subhub174014's mix of pics

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I have been going about this all wrong I guess.....

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Maybe some genius will cross dark matter with peanut butter soon and we’ll actually be able to do this, the only thing worse than chasing whatever light from last year is out and killing the whole line, is packing all this crap up after it’s over,,,this year thanx to Bidenomics, instead of presents we’re just gonna invest in more weed, probably be better to make believe there’s actually a Christmas than just going without one,,,let’s put it this way, I’ll bet every penny I own that if they want it, the illegals that are still in holding will have a better Christmas than a good portion of Americans!
Is pix number three and six the chick from that sitcom ”Ghosts”?
Maybe some genius will cross dark matter with peanut butter soon and we’ll actually be able to do this, the only thing worse than chasing whatever light from last year is out and killing the whole line, is packing all this crap up after it’s over,,,this year thanx to Bidenomics, instead of presents we’re just gonna invest in more weed, probably be better to make believe there’s actually a Christmas than just going without one,,,let’s put it this way, I’ll bet every penny I own that if they want it, the illegals that are still in holding will have a better Christmas than a good portion of Americans!

Is pix number three and six the chick from that sitcom ”Ghosts”?
I don't do lights....never have....put a good sized santa on the front porch...that is all

as for the not really know the header said ir mixed pics some from movie or something like that...but could be
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