Next Steps? Maybe somebody like a coach?

My girlfriend has known my fetish for a year. She is as already described rather conservative when it comes to sex. (Once we have sex, however, it is no longer).

Currently we have sex 1x a month.
I sleep professionally from Monday to Friday in the hotel.

Now I have suggested that my girlfriend keep me chaste as a game for once. We do this to see if she likes to be in control.

I would like to start sexting with her but I do not know how to start since she does not share my fetish yet.
Surely sex only once a month isn't enough for either of you? Perhaps she already has a lover during the week while you are away? if not, suggest she finds one with your blessing?
Thank you very much.

No she has no lover. And I have brought it up.

She is afraid that I want another woman. She says it is not normal and is afraid of losing me.
You need to stop thinking about your phantasy and make her "fall in love with you phantasy".
tell her you masturbates thinking of her having sex the whole week, tell her to call you names during sex(cuck), glitch her mind with a PREMATURE orgasm if she say something about cheating, say you are a submissive man and she's the one and only...

put yourself in her place, wouldn't be weird your wife started asking you to go fuck other girls?