Queen of Spades Question


Gold Member
So, I know that Queen of Spades tattoos on women means she is a BBC Slut. (in a nutshell)
But where did that started? Does someone here knows the root where that came to be?
I am very curious about that.
Many years ago prior to more recent speech norms it was common to describe objects and people who were darkest as " black as the ace of spaces" referring to the playing card, black folk were often referred to as "spades" these terms were mostly meant as descriptive and not meant to be derogatory from my recollection it is easy then to see how a "queen of spades" became a reference to a woman who preferred her partner(s) darker skinned a term that has persisted within the lifestyle while the term "spade" has fallen from most vocabularies being considered rude and offensive now
A merry Christmas to you all,
And I absolutely understand that. Those that do are on a whole other level. We still appreciate you for being a black dick lover @stephforbc I would enjoy using you daily if you were here in Destin Fla
You also have to remember that some have jobs that it could cause issues with it isnt that we dont really want one but it can be a difficult thing to do and yes you can get it where no one will see it but then whats the point of it
You also have to remember that some have jobs that it could cause issues with it isnt that we dont really want one but it can be a difficult thing to do and yes you can get it where no one will see it but then whats the point of it
Yes that is always a factor as well and yes what's the point if it's not able to be visibly seen while out and about. I relish to see a tattoo QoS in the flesh
Acceptance of tattoos over the last decade+ even in more conservative environments has made having visible tattoos a non-issue for most people these days. It's really amazing how much that has changed. Back in the 90s when tattoos started to become more mainstream especially for college ******* (which are now 40-50 years old, so that's why it's more accepted ;) ), I recall many waitresses having to put band-aids over their sorority ankle tattoos, piercings, etc. because the business owner didn't want to offend any of their customers.

Now, it just not even noticed, and in fact is generally embraced for those showing their individualism, etc (y)

When I go to my doctor, one of the admin staff is clearly Wiccan, and has all sorts of necklaces, bangles, and chest, arm, wrist, and neck tattoos to that effect. It just isn't an issue, or even really gets one's attention, and this is in a small town.

Of course the content/subject of a visible tattoo may matter, and I'm sure we all know people that have some tattoos even they probably roll their eyes at now and would make many people blush :rolleyes: An acquaintance of mine back in the 90s thought he had the coolest ever tattoo and always loved showing it off. It was a string of pseudo-kanji characters running along his inner arm, that when you looked close actually was a stylized spelling of "fuck you"... oh yes, very very clever :sneaky:

And specifically related to the "ace of spades" tattoo, there are a lot of older/other meanings for either gender having that tattoo. A quick Google will provide a lot of info on the "meaning" (pick one!) of that tattoo which have nothing to do with the swinging lifestyle, and instead are about strength, determination, good/bad luck, a love of cards, etc.

So with that in mind in theory someone could have a "QoS" tattoo and most people either wouldn't notice at all, or just assume it is the run-of-the-mill "ace of spades" tattoo they've seen on various people over the years.

And even if one did have a pretty clear "QoS" style tattoo and someone noticed and asked, you could just say it is for "good luck" or that you like to play cards ;) Of course if the tattoo has something like "slut" across it, well that may take a little more explaining :unsure:

But I bet most people would never really notice or think a simple "ace of spades" or even one with a crown or "Q" in the the middle was anything worth noticing, commenting on, or even having a clue what it meant in the context we're talking about :cool:

So I'd argue that someone, especially if they already have other tattoos, could sport a "QoS" spade tattoo without much risk as long as it didn't have some imagery or text that made it very clear that it was about more than just "good luck" :qos:

But everyone of course has to make that decision based upon the priority of even getting a tattoo, and their comfort and other considerations. Even with everything I said above, it may just not be for some people, which is completely understandable.

That being said, we think the "spade" tattoo of almost any design is so commonplace and mainstream that it likely isn't an issue, even if you did have "Q" or "Queen of Spades" written in it, again because it has so many other meanings too. It's true that the stereotypical "Queen of Spades" (the temporary tattoo you see everywhere with the "Q") might have a little higher recognition factor, but even then probably not except for the people you want to know and notice ;)

So we're probably going to get a real QoS tattoo this year, and we're probably going to get it somewhere noticeable like her ankle or shoulder. We'll see. :cool:
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