The other side of the game. (Question)

Ultimate goal in your dating life

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First let me say that I love this lifestyle and everything it has to offer but I have a serious question.

I recently met this woman and she has a great personality but we met in the lifestyle and whenever wherever we go out I never feel like we were a couple. Things were starting to feel like she was for a community. Initially when we began dating and we both were interested in building up a family at some point (together) but then comes the community…

I’m not a jealous guy but when it comes to dating whether it’s poly or swinging, how does a couple or a potential family grow when there are others constantly getting someone’s attention? I am at a point where I feel like things become a fetishization if someone fucks a certain group of ppl but never takes any of them seriously so my question is this…

Although we are having fun and having amazing sex. What is your ultimate goal in terms of a meaningful relationship? Is that leaning toward an inter or intra-racial relationship?

At the end of the day we have be aware of our bodies and minds and what direction they are leading us.
We’ve been lucky to achieve our goal , with 4 ******* between us , and shared openness that we’ve both had numerous partners and adventures over the last 15 years . We’ve been swingers , swappers , sluts , subs , cuck , hotwife , etc . We’ve explored bdsm , clubs , house parties , hotel parties , hotel takeovers , nude beaches , etc . We’ve both had Doms/Dommes , FWB , and random encounters . The key is to be open , honest and to communicate. The lifestyle has many flavors I encourage everyone to sample many and enjoy what you enjoy without guilt or hesitation. Life is short and no one gets out alive .
We’ve been lucky to achieve our goal , with 4 ******* between us , and shared openness that we’ve both had numerous partners and adventures over the last 15 years . We’ve been swingers , swappers , sluts , subs , cuck , hotwife , etc . We’ve explored bdsm , clubs , house parties , hotel parties , hotel takeovers , nude beaches , etc . We’ve both had Doms/Dommes , FWB , and random encounters . The key is to be open , honest and to communicate. The lifestyle has many flavors I encourage everyone to sample many and enjoy what you enjoy without guilt or hesitation. Life is short and no one gets out alive .
Oh! Yes totally agree with the above post, similar to us.
I read your words, it sounds like you don't have a solid relationship. I think you need to start there. Get all your ducks in a row as they say. Then if you both decide to allow others in but talk it out first. You sound like many men i met in swinging groups. Most had talked their spouses into attending meetings. The majority of them were very wrapped up in who and how the spouse interacted with. Most said they were not jealous even though it appeared to be the case by those who saw or heard what transpired. I suppose there could be those who might make it work the way your doing it. I just doubt many will get to that meaningful relationship you speak of.
We’ve been lucky to achieve our goal , with 4 ******* between us , and shared openness that we’ve both had numerous partners and adventures over the last 15 years . We’ve been swingers , swappers , sluts , subs , cuck , hotwife , etc . We’ve explored bdsm , clubs , house parties , hotel parties , hotel takeovers , nude beaches , etc . We’ve both had Doms/Dommes , FWB , and random encounters . The key is to be open , honest and to communicate. The lifestyle has many flavors I encourage everyone to sample many and enjoy what you enjoy without guilt or hesitation. Life is short and no one gets out alive .
This has been our life to the letter. Congratulations on your life together.
We’ve been lucky to achieve our goal , with 4 ******* between us , and shared openness that we’ve both had numerous partners and adventures over the last 15 years . We’ve been swingers , swappers , sluts , subs , cuck , hotwife , etc . We’ve explored bdsm , clubs , house parties , hotel parties , hotel takeovers , nude beaches , etc . We’ve both had Doms/Dommes , FWB , and random encounters . The key is to be open , honest and to communicate. The lifestyle has many flavors I encourage everyone to sample many and enjoy what you enjoy without guilt or hesitation. Life is short and no one gets out alive .
It's a wonderful journey of life ... cause that sex is all about living ...😍dear