Police & BLM......Dangerous to Blackmen


Gold Member
Increasingly people are beginning to recognise BLM is more focused on removing statues and other symbolic gestures while, refusing to address black-on-black crime despite screaming "BLACK LIVES MATTER" but, recognise the black corpses are 90% Blackmale. If, the Blackmale is dead at Police hands it's worth protesting but, by another Blackman or Black woman...CRICKETS. Hence, Blackmale body is a political football used to leverage the LGBTQ, feminists and leftist Communities respective agendas. Older Blackmen need to take charge and address younger males because the reality is we cannot necessarily rely on anyone else and in many cases Black women use the same tactic as BLM for financial gain that negatively impact Blackmen.
Sadly it seems these issues begin to gain attention and then get corrupted or swallowed up by extremest as bad as some of the things they are supposedly trying to help. People and groups that honestly want to make the situation better are pushed out of the way and buried by people just looking for 15 minutes of fame or to go crazy.
Heard this statement from a black man on TV the other day. Wish i could find the story but he said "These rioters and protests are not about George Floyd or BLM. You never hear them scream about black lives when its black on black ******* only when a white person is involved."