To all the black people in US

I am sure you are and that is why nothing has changed except when in the 60's Blacks got violent and even during slavery many slaves reached a point where they didn't care about living or during what their masters said. I read from an historic account where a slave master threatened a black female slave to do something saying he was going to ******* her kid. She replied ******* them. There is more but the point is she didn't care to be a slave anymore and had enough. If you aren't willing to die for freedom then you cosign yourself to slavery
I understand your point bro, But still i would never approve any ******* shed / Looting / destroying properties etc etc ...
I do cherish every drop of a ******* w no matter what face color it is coming from . Thanks and i respect your point of view but i disagree with it.
May God have Mercy on all of us AMEN

But if you want to keep on going to church or marching peacefully good luck with that. God helps those who help themselves. In addition if you go by Bible there is of course the Eye for an Eye that is stated but also from the old Testament God did dispatch his people to ******* those that were evil. I am Catholic and went to Catholic school but I do not follow laws White men state to not ******* which was added to the Bible in the New Testament to control the masses. Especially when missionaries have been sent throughout history to indigenous people to have them follow Christian religion then Whites came over who didn't follow their religion they were teaching and use this to *******, slaughter, enslave and conquer.
This man abhorred violence and changed a nation without looting, killing or burning. Maybe today's liberals and progressives should read up on history instead of reading about how many genders there are.

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Malcolm X, Black Panthers and others are the reason and the killing of these leaders including Martin Luther King causing the riots is what changed things a bit. But Malcolm X was going to UN to tell them about the racial issues in America when he was killed and Martin Luther King picked up the torch after speaking with Malcolm about his plans to go to UN also when he was killed. Is this a coincidence no since it would be a great embarrassment for the U.S. to have this out on the world stage.

The only real accomplishments occurred because of rioting and unrest.
wasnt raised to be a dummy 😉........People ldont like adding the right information, just selective narratives for the audience to see.....Europe was pretty much raised by the "Moors" why Europeans have moor "black features" than their "European" counterparts in this country........🤷🏽‍♂️
The moors influenced more the Southern Europe not all Europe and before than the moors you got the Greeks,the Cartagens ,Romans,Visigods and many Northern European tribes,Vandals,Pictos,Saxons,Francs and many more tribes, all this tribes including the moors all of them the bring something to shape the people cultures,world vision and way to do things in the positive and negative way .
lol what the hell are you talking about,
About black Africans in Germany. JJust read before you are answering.

most of the illegal immigration into Europe and German are middle eastern and northern African which are all or mostly Islamic .
I didm´t write that there are more black Africans than immigrants from middle eastern and northern African countries. Just read before you are answering.

A lot of people don’t want to assimilate so it’s not just a simple racial issue...
Thats why I wrote islamic countries. Just read before you are answering.
The moors influenced more the Southern Europe not all Europe and before than the moors you got the Greeks,the Cartagens ,Romans,Visigods and many Northern European tribes,Vandals,Pictos,Saxons,Francs and many more tribes, all this tribes including the moors all of them the bring something to shape the people cultures,world vision and way to do things in the positive and negative way . you black right?
You're right, the Structural Racism is very particular to American culture, not so much in European countries.
Wait a second, wait a second. The kind of structural racism we have here in the United States may not exist in Europe, but structural racism do some of those countries have nevertheless. Ask blacks and ask Muslims in France if they don't think there is structural racism. Ask black folk in the United Kingdom if they don't think there's structural racism. It may not be like what we have in the U.S, and it may manifest itself in different ways, but brother you better believe it's there (you did acknowledge that well at least maybe, but not the same, but I just wanted to emphasize the point). And it's just as insidious.

The black man is always looking to where he can go to in order to be free. On equal footing with the white man. I'm gonna go up north to Chicago! I'm gonna go to Canada! How about France, how about France? Germany, Brazil! Russia?!! Let me tell you folks something. I lived in Russia, and it was one of the most racist places I have ever been to in the world (I would say number 2 on my list), and I have been to 46 countries! And let me tell you something else. The colloquial word they are going to use to call you by . . . it's spelled "negr" . . . and pronounced EXACTLY like the N-word. Now it doesn't mean the same thing and not particularly used in the same way, but people not from Russia typically find it offensive nevertheless. And that's just getting warmed up. I was always looking over my shoulder, did not feel safe, and COULD NOT wait to leave.

