Should white women recruit other white women?

Should white women recruit other white women and let them also experince the magic?

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Without a doubt it should happen, and does. I have seen this multiple times, from freshman college girls to married mid 40's wives who have brought a friend to see me or friends I know. Best way to do it.
It usually seems the older women like it nastier. They are not worried about trivial things the younger ones sometimes worry about. The younger ones who don't sweat the small stuff are fun but more difficult to find.
Without a doubt it should happen, and does. I have seen this multiple times, from freshman college girls to married mid 40's wives who have brought a friend to see me or friends I know. Best way to do it.
Back to the subject title. Yes I think the recruitment should come woman to woman. It provides support and safety to the other female. It is a good practice to get into and we need more of it.