Hell no, I'm not to busy during this bloody corona virus crisis. Just too dangerous to risk close encounters - agree? :devil:
Definitely doing more play than ever! Tuesday, Thursday exercise classes canceled, all ******* programs cancelled and square friends at home in self isolation has definitely freed up the schedule for MFM play with our friend. We have gone from a cpl times a month to cpl times a week. Always have to find the positive
So dope!
Definitely doing more play than ever! Tuesday, Thursday exercise classes canceled, all ******* programs cancelled and square friends at home in self isolation has definitely freed up the schedule for MFM play with our friend. We have gone from a cpl times a month to cpl times a week. Always have to find the positive
Does he come to you? Over in England that would get you arrested as it’s not deemed essential 😂
yes he does come over, I’m pretty sure it’s an essential service, I don’t want to get hysteria, lol, I live in 🇨🇦
So jealous waiting to play again but police are stopping people over here and asking where and what u are doing.....
It's ignorant and irresponsible to be meeting up at this time. You're endangering everyone involved and everyone else they and you come into contact with.
True but false at the same time. There are people you cannot avoid contact with. Typically that would be your life partner, especially when you share the same household. ImO a regular lover you have a close connection with would fall into the same category. If you stick to "social self-quarantine" otherwise, the extended risk stays within the small group of husband, wife and lover. Which seems acceptable, is their risk and shall be their decision and responsibility in my opinion. ;)
True but false at the same time. There are people you cannot avoid contact with. Typically that would be your life partner, especially when you share the same household. ImO a regular lover you have a close connection with would fall into the same category. If you stick to "social self-quarantine" otherwise, the extended risk stays within the small group of husband, wife and lover. Which seems acceptable, is their risk and shall be their decision and responsibility in my opinion. ;)
Iso'd 1 + iso'd 2 = low risk of contagion. Just make sure you're the only one that you're come into contact with like that and you're good.
Does he come to you? Over in England that would get you arrested as it’s not deemed essential 😂
and they say you can only do each thing once only a day.
walk the dog, take a run , go to shops etc.
please be safe otherwise you might not be around after it's over.