Surrendering your wife


Gold Member
My wife was surprised that I gave absolutely no resistance to our Black neighbor taking her from me. I guess I thought that I had no chance of stopping him so I didn’t try. Is that part of the average cuckold’s personality? Are we wimpy pushovers? My wife certainly thinks I am. What do you think?
its nature isnt it? If an alpha male wants her, then you just naturally submit.
If you dont resist, then it just confirms to her that the other guy is superior.
So she will of course prefer to breed with him.
Its millions of years of evolution built into every cell in our bodies..... cant fight it.
I agree completely. That’s why her Black bull now wants to own me as well. My wife has assured him that I don’t have an ounce of fight in me and that he can break me with one slap across the face. Nature will not be denied, will it?
My wife was surprised that I gave absolutely no resistance to our Black neighbor taking her from me. I guess I thought that I had no chance of stopping him so I didn’t try. Is that part of the average cuckold’s personality? Are we wimpy pushovers? My wife certainly thinks I am. What do you think?
it depends on her _ if she enjoy it _ i would accept . it is all about her happiness . not surrendering it is called love . that s the reason for me .
My wife was surprised that I gave absolutely no resistance to our Black neighbor taking her from me. I guess I thought that I had no chance of stopping him so I didn’t try. Is that part of the average cuckold’s personality? Are we wimpy pushovers? My wife certainly thinks I am. What do you think?
Did I miss a previous thread? What exactly happened?
My wife was surprised that I gave absolutely no resistance to our Black neighbor taking her from me. I guess I thought that I had no chance of stopping him so I didn’t try. Is that part of the average cuckold’s personality? Are we wimpy pushovers? My wife certainly thinks I am. What do you think?
Well, you have to consider this: If you WANT your wife to be taken by your black neighbor, why would you try and prevent it?
I wouldn’t have. Since my soft cock had become useless to her I figured she was entitled to get whatever she could elsewhere. So I wasn’t surprised that she did and still does.
How old is she? And I fully agree: Your wife has sexual needs, and if you can't provide anything in this matter, she should be able to get it elswhere. The manner of this, however, is the defining element that tells whether your relationship has a future or not.
... Is that part of the average cuckold’s personality? Are we wimpy pushovers? What do you think?

As a cuckold husband - you can add my name to the list of "wimpy pushovers". Although, I don't know if it's so much being a pushover, but rather just excited to explore new dynamics of a cuckold relationship. I'll explain:

When my wife and I first started out, we had a few "red line" rules that we both felt strongly about and agreed to. Always wear condoms, always be together on the play date, that type of thing.

And then, over time, the "rules" slowly started to fall off. She met a BBC Bull that she had strong chemistry with, and so, after about 3 (or maybe 4) play dates, she decided to stop using condoms and to encourage him to cum inside her. She told me about her decision weeks before the play date - so it wasn't a surprise to me - but rather it was something she really wanted to do, and it was something that turned me on as well.

For the always play together rule - our idea was that I would always be in the room, or nearby to watch and be humiliated. Over time though, her ideas on the rule changed, and I didn't want to argue. Some play dates I was only allowed to watch a bit of the date, some play dates I couldn't watch anything but they did call me and left the phone on for 15 minutes and then abruptly hung up.

Most recently, her long term Bull has demanded that he take her out for drinks and then back to a hotel room alone (without me there). I would be allowed to pick her up after the date. They would send a text or two to say they arrived safely at their destinations, but nothing sexual in nature to add to the humilation and denial.

This is something her Bull has wanted for a long time now, and she is happy to surrender to him on it, which I guess, I too am surrendering too her as well I guess.

Hah, so, maybe, after reading this, I am more of a pushover than I thought.