Pick a weekend at a nice Atlanta hotel , invite couples and ladies to join at the hotel bar or other venue


Pick a week end and invite couple and ladies to join you in the bar or other venues at the hotel . Let other players know what nights to meet and couples and ladies
come on that weekend and meet the guys at the bar or other places in the hotel then go to their hotel rooms to party. The ladies could dress to impress in the bar
and most guys would know what they are there for. It would beat going to the Trap and not be that much more expensive. I would bring my wife and she would be
open to meet and greet at the bar , then retire as she pleases with other guys to the room for a while, then clean up and come back to the bar. The guys would not
be out any money unless they wanted to stay overnight or buy her a few drinks. The hubbies could sit back and watch the ladies flirt and play.
Some one set it up and advertise on internet or hear and I will bring Kay down for the weekend for play. Sounds like a plan to me. Let us know how that sounds.
Pick a nice classy place like the W or others and let make this happen.