This is getting serious!!!

You've done well to express your emotions on here. That's a good move, both for yourself and others. As well, might be fun to recount the experience at a later time.

Things you should acknowledge:
1 - She has already imagined more than just kissing. Don't think she's only fantasizing based on your standards.
2 - The threshold has been crossed. At this point, shelving the whole idea would probably bring disappointment to her and boredom in the bedroom. I'm not saying that she MUST now go all the way. I'm just saying you're in a gray zone, a purgatory of sorts. But going backwards now would be essentially resigning yourselves to vanilla pudding.
3 - Remember, this is about her too, not just you. It's about giving her the ultimate love and freedom to be who she is, or certainly NOW is.
4 - And with #3 being said, understand that there is great risk in relinquishing control. And thus far, you have tried to maintain control. That can be a positive in that she knows you don't want to lose her to fantasy. Shows you want her around still. In the negative, it can be restricting, and extremely unfair and manipulative, thus creating irreparable damage.

Like many others, you may reach a high unlike anything before. Hopefully you both do. An astral plane of sorts. But just know the portal to her inner desires has been discovered. Hard to clamp it back shut.
I realize there is not much interest in actual couples working into this lifestyle, I would probably find it boring too. What throws me off me is the gross and unbelievable threads garner attention. If one actually believes there are wives out there getting gang banged by a bunch of dudes or interested in getting pregnant then who am I to say different.

I guess I use this place as a sounding board and to chronicle our journey in this. Having said that I can honestly say I am nervous now. During all of this I was always sure of this but now that my wife has someone out there whom she is interested in I have mixed emotions.
A part of me wants to say no but I won't because the other part of me is just sitting back and waiting to see where this all leads and if they decide to sleep together to just let it happen. My wife and him see each other without my presence so I imagine they have grown to know each other and that my wife puts a lot of focus on him. I remember how she was with me when we first met, very forward, and without a doubt I can see her being that way with him.
If she is the same with him as she was with me when we first met then I can assume at some point she is going to end up telling me she is sleeping with him. And because he is a black man I actually see her being more interested in having sex with him. And I am unable to say no because I got her emotionally involved in this and now that she has found someone I would feel like an idiot and a coward to ask her to back out knowing she wants to sleep with this guy.
And now that I've opened this Pandora's box of unforeseen outcomes, if I did ask her to stop there could always be this slim chance of her going ahead without me since I gave my consent and then got cold feet. My wife can compartmentalize with the best of them and rest assured if she feels she is doing no wrong because I got her into this and backed out she will have no problem setting aside any conflicting values over this.

Having said all that I still fantasize about her and him in our den or bedroom and seeing her giving herself up to him.

I have met and dated women who do all of those things. If you meet people in the polyamorous or BDSM communities they are there, they are real, and they are horny. Try Fetlife and ask for what you want, It's out there.
I have met and dated women who do all of those things. If you meet people in the polyamorous or BDSM communities they are there, they are real, and they are horny. Try Fetlife and ask for what you want, It's out there.
Why the hell you have a swastika as your avi? Seriously, that's just wrong
You've done well to express your emotions on here. That's a good move, both for yourself and others. As well, might be fun to recount the experience at a later time.

Things you should acknowledge:
1 - She has already imagined more than just kissing. Don't think she's only fantasizing based on your standards.
2 - The threshold has been crossed. At this point, shelving the whole idea would probably bring disappointment to her and boredom in the bedroom. I'm not saying that she MUST now go all the way. I'm just saying you're in a gray zone, a purgatory of sorts. But going backwards now would be essentially resigning yourselves to vanilla pudding.
3 - Remember, this is about her too, not just you. It's about giving her the ultimate love and freedom to be who she is, or certainly NOW is.
4 - And with #3 being said, understand that there is great risk in relinquishing control. And thus far, you have tried to maintain control. That can be a positive in that she knows you don't want to lose her to fantasy. Shows you want her around still. In the negative, it can be restricting, and extremely unfair and manipulative, thus creating irreparable damage.

Like many others, you may reach a high unlike anything before. Hopefully you both do. An astral plane of sorts. But just know the portal to her inner desires has been discovered. Hard to clamp it back shut.

1 - I have no doubt she has imagined them both in bed but the kissing thing is something she wants him to do. I know my wife and she wants him to make a pass her and put her in a position where she feels compelled to let him take it further. She has led him on so she knows if he does he is expecting more and she is going to capitulate, a built in excuse to say yes.
2 - You are correct, she crossed a threshold where it is virtually impossible for me to turn back now. If I turned back she would still want to be with him so I would have to contend with that.
3 - Yeah, I realize I set her free from any fidelity concerns.
4 - Control is an illusion. I learned that when she started flirting with black men without my knowledge but later told me.

