Should I go Black, Update?

I know you are just a crying baby:)

OK, i am sorry you have a big dick,you are an ALPHA male and you can fuck,:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:

you have a complex issue and it is normal with small brains :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:

As a big dick African man my message to you is that,you will have a big dick when next you come back to the world:bounce::bounce::bounce: but i dont think it is infact assigned to be cockhold.

Jokes aside, I'm just going to have come off like a condescending asshole because I'm going to be 100 percent real with you.
Before I started dating interracially exclusively and i was dicking down black women I use to hear about brothas like you all the time. Pretty much every black girl I fucked was with a boyfriend like you. They would always tell me how terrible brothas like you are. How your breath would smell like *******, how your feet would be disgusting, wearing dirty socks into the bedroom just to cover it up. How you would just jam your cock in their pussy and think just because your going harder it's better. LMAO brothas like you are conceded, stubborn and ignorant. You think driving a Benz and taking a women out to a casino will get you far. LMAO brothas like you would take the women shopping, buying her dinner and ******* and when you drop her off I would come over and dick her down. I use to feel bad about it but now I don't. You brothas deserved to get played because you think your the ******* but your nothing. You refuse to learn and grow. LMAO I dicked her down while she was on the phone with him talking *******. He was bragging about how much he makes while I was swimming in her pussy and he was stupid enough to believe her ******* was giving her foot massages as to why she was moaning.

I had brothas like you drop the girl off down the street for me and she would walk down to my place to get some dick. I had the girls save their pussy for me, so they wouldn't fuck brothas like you, and they would talk ******* about how conceded brothas like you are and ow much of a terrible fuck you are.

The first white girl I ever had sex with was a racist cold hearted chick and I dicked her down 2 to 3 times a day for 6 months until she had to move. If I see her today she would let me fuck even with her boyfriend who she cheats on with black guys constantly now. I don't even have to ask for sex once I stick my dick in a girl, she asks me. I'm just being real. Every girl I been with all let me cum inside them even though most where resistant in the beginning. Bro I turn your girlfriend and the girl you are chasing into my personal cum bucket. I'll cum in the girl you have a crush on and she will go on a date with you without even washing up. I'm just being 100. I could do some serious bragging but I choose not too. All black men are not created equal and my past is a prime example because before I got into cuckolding I was fucking other black men's (like you) girls on the regular.

I have some really Savage stories and I know your type. I could air out your dirty laundry. Black men like you who get no pussy in highschool and need to make 6 figures just to get a women to look at you. I was dicking women down way before I was making 105k a year. While black men like you cried and screamed only thugs get all the pussy. Not fair wahh!!

I know who you are. Your just a wanna be. I can be real with myself. Am I rich no. I make a pretty good salary as a master auto technician. Do I have the best social skills in the world fuck no. I get alot of messages from this site and blow it sometimes because I come off to sexually aggressive. Can I out fuck you? Hell yeah. I've been running circles around brothas like you ever since I hit puberty. Brothas like you play catch up. While you were fantasying about a girl I was taking her behind the school, getting head. So please gtfoh with that bullshit you needle dick wanna be.
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What a boring and endless exchange. Why don't you guys talk directly to each other so the rest of us do not need to be subjected to your inane discussion.
I'm not going to the aids infested, dirty drinking water, live in a shack country. If the asswipe wants to come visit Beverly hills I'll be more then open to meet him there.
Roof, Roof! A quick lesson to the young pups here. If you find yourself talking about, idolizin,worshipping,holding,smelling,watching, comforting,ego boosting,and comparing. You are not an alpha male! This term, seems to be thrown around lightly and the meaning will be lost. By natural order, you put everybody in the same room. Your testosterone levels will expose you regardless. So from 1 dollar to 1 billion dollars, let's talk about natural selection. If you think I am lying. Only Tru, Yard Dawgs should be talking here. Now, continue with these fairytales.
He seriously thinks just because a man makes a decent salary or drives a nice car it makes him an alpha male in the bedroom. I'm trying to explain to his slow ass that it's two different things which is the whole fucking purpose of this site.

He doesn't get that the guys on this site are already alpha males financially. He doesn't know cuckolding is. He thinks this is an Interracial dating site or something.

Then I exposed him for the beta male that he is and he took offense.
Jokes aside, I'm just going to have come off like a condescending asshole because I'm going to be 100 percent real with you.
Before I started dating interracially exclusively and i was dicking down black women I use to hear about brothas like you all the time. Pretty much every black girl I fucked was with a boyfriend like you. They would always tell me how terrible brothas like you are. How your breath would smell like *******, how your feet would be disgusting, wearing dirty socks into the bedroom just to cover it up. How you would just jam your cock in their pussy and think just because your going harder it's better. LMAO brothas like you are conceded, stubborn and ignorant. You think driving a Benz and taking a women out to a casino will get you far. LMAO brothas like you would take the women shopping, buying her dinner and ******* and when you drop her off I would come over and dick her down. I use to feel bad about it but now I don't. You brothas deserved to get played because you think your the ******* but your nothing. You refuse to learn and grow. LMAO I dicked her down while she was on the phone with him talking *******. He was bragging about how much he makes while I was swimming in her pussy and he was stupid enough to believe her ******* was giving her foot massages as to why she was moaning.

