Thoughts on cheating?

So recently I lost my insurance and I'm no longer on any birth control. I cant have sex with condoms on . Its got to be bareback or nothing. My husband doesn't want me to be in the lifestyle anymore . He has been getting so jealous and the thought of me not being interested in his white dickie ever again. Has gotten to him. He's starting to feel useless . Which was the point I thought. He really got mad when I said I wanted to keep seeing my bull and he likes to cum inside me. Even said no to him puling out. So I told him I would look into getting my tattoo removed( I'm keeping it) and I said I wouldn't see anyone else anymore and ever again. I told him i deleted my profile and now he's happy. I just changed the password and iI am going to still be a QUEEN. Thoughts? I don't ever want to stop
This is 21st century. Your body does not belong to anybody but you. Nobody should tell you to go and fuck black guys for him to jerk on it and call it all off when his pocket under threat. He should go and get you a decent insurance for starters or find a way to source the pill. You've given him your heart, he was fine with your pussy being given to somebody else. You can still love your husband and have great sex with your bf at the same time.
Blah blah blah. STFU

It's amusing how you little dudes talk tough on a keyboard, but you would never squash a grape in a fruit fight.

Keep being brave from miles away, but just remember, you would never have the back bone to say that to my face, even on your best day
Unless it’s your relationship you don’t have any consequences, it’s great when you don’t think about consequences or have to live with them...

Well, if you desire black men so much, be with one permanently, and be proud to be with a black man, that way, you don't need to put up with any static from some white man.

I mean, it is 2021 after all, free yourself of that dead end relationship.
Ok I love my husband more than anything and as of now we agree it's not cheating with a black guy, however if he wanted me to stop I would but damn it if I wouldn't try to find a compromise

Why compromise, when you desire black men, you're trying to supress your true desire, to keep a white man happy, and not yourself.

White women are free in 2021, to be with black men instead of a white man.

It's amusing how you little dudes talk tough on a keyboard, but you would never squash a grape in a fruit fight.

Keep being brave from miles away, but just remember, you would never have the back bone to say that to my face, even on your best day
Oh, I would tell you that to your face for sure, you can count on that. But how is that going to happen? In this lifestyle and most importantly on this site, people keep a low profile and want to remain anonymous. These were my final words to you, good day sir!
Well whatever. I'm going to get my needs taken care of regardless if you think its wrong. All I know is it feels right. There's tons of bulls cheating on their women with us white girls. I'm just fucking. I show if love and affection . We just don't really ever fuck anymore and i wanted him involved but he cant fucking handle it
I would love to leave a big load deep.inside you.
Oh, I would tell you that to your face for sure, you can count on that. But how is that going to happen? In this lifestyle and most importantly on this site, people keep a low profile and want to remain anonymous. These were my final words to you, good day sir!
It's a fake profile anyway, he's a wannabe cuck pretending to be a Black man.
So recently I lost my insurance and I'm no longer on any birth control. I cant have sex with condoms on . Its got to be bareback or nothing. My husband doesn't want me to be in the lifestyle anymore . He has been getting so jealous and the thought of me not being interested in his white dickie ever again. Has gotten to him. He's starting to feel useless . Which was the point I thought. He really got mad when I said I wanted to keep seeing my bull and he likes to cum inside me. Even said no to him puling out. So I told him I would look into getting my tattoo removed( I'm keeping it) and I said I wouldn't see anyone else anymore and ever again. I told him i deleted my profile and now he's happy. I just changed the password and iI am going to still be a QUEEN. Thoughts? I don't ever want to stop
You both made a choice stick to it , why did he changed his mind ? Can’t do that. Fuck your husband , you do the right thing to keep your bull tightly between your legs , where he should be.
Well whatever. I'm going to get my needs taken care of regardless if you think its wrong. All I know is it feels right. There's tons of bulls cheating on their women with us white girls. I'm just fucking. I show if love and affection . We just don't really ever fuck anymore and i wanted him involved but he cant fucking handle it
Divorce his sorry ass if he doesn’t want to share you anymore. Use your pussie as a means to an end .
I wouldn't presuppose it means she doesn't love him. Love is one of those complicated emotions that's different for different people. People who cheat often insist they love their SOs but cheat to fulfill a need. All that written, I agree that sneaking around isn't good for a marriage. Let's not forget, inviting a third party into their relationship was a decision the couple made together. I highly doubt "they" (i.e. she) are going to put that genie back in the bottle.