I cannot put the genie back in the bottle. She has developed a taste for black men that I cannot stop even if I tried. I can tell she sees black men in a different light than me. I believe she finds them far more "interesting" and engaging when it comes to sexual seduction and certainly interested in their virility in the bedroom. No way to put out that fire.
Today my wife told me she greeted George with a hug but this time pressed her cheek against his with her lips almost touching his. She said she sat down next to him at his slot machine and as they were talking she took the chance to glance down at his crotch and take a look at what he might have and saw he had an ample bulge in his jeans. She said she took her time so he might have noticed he looking. Afterwards she said she told George "I have to get back to my area in the back so I might not see you again tonight because I get off work in half an hour." She said he said to her "you get off at midnight, that is early" and she said she replied "yes it is."
I told her if you keep it up George is going to make a indecent proposal to you and my wife said "why do you think I told what time I get off, I wanted to see if he would." She then said to me "I've passed you up in this" and I asked what did she mean exactly. She said "I am looking to sleep with a black man but to you it is mostly a fantasy."
I think the only thing holding her back right know is making sure I can deal with this and the timing where we have enough free time to do this and then process it. I know she is "ready" to be with a black man and if she were single she would have slept with him and several black men by now. I can tell whatever crossroads she came to in this she took the path that disregards our traditional marriage and is immersed in this lifestyle where she can be with the man of her choice without any feelings of guilt or remorse, I think she is making sure I can process this in our marriage because when it comes down to it she is out there making it happen and I am a bystander..
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Went to dinner with my wife after we reorganized the office in our house and had a candid discussion about all this. I do not even remember how the topic came up but my wife said to me "the funny thing is I am only attracted to black men now, white men do nothing for me, I just look past them." She also said she is always checking out fine looking black men and thinking how sexy they are. I told her black men must have struck a nerve in her she never knew she had and she said "I guess so because everywhere I look I find myself checking out black men and getting aroused."
I told her she had no idea how excited that made me because I want "this" to happen. I told her "I love the idea of you being sexually satisfied by a black man and him doing things to you in bed no other man has done."
She said well it is getting close but I need to be ready. I knew what she meant by "ready" but asked to be sure and she said "I need to be physically ready for a partner who is bigger." But she added if I cannot handle him the first few times I can always give him a massage and "suck his dick" to make him happy.
After she said that I asked her the best possible question I've ever asked her. I asked my wife just how close are you to doing this because you are the one running this show and she said hell I could be with someone next week if I knew I could handle his size but since I can't you are going to have to help me. (By that she means I needed to have sex with her with the toy we bought.)
When she said "I could be with someone next week" I mouthed "wow" to her and said "this is really about to happen isn't it?" My wife said "As soon as I feel my body is ready, which could be soon, all we need to do is find the right man." I asked could it be within weeks and she said "sure, as long as we find the right man."
She has George in her sights but she wants to be sure he is well endowed. Those are her words.
Went to dinner with my wife after we reorganized the office in our house and had a candid discussion about all this. I do not even remember how the topic came up but my wife said to me "the funny thing is I am only attracted to black men now, white men do nothing for me, I just look past them." She also said she is always checking out fine looking black men and thinking how sexy they are. I told her black men must have struck a nerve in her she never knew she had and she said "I guess so because everywhere I look I find myself checking out black men and getting aroused."
I told her she had no idea how excited that made me because I want "this" to happen. I told her "I love the idea of you being sexually satisfied by a black man and him doing things to you in bed no other man has done."
She said well it is getting close but I need to be ready. I knew what she meant by "ready" but asked to be sure and she said "I need to be physically ready for a partner who is bigger." But she added if I cannot handle him the first few times I can always give him a massage and "suck his dick" to make him happy.
After she said that I asked her the best possible question I've ever asked her. I asked my wife just how close are you to doing this because you are the one running this show and she said hell I could be with someone next week if I knew I could handle his size but since I can't you are going to have to help me. (By that she means I needed to have sex with her with the toy we bought.)
When she said "I could be with someone next week" I mouthed "wow" to her and said "this is really about to happen isn't it?" My wife said "As soon as I feel my body is ready, which could be soon, all we need to do is find the right man." I asked could it be within weeks and she said "sure, as long as we find the right man."
She has George in her sights but she wants to be sure he is well endowed. Those are her words.
That's awesome sure looks like it's moving in the right direction good for you hand good for her
Here is the thing, I know this has been a long drawn out process but not once did I ever embellish our story. I could have been one of those posers and eventually said yes my wife fucked this massive black guy just to feed you a story but I am not into fiction and I am telling you this as it has played out. And now that it is here and my wife is going to do this I can admit I am a little scared and nervous as fuck. I can tell without a doubt she is looking to be with a black man and is set on it. And once it happens and it lives up to her expectations this is not going to be a one time thing. In our conversation I even mentioned the fact she said she would "never" do anything without me but was out there the entire time doing all this without me and coming back to tell me. I told her we had talked of couples where the wife goes off on her own to be with a black man and the wife comes back and tells her husband and that she was doing that only in a much scaled down version and the only thing my wife did was stare at me with this blank poker face. I mean she sat there straight faced just staring and I could sense she was thinking about that very thing I had just mentioned so I have no illusions that everything is on the table with this. This is at that point where nothing I tell you any longer adds to this .
Here is the thing, I know this has been a long drawn out process but not once did I ever embellish our story. I could have been one of those posers and eventually said yes my wife fucked this massive black guy just to feed you a story but I am not into fiction and I am telling you this as it has played out. And now that it is here and my wife is going to do this I can admit I am a little scared and nervous as fuck. I can tell without a doubt she is looking to be with a black man and is set on it. And once it happens and it lives up to her expectations this is not going to be a one time thing. In our conversation I even mentioned the fact she said she would "never" do anything without me but was out there the entire time doing all this without me and coming back to tell me. I told her we had talked of couples where the wife goes off on her own to be with a black man and the wife comes back and tells her husband and that she was doing that only in a much scaled down version and the only thing my wife did was stare at me with this blank poker face. I mean she sat there straight faced just staring and I could sense she was thinking about that very thing I had just mentioned so I have no illusions that everything is on the table with this. This is at that point where nothing I tell you any longer adds to this .
I never got the impression you were embellishing this. We can tell the difference most of the times. Keep writing, it's not for waste.