I had brothas like you drop the girl off down the street for me and she would walk down to my place to get some dick. I had the girls save their pussy for me, so they wouldn't fuck brothas like you, and they would talk ******* about how conceded brothas like you are and ow much of a terrible fuck you are.

The first white girl I ever had sex with was a racist cold hearted chick and I dicked her down 2 to 3 times a day for 6 months until she had to move. If I see her today she would let me fuck even with her boyfriend who she cheats on with black guys constantly now. I don't even have to ask for sex once I stick my dick in a girl, she asks me. I'm just being real. Every girl I been with all let me cum inside them even though most where resistant in the beginning. Bro I turn your girlfriend and the girl you are chasing into my personal cum bucket. I'll cum in the girl you have a crush on and she will go on a date with you without even washing up. I'm just being 100. I could do some serious bragging but I choose not too. All black men are not created equal and my past is a prime example because before I got into cuckolding I was fucking other black men's like you girls on the regular.

I have some really Savage stories and I know your type. I could air out your dirty laundry. Black men like you who get no pussy in highschool and need to make 6 figures just to get a women to look at you. I was dicking women down way before I was making 105k a year. While black men like you cried and screamed only thugs get all the pussy. Not fair wahh!!

I know who you are. Your just a wanna be. I can be real with myself. Am I rich no. I make a pretty good salary as a master auto technician. Do I have the best social skills in the world fuck no. I get alot of messages from this site and blow it sometimes because I come off to sexually aggressive. Can I out fuck you? Hell yeah. I've been running circles around brothas like you ever since I hit puberty. Brothas like you play catch up. While you were fantasying about a girl I was taking her behind the school, getting head. So please gtfoh with that bullshit you needle dick wanna be.

Dude,i didnt bother reading your long speech because it is dam full of bullshits

you do not want to end this conversation because you will look like a loser and not the Alpha men you claim to be but i will end it.

Next time maybe you will learn how to be respectable to others than calling others stupid names behind you keyboard

i dont have anything against you but i know i am talking to a kid

I didn't even realize I was defending the u.s.a lol..I guess I should appreciate it more and be thankful I'm not living in a dump like Nigeria.

I think you are so happy to get supporters which is very important in you building a very good self esteem

you are a small dicked black man and that i what i know you for.
Dude,i didnt bother reading your long speech because it is dam full of bullshits

you do not want to end this conversation because you will look like a loser and not the Alpha men you claim to be but i will end it.

Next time maybe you will learn how to be respectable to others than calling others stupid names behind you keyboard

i dont have anything against you but i know i am talking to a kid

Did your feelings get hurt? Did I say something that touched a nerve? Like I said I know your type bro you wanna be, needle dick, lying on your dick, tricking bullshitter beta N word.
He seriously thinks just because a man makes a decent salary or drives a nice car it makes him an alpha male in the bedroom. I'm trying to explain to his slow ass that it's two different things which is the whole fucking purpose of this site.

He doesn't get that the guys on this site are already alpha males financially. He doesn't know cuckolding is. He thinks this is an Interracial dating site or something.

Then I exposed him for the beta male that he is and he took offense.
I think you grabbed the wrong post! I am 100% in agreement with cutting the Bullshit. But on this forum, I don't need a knife. I can just smell it from here.
I think you are so happy to get supporters which is very important in you building a very good self esteem

you are a small dicked black man and that i what i know you for.
Because your a bullshitter. The op asked for an Alpha Black male in the bedroom. Wtf don't you understand about that? Are you that slow? She didn't say anyold black man she asked for the best. She's not looking for an ordinary black guy I simply told her where to look for the exceptional ones. I even agreed with your point that she may have to settle due to the lack of availability in her country. Your stupidity is actually starting to irritate me. Go back and read the post you illiterate MF.
Did your feelings get hurt? Did I say something that touched a nerve? Like I said I know your type bro you wanna be, needle dick, lying on your dick, tricking bullshitter beta N word.

Lol coming from a small dick

you are common street guy i see everyday but never the less you self confidence is been destroyed but you need supporters to get back in form

Dont worry when small dicked black male talked,it is always bull shits that come out of the brains,no need to take them seriously
Because your a bullshitter. The op asked for an Alpha Black male in the bedroom. Wtf don't you understand about that? Are you that slow? She didn't say anyold black man she asked for the best. She's not looking for an ordinary black guy I simply told her where to look for the exceptional ones. I even agreed with your point that she may have to settle due to the lack of availability in her country. Your stupidity is actually starting to irritate me. Go back and read the post you illiterate MF.

you are fake,small dick, a pure scam

use your hand,it suits you than a pussy:)
I think you grabbed the wrong post! I am 100% in agreement with cutting the Bullshit. But on this forum, I don't need a knife. I can just smell it from here.
Oh I was just stating the situation. I was agreeing with what you said too.
Oh I was just stating the situation. I was agreeing with what you said too.

lol you dont need to reassure anyone or yourself

you are a loser,small dick

ALpha male my ass

i see you lack total confidence and i think you have a complex.

Have a good day,small dick

i have a some important job to do like hunting for zebras:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce: The winner brings in the spoil,it is a competition so
wish me Goodluck

Things only special breds do:)
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