"The love for legs"

Janie T...I've been real supportive and believed you were a straight with us..but not sure why you be posting
pics of trannies...not really cool..feel free to correct me if I'm wrong...but really questionable looking 'females'..osp
@OldSchoolPlayer25 ... always been straight with you. Have friends who also deserve a chance at life. But that's fine I'll not try aging to get acceptance for those who can't seem to get it in life.
Janie T...I've been real supportive and believed you were a straight with us..but not sure why you be posting
pics of trannies...not really cool..feel free to correct me if I'm wrong...but really questionable looking 'females'..osp
I TOTALLY agree...I am glad my eyes are NOT playing "tricks" on me.. I LOVE REAL WOMEN CURVES!!!