As I mentioned earlier, you are already in this whether you realize it or not. She's now converted, even though she hasn't yet consummated the act for real (at least you think not). She's gone man (in the traditional sense I mean). Her mind is elsewhere, her body is devoted to another cause. Her sexual freedom has been pried open with a crowbar. No putting that back.

I'm not sure you're really ready to see and hear all this. Yet, you have no choice. And further still, you'll still be hard from it all. Welcome to heaven and hell my friend!
I never got the impression you were embellishing this. We can tell the difference most of the times. Keep writing, it's not for waste.

As I mentioned earlier, you are already in this whether you realize it or not. She's now converted, even though she hasn't yet consummated the act for real (at least you think not). She's gone man (in the traditional sense I mean). Her mind is elsewhere, her body is devoted to another cause. Her sexual freedom has been pried open with a crowbar. No putting that back.

I'm not sure you're really ready to see and hear all this. Yet, you have no choice. And further still, you'll still be hard from it all. Welcome to heaven and hell my friend!

I know I do not give that impression but what I am typing sounds so unreal after I go back and read it that I just had to post about it.

I am keenly aware I am in this. And you are right, my wife is "gone." She told me at first she would never do anything without me but yet she comes home and tells me after-the-fact she was messing around with the black men at her slots and now she knows she has a reputation of being very "nice" to the black men in her area. I think all the black men who are regulars in her section have to know she is "aroused" by their presence and gives off this vibe that she likes black men, they must talk about her right?
She also said kissing was off limits when this all started because it was too intimate and was reserved for me but now she tells me of these fantasies where she sees this one black man named George grabbing her by the back of her head and kissing her very passionately. She even thinks about it happening as she gets off work and he walks her to her car and in that moment makes his move. That is not just fantasy to me, she wants George to kiss her and she has planned it out to where he gets the opportunity one night.
And the last thing that was a huge no was her going out alone for a night with a black man and coming home afterwards. She said that would never happen, that I would always be there, but I do not believe that based on how she acted tonight. She will let me be there and watch at times but I sincerely feel that if one these black men come on to her at work and asks her to his place after she gets off she is going to go with him and tell me after she gets home that she was fucked by a black man at his place.
And I find it hard to believe I am typing this but the way she talks about black men now I think she will have more than one partner. She has talked of three black men individually at her work that really like her and by that she means they want her and she enjoys it. They all know she is married but they know she does not act like it so I do not see anywhere in this where she is fawned over by each of them at some point and invited to their place and she turns them down.

Two "rules" that were hers that she broke because I think she is overcome by the notion of having black men take her to bed and I know my wife so I sense that last rule will be broke when she goes over to one of these guys houses and comes home late that night or morning to tell me "I went over to Georges place and he fucked me." Mark my words.

Yeah, it is nerve racking WhtAcpt. I am accepting this better than I thought I would but it is still humbling to know she is this caught up in having sex with black men.
And yet, you love it all. ^_^

It is so unusual because I really do. But now I have a wife who is not the one I married and have been with for 33 years. She has a total different take on what marriage is. And her lust for black men is surreal.
Speaking from experience We have gone down the exact road just change the names and jobs and your us! She is going to do it with or without you. So if you can live with it and believe me its a rough go at first but you have already mentally stressed yourself over it. My wife got fingered one night after work by a much younger black man and she came home and if I have ever seen a woman hotter than she was I can't remember it! ,,she was so wet I caused her of fucking him but 8t was just her juices she was so hot. After that she fucked a lot if BBC but after a year or so when they started sharibg her with their friends. She started to feel like property to be traded not a meaningful sex partner. She came to me and we has sex but I could not feel her from all the BBC she had fucked but she begged me to make her mine and not let her do that anymore! She tells me stories in detail of the way she was treated by numerous men at one time . I get horny as he'll but she was a whore for them pretty much. She said you never get that first time experience again and she was tired if chasing it and beibg but. We have been married 30 years now and are happy as can be! ,,so don't over think it! She will come back around!