NFL Owners/Coaches Wives

Rex Ryan (former Jets HC) got exposed for having a wild foot fetish involving his wife where he made videos showing them off. Also had swinger site profile that got exposed with a black guy sniffing his wife feet.

Todd Haley (former Chiefs HC) also allegedly was into wife swapping. Google some pictures of her banging body
Didn't know that! Imma have to investigate 🧐
It's difficult to imagine that at least some rich spoiled rotten wives are not getting some of the best black dick in the world. When talking about alpha black men, none are more alpha or have better bodies than NFL players. The best of the best.
Yeah I know some of them are getting it. They prob have stories for days
If you watched the Super Bowl yesterday (and any other NFL game for that matter), you'll see the cameras from time to time jump to the press box where you'll see the Owner/GM/Retired QB's entourage/family viewing the game with them.

What you can't miss is their wives who usually look fine as hell, (blonde, brunette, sexy eyes, nice frames, etc) sitting all pretty beside them, diamonds glistening and all. Majority of the time only one question crosses my mind....
"I wonder if any black players are stretching that pussy wide or if any of those team executives are getting cucked by their wives for some bbc 🤔?" I know for a FACT that if these wives aren't getting it, being in close proximity with the athletes does something to them at minimum!

Just some thoughts...
I know one.......player who is and who she is...but i keep that confidential....(but i seen a pic or two he snapped)