You mentioned you're married. What would you do if your husband told you he had changed his mind about living the life and wanted to go back to just the two of you--toss in he doesn't satisfy you sexually? No disrespect in the question. I value your perspective.
I’ll divorce his sorry ass , you can’t start something this serious and the just change your mind . Selfish hubby
Spot on KinkyDaddy! Sorry, I usually do think much of this kind of post (QOSKim's) but come on... Fantasy 'useless' is one thing but you aren't building up your cuck; you are tearing him down- emotionally and financially. If you love him set him free as they say. You need to have some sit down and talk time and settle this for decency's sake. Deception and deceit have never been relationship builders now have they? Who would ever think a sexless marriage with a wife who secretly plays will bring happiness and peace to a family? I hate to be so harsh but a human being deserves shelter from such mean spirited beings. I would walk if I were in his shoes given the info you shared. Stop the games and get real with the person you claim to love.
100% agree.. The cuck should ultimately know they are loved and respected. It's what makes it mutually beneficial to me. The ultimate trust and connection. Sexual needs should never override the love and if it does then the love isn't what you believe it to be.
You cant love him, it sounds like all you're thinking about is YOU!!! You say you Love him very much. Yet, you say "He has been getting so jealous and the thought of me not being interested in his white dickie ever again. Has gotten to him. He's starting to feel useless . Which was the point I thought?". That doesnt sound like love, more like, degrading.
Then you say, "You have larger needs"? Doesnt take a Rocket Scientist to figure that one out. Cha Ching, the almighty dollar of course. Snowbunny, you're a trip. What should happen is your husband grow some balls and divorce your ass. Then let the black man you fucking take care of you. Trust me, you'll sing a different tune real quick. You're just selfish married slut!!!!
I know. You should come fuck me straight
So recently I lost my insurance and I'm no longer on any birth control. I cant have sex with condoms on . Its got to be bareback or nothing. My husband doesn't want me to be in the lifestyle anymore . He has been getting so jealous and the thought of me not being interested in his white dickie ever again. Has gotten to him. He's starting to feel useless . Which was the point I thought. He really got mad when I said I wanted to keep seeing my bull and he likes to cum inside me. Even said no to him puling out. So I told him I would look into getting my tattoo removed( I'm keeping it) and I said I wouldn't see anyone else anymore and ever again. I told him i deleted my profile and now he's happy. I just changed the password and iI am going to still be a QUEEN. Thoughts? I don't ever want to stop
You should never have to stop! There are plenty of guys who would be willing Cuckolds for you.....just saying!
100% agree.. The cuck should ultimately know they are loved and respected. It's what makes it mutually beneficial to me. The ultimate trust and connection. Sexual needs should never override the love and if it does then the love isn't what you believe it to be.
I've said this a thousand times. This is a kink but it's about love and trust between the hot wife, cuck(husband), and bull. Everything has to be agreed by all three at the end of the day
So recently I lost my insurance and I'm no longer on any birth control. I cant have sex with condoms on . Its got to be bareback or nothing. My husband doesn't want me to be in the lifestyle anymore . He has been getting so jealous and the thought of me not being interested in his white dickie ever again. Has gotten to him. He's starting to feel useless . Which was the point I thought. He really got mad when I said I wanted to keep seeing my bull and he likes to cum inside me. Even said no to him puling out. So I told him I would look into getting my tattoo removed( I'm keeping it) and I said I wouldn't see anyone else anymore and ever again. I told him i deleted my profile and now he's happy. I just changed the password and iI am going to still be a QUEEN. Thoughts? I don't ever want to stop
I really hope her husband finds out, then divorces her ass.
I done fucked 3 dudes wives without their knowledge just pull out you already got your mind made up. You can’t look for reassurance on a gut feeling one your one life fuck what anyone here is even saying right now even me. You’ll be satisfied in other ways in your marriage but sexually you’ll have to bite the bullet to the point of trying to reign in your identity, this will be an immense toll and you can love him but you’ll never go back to desiring his body the way you’ll long for a black man’s period. You’re just hooked on something akin to a ******* right now when it’s not truly necessary no matter how much of how you view your sexual being as wrapped up in this lifestyle. The consequence is hurting someone you love though and you gotta live with that but him being unhappy with that set up is completely valid it’s hard for a man to come to terms with inadequacy it’s also something he did agree upon so turning around on you in the middle of it does really also does create unhappiness in your relationship. If you do stop you won’t even feel the same about him because you literally already don’t but aren’t compromising your needs yet. In my mind your best option is to truly stop for 90 days and if you know in your heart of hearts it is what it is then just cheat because you won’t be able to face years of that longing and your relationship will be over regardless might as just let it end in any manner at that point. If his wife’s been getting slammed by black dudes and he’s unhappy with it that shits gonna always be at the back of his mind anyway. In the course of the suggested break you take you should work on mending your relationship and building trust, he will see that he can’t do for you what you truly want and may come back around to it if he loves you and sees you making a real effort in response to who he is. Don’t just write him off also refuse to settle. In too deep 👌🏾 Hope you find peace in your situation. Lot of judgmental folks here. It’s sex. Like I get y’all’s point but the monogamy has already ceased in the relationship you can’t simply go back it’s nonsensical and unfair to the reality ppl live and her stopping will not end this mans insecurities whatsoever. I support it, white men cheated me out of half of my existence damn near, these women gotta pay us back period. At all costs at the destruction of the fragility of the oppressor directly in their weakness. It’s poetic it’s the only reparations I’ll ever see. Cheat. Make a real effort for love if u do love him truly but nah don’t just stop being the black man’s possession.. because clearly that’s not what you want and you know that. And no ones bout to talk about what’s fair in relation to what’s went down. Pretending in a relationship is the worst. It’s lying but denying even your own truth, live yours not his but know the price and the stakes.