So empty

It's never empty. There are plenty of forums to browse and enjoy. There are conversations to be had with a number of great members on here.
If you want a better experience verify yourself.
If not just relax and take the site in.
It's never empty. There are plenty of forums to browse and enjoy. There are conversations to be had with a number of great members on here.
If you want a better experience verify yourself.
If not just relax and take the site in.
I have had 3 replies and not one is UK. If you ask me that's empty
It seems compared to other site. Also not easy geographically locating post. Threads or profiles
.....well, you've simply not become acclimated to the website ... you can follow threads, members, etc if you so wish by selecting that in your preferences section. You've been here not even 24 hours yet ... fill out your profile, find some topics you like, and if you can't find them, start one yourself. And if your purpose is to get involved with others, get yourself verified.
pic_MacNfries-signature.jpg .................pic_nickelsworth.jpg

ps- welcome, and be sure to go by the member AVATAR thread and pick yourself out an avatar. They fit perfectly into you avatar box.