Now when something awful like what happened in Minneapolis sickens and angers us all . . . we black folk start thinking about walking . . . we start thinking about maybe it's time to be done had up. But my brothers let me tell you something. I've been around the world and back. And I don't care WHERE on this planet we go . . . we're always gonna be taking this BLACK SKIN with us (and that's all a racist needs). No, no it's not time for us to be thinking about going anywhere because it's gonna be "better". Like our black American ancestors we ain't going NOWHERE. We gonna stay RIGHT HERE and DEMAND that America fulfill ALL of her promises to ALL of her citizens. At least that's what I'm gonna do. This is MY country. It's always been mine, and I've never had to "take it back". And I have traveled enough to know (all continents except Anartica) that the perfect country isn't waiting for me somewhere else. NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!!!
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The moors influenced more the Southern Europe not all Europe and before than the moors you got the Greeks,the Cartagens ,Romans,Visigods and many Northern European tribes,Vandals,Pictos,Saxons,Francs and many more tribes, all this tribes including the moors all of them the bring something to shape the people cultures,world vision and way to do things in the positive and negative way .
The moors influenced more the Southern Europe not all Europe and before than the moors you got the Greeks,the Cartagens ,Romans,Visigods and many Northern European tribes,Vandals,Pictos,Saxons,Francs and many more tribes, all this tribes including the moors all of them the bring something to shape the people cultures,world vision and way to do things in the positive and negative way .
The first Queen Elizabeth of England is black, and the current one uses mad make up to lighten herself up. You Black right?
The moors influenced more the Southern Europe not all Europe and before than the moors you got the Greeks,the Cartagens ,Romans,Visigods and many Northern European tribes,Vandals,Pictos,Saxons,Francs and many more tribes, all this tribes including the moors all of them the bring something to shape the people cultures,world vision and way to do things in the positive and negative way . Stay Black my friend......... ✌🏽
Until cops get death sentences for killing Black people unjustly and all those involved taking part or just standing around and unfair sentencing, bails are rectified, losing right to vote becuase of spending a year and a day in prison to weaken Black voting power by arresting and incarcerating as many Blacks as possible for anything, elimination of privatization of prisons to use Black prisoners as new slave system, etc. Then I believe the destruction should continue on to burn and destroy country if necessary and escalated to cops and politicians if they are so determined to keep their racist institution in power after so much destruction already. That they have not charged all the cops with First Degree ******* after they dragged Floyd across the street to place him on ground behind vehicle and stated on his neck for 2 minutes or more after a cop told the cop Floyd wasn't breathing. The simple fact that even after all this they haven't swayed just shows how deep rooted and extreme Blacks, minorities and others must be willing to take this to get real change. Logically who would not charge these cops to have at least lessened the masses and destruction. The fact the news, politicians, the wealthy, police chiefs and mayors almost never state when cops do violence especially when recorded and they always state allegedly, we have to investigate, others have culpability, being fired and not being put on paid suspension most of the time, and not a yes to them being charged with First Degree or Second Degree *******. In fact the FBI is supposed to investigate these police abuses but never does since when they were initially created it was one of its mandates. I do believe FBI needs to be ****** to investigate police abuse.
Until cops get death sentences for killing Black people unjustly and all those involved taking part or just standing around and unfair sentencing, bails are rectified, losing right to vote becuase of spending a year and a day in prison to weaken Black voting power by arresting and incarcerating as many Blacks as possible for anything, elimination of privatization of prisons to use Black prisoners as new slave system, etc. Then I believe the destruction should continue on to burn and destroy country if necessary and escalated to cops and politicians if they are so determined to keep their racist institution in power after so much destruction already. That they have not charged all the cops with First Degree ******* after they dragged Floyd across the street to place him on ground behind vehicle and stated on his neck for 2 minutes or more after a cop told the cop Floyd wasn't breathing. The simple fact that even after all this they haven't swayed just shows how deep rooted and extreme Blacks, minorities and others must be willing to take this to get real change. Logically who would not charge these cops to have at least lessened the masses and destruction. The fact the news, politicians, the wealthy, police chiefs and mayors almost never state when cops do violence especially when recorded and they always state allegedly, we have to investigate, others have culpability, being fired and not being put on paid suspension most of the time, and not a yes to them being charged with First Degree or Second Degree *******. In fact the FBI is supposed to investigate these police abuses but never does since when they were initially created it was one of its mandates. I do believe FBI needs to be ****** to investigate police abuse.

AMEN! Prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law . . . to include the electric chair or lethal injection . . . Minnesota happens to not be a death penalty state . . . .
The black man is always looking to where he can go to in order to be free. I'm gonna go up north to Chicago! I'm gonna go to Canada! How about France, how about France? Germany, Brazil! Russia?!! Let me tell you folks something. I lived in Russia, and it was one of the most racist places I have ever been to in the world (I would say number 2 on my list), and I have been to 46 countries! And let me tell you something else. The colloquial word they are going to use to call you by . . . it's spelled "negr" . . . and pronounced EXACTLY like the N-word. Now it doesn't mean the same thing and not particularly used in the same way, but people not from Russia typically find it offensive nevertheless. And that's just getting warmed up. I was always looking over my shoulder, did not feel safe, and COULD NOT wait to leave.
In Russia the word 'black' is offensive. There are cultural differences between countries. But to the point.

Let me introduce Jean Gregoire Sagbo (Russian: Жан Грегуар Сагбо, born May 10, 1959) is a Beninese-born Russian politician. His position is councilor of Novozavidovo in Konakovsky District, Tver Oblast. Sagbo is the first Russian of African descent, or Afro-Russian, to have been elected to a local council in the Russian Federation.

He was ELECTED by those Russians.


