also. Companies like The Virginia Land Company of London had more land than workers. In the 1600s England's population almost doubled, so companies (and the crown) began sending Indentured Servants to the colonies. Some of these Indentured Servants worked along with African Slaves and some would later become proprietors plantations that were owned by the cotton companies. So The Great Oppression begins, in order to stay in power another group must oppress another. From slavery to, The Civil War to, Jim Crow Laws to, The Civil Rights Movement racism is still used to maintain power. Some WWI and WWII US Black Servicemen remained in Europe as they fought for freedoms they did not have in their own county, and were treated better in another countries their own. We imprisoned American of Asian decent in WW II but allowed to serve WW I. Families started in the Enclaves of the big cities, but today afraid of becoming "the minority in my own country". The system has conditioned most to see color first, as we fill out our govt forms. We ask a person with Asian features or a person wearing a Hijab where they are from? We attach a stigma to those that did not come from England (Pilgrims) as lesser Americans regardless of how many generations have been here. The system is designed to stay in power and today power is information. If you only see me how the media portrays me , you will think what the media wants you to. Question: Name a show were people of color are portrayed in a positive way?
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After years of madness in the United States, this is the first time Ive seen everyone coming together as one in this country to stand up against the hate. Protests are spearding all over America. There even was a in London. Now if that isnt power of togetherness, I dont know what is. I will say i wish the protest in certain areas didnt involve looting, setting fires and chaos.
True we the 99.9% are not even the lining underneath the pawns in the unelected Bilderbergs, Rothschilds, George Soros, and Bill Gates's chessboards.
I'm not talking about from the controllers aspects. I'm speaking from and about (our) race. We are taught to love and except everyone. That doesn't work in the real world. People agree to disagree. We need to worry about us. We don't think with a rulership mentally. We don't want to lead or have our own. We want to stay in a debt slave system and tap dance for everyone one else's.
I'm not talking about from the controllers aspects. I'm speaking from and about (our) race. We are taught to love and except everyone. That doesn't work in the real world. People agree to disagree. We need to worry about us. We don't think with a rulership mentally. We don't want to lead or have our own. We want to stay in a debt slave system and tap dance for everyone one else's.
If we had our own hospitals. Police ******* and to separate from everyone else we wouldn't have these problems. We need to fix our mental problems. And yes we have generational curses. That nobody in our community wants to talk about. Also we have self esteem issue... As well as pride! This is not our rest. It's our captive. We are being punished for disobeying our *******. And we are not coming out of it until realize certain aspects
If we had our own hospitals. Police ******* and to separate from everyone else we wouldn't have these problems. We need to fix our mental problems. And yes we have generational curses. That nobody in our community wants to talk about. Also we have self esteem issue... As well as pride! This is not our rest. It's our captive. We are being punished for disobeying our *******. And we are not coming out of it until realize certain aspects
Our people will parish due to the lack of knowledge. We don't even know who we are as a race. Nor due we have a culture.
Violence is the only way change will be accomplished as soon as all Black people and oppressed people realize that then change will occur.
Well, I am against Violence, sorry Bro ... Just wish n hope for the good fair of all human beings . God Bless all humans of all races colors tongues .. Violence would might lead to more death , Which i believe we all would not want to shed any more innocent *******!!!
Facts but we are America's most hated Race of People and yeah bruh I get treated better from folks from Europe and even get compliments that I don't get here in the USA. People use us here but don't like or love us at all so...🙄🤷‍♂️

However what Marcus Garvey proved is that White Americans do not want American Blacks to leave either. History also proves that White Americans do not want American Blacks to Separate and get their own communities and succeed since when this occurred in the past the White Americans destroyed our communities and killed many blacks which was depicted in the movie "Rosewood".
Well, I am against Violence, sorry Bro ... Just wish n hope for the good fair of all human beings . God Bless all humans of all races colors tongues .. Violence would might lead to more death , Which i believe we all would not want to shed any more innocent *******!!!

I am sure you are and that is why nothing has changed except when in the 60's Blacks got violent and even during slavery many slaves reached a point where they didn't care about living or during what their masters said. I read from an historic account where a slave master threatened a black female slave to do something saying he was going to ******* her kid. She replied ******* them. There is more but the point is she didn't care to be a slave anymore and had enough. If you aren't willing to die for freedom then you cosign yourself to slavery
I am sure you are and that is why nothing has changed except when in the 60's Blacks got violent and even during slavery many slaves reached a point where they didn't care about living or during what their masters said. I read from an historic account where a slave master threatened a black female slave to do something saying he was going to ******* her kid. She replied ******* them. There is more but the point is she didn't care to be a slave anymore and had enough. If you aren't willing to die for freedom then you cosign yourself to slavery

History teaches us that violence is the only thing White males and people understand.
The movement had my support, until it got hijacked by rioters and people commiting arson looting and aggrevated assault on innocent people like animals..... now i no longer support it.
I support equality, everyone treated with respect, and im fully against police ******* but as far as im concerned its over now. Its become another page is history we can rip out and burn to forget, it sucks what happened to that man but we cant change it. If we work together we can stop it from happening again, but all this chaos isnt the way. Listen to the activist/musician KillerMike, what he said is my exact thoughts on it. Dont burn down your own neighborhood, cause then all youll have is ashes and itll be for nothing. I still support individuals fighting against police *******, just not this